South Coast, Miami, American Airlines Arena.

A game just ended here, the Heat played against the Magic at home.

The first in the East, the defending champion played against the Magic after Howard left. From the paper strength, the Heat had an absolute advantage.

But they did not win easily, and the regular time failed to decide the winner.

In overtime, Wade made a fatal steal + counterattack layup at the last moment, and staged a near-game winning shot.

112:110, the Heat narrowly defeated their opponents.

The performance of the Big Three was quite eye-catching. James's quasi-triple-double data of 36 points, 11 assists and 8 rebounds was already a routine operation. He scored 10 points in overtime alone, which was an absolute hero.

Wade scored 21 points, Bosh scored 22 points, Ray Allen scored 17 points...

The stars of the Heat all played well.

After the game, they all accepted interviews.

In addition to the interview, the reporter also revealed a hot news to them.

"What? 58 points in a single game? The Pacers' Chinese star? Is this true?"

"He Feng? It's him again? How come this guy is in such good shape?"

"How did he do it? It's really shocking!"

"15 three-pointers in a single game? Wow, it directly raised the historical record by a large margin!"

The four of them were quite shocked.

Never expected that the originally unknown little character would burst out with such terrifying energy.

30 points in a single quarter, 9 out of 9 three-pointers is already a miracle, and I didn't expect there would be a more explosive performance!

58 points in a single game!

Even these long-established star players have never scored so many points.

Of course, as long as they want to score points, they can definitely do it.

But He Feng didn't score points!

Besides, He Feng is under 21 years old.

What the hell is 20 years old?

Continuous outbreaks in just three days are really outrageous!

"It is understood that your opponent in the next game is the Pacers. What do you think about this?" The reporter asked a question that had been prepared.

"Yes, the Pacers are a competitive team, and they also have many excellent players, including George, Hibbert, West, and the Chinese player He Feng.

He Feng is really a magical boy. I don't know why he suddenly became so strong, but I am looking forward to competing with him!"

James' answer was standard and he didn't say anything harsh.

He knows the art of speaking in front of the media.

Wade's style is different from James'. He speaks his mind. "In the second round of the playoffs last season, the Pacers lost to us. When we meet them again this season, the outcome will not change.

Also, that kid named He Feng is really amazing.

But no matter what, I can only give him nine points for his performance. Full marks are impossible.

Two days later, right? We are waiting for them here.

Maybe He Feng can continue to play beautiful data, but what is certain is that they can't take away the victory.

After all, we don't pursue data too much nowadays. What we want is victory!"

Wade's voice is not loud, but his words are full of confidence: the Pacers can't win!

His confidence also comes from his confidence.

In his opinion, He Feng's recent performance is indeed very eye-catching, but that is just personal heroism, which will not work!

Can't they, several famous stars for many years and last season's champions, join forces to strangle him alone?

Moreover, after two consecutive games, He Feng is likely to become lame.

In the NBA, it is not difficult to suddenly break out and perform amazingly. After all, everyone has had their moments of glory.

The most important thing is to maintain stability, which happens to be the most difficult.

Can He Feng maintain it? The probability is very small.

Ninety percent can't!

Ray Allen was much more polite. He was quite calm and said to the reporter with a smile: "This kid has great shooting skills. It is rare to have two consecutive high-level performances.

Maybe I should have a good exchange with him about the experience of shooting three-pointers in actual combat, maybe I can improve my three-point shooting ability."

As the man currently ranked first in the three-point hits list, he is not too arrogant, but humble.

He now has a great interest in He Feng, or it can be said that he appreciates him.


NBA President's Office.

It was late at night, and Stern had not rested yet.

He was still energetic at the age of seventy with gray hair, gold-rimmed glasses.

Watching the report on TV, the old man still couldn't hide his excitement.

"Great! This ultimate offensive performance is simply perfect.

The three-pointer is really accurate! Maybe he can lead a new era.

With good physical fitness, Durant is a littleThe player was dunked and fell to the ground! Shocking scene.

His dribbling is also very good, very smooth, and his passing moves are a bit like a guard!

A perfect superstar embryo! "

Watching He Feng's game clips, Stern gave his own evaluation.

His heart was turbulent and it was difficult to calm down.

"Finally, the right person is here again! ”

He has been in charge of the NBA for nearly 30 years and has successfully made the NBA one of the world's top sports leagues. His main move is to promote the NBA to the world.

He knows that it is far from enough for the NBA to rely solely on the US market.

The huge Chinese market is one of his main goals.

In the 1990s, he waited for several hours in front of the CCTV gate with two NBA videotapes, just to promote the NBA to the Chinese government.

With full sincerity, he began to open the door to the Chinese market.

When Yao Ming entered the NBA in 2002, the Chinese market completely exploded.

The considerable benefits brought by it are obvious.

He has always paid attention to the Chinese market.

However, since Yao Ming retired, the NBA has no Chinese people to support the scene, which is bound to have an impact on this huge market. He is worried about this.

How can the Chinese market pay attention to the NBA again? Or even create a stronger influence?

He knows the answer to the question is simple: NBA only needs to A Chinese star appeared.

But the hard push of A-Lian failed, who else is there?

Finally, the answer to this question is He Feng.

He has always been paying attention to He Feng, after all, he is the only Chinese player in the NBA.

And this kid is very good-looking, he can be marketed, and he can definitely attract a large number of fans.

However, he soon rejected it.

In the NBA, strength is the king after all.

Blind marketing will only be counterproductive like A-Lian back then.

For more than a year, He Feng's performance on the court has been so mediocre.

Stern was about to give up, but two days ago, He Feng suddenly broke out.

9 out of 9 three-pointers in a single quarter! This is a hot spot.

Tonight is even more outrageous: 15 three-pointers in a single game, 58 points in a single game!

Directly detonated the NBA!

He Feng showed super strength, perhaps he will be another All-Star-level Chinese All-Star.

So before that, it is necessary for me to push him.

Stern has made up his mind: the star-making plan can be started!

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