Although there were only 20 seconds left, a five-point difference was not a difficult task for the Western All-Stars.

What they had to do now was to catch up quickly.

Among the current Western All-Stars, the player who had the greatest confidence in scoring steadily was Du Xiaoshuai.

Of course, in terms of scoring ability alone, Kobe, a super scorer, ranked ahead of him.

But the world has changed, and Kobe is no longer the 30-year-old himself.

Moreover, he faced great defensive pressure, and it was obviously not an easy task to score a key goal in front of He Feng.

After thinking it over again and again, Paul chose to hand the ball to Xiaoshuai.

Du Xiaoshuai completed the task perfectly, singled out James and scored the key two points.

"I succeeded in singles against James, I guess Scarlett will look at me with new eyes, right?" Du Xiaoshuai thought.

When he saw Scarlett's expression fluctuate, he was very proud.

There were 16.7 seconds left, and in theory, this was the last chance to attack.

The Western All-Stars had no chance to catch up, so they decided to commit a tactical foul.

The player who stepped onto the free throw line was James.

As long as James made both free throws, he could secure the victory.

If he missed both free throws, the result would be confusing.

James understood the effect of the show, so he chose a compromise and made one of the two free throws.

12.3 seconds ahead by 4 points!

The heartbeats of the audience were the same as the players on the court, and the frequency increased.

The Western All-Stars sent the ball to the frontcourt.

Hardt was tricked by Kobe, and even though he was concentrating, he was still confused by the equally cunning Kobe and "accidentally" committed a foul.

With 8.1 seconds left, Kobe stepped onto the free throw line.

If he missed the first free throw, it could be concluded that the Western All-Stars had no hope.

This level of pressure was nothing to him.

After habitually holding his jersey to absorb sweat, Kobe made the first free throw steadily.

Everyone knew that if Kobe continued to hit the second free throw, the Western Conference All-Stars would also lose.

He had to take a gamble and deliberately miss the shot, betting that Howard and Duncan would grab the rebound, so that there would be a slight chance of winning.

Kobe held his breath and threw the ball.

Sure enough, the basketball hit the iron and bounced high.

James, Bosh, and Garnett were ready, determined to get the basketball in the air.

As a result, the two tough guys, "Dragon King" and "Wolf King", failed to get in position.

Duncan restrained the two, and Howard jumped high and grabbed the rebound.

Sparks made a contribution!

He did not make a random choice due to excessive excitement, and passed the ball to Turtle sitting in the bottom corner.

Who would have thought that it was Turtle who made this crucial shot.

Turtle took off and shot a three-pointer, but the action was still not smooth enough and a little natural.


But the ball went in!

No matter what posture he took, it was a good shot if it went in!

Turtle roared to the sky!

"I've made it!"

I never expected that Turtle would tie the score in the way he was least good at.

The fans cheered loudly.

"Turtle, good job!"

"Turtle, I admit that my voice was a bit loud before, I was wrong!"

"Turtle, you are so damn accurate!"

Westbrook redeemed the image of "hard-headed man" in the hearts of fans with this key three-pointer.

Admittedly, the Western All-Stars' "1+3" was indeed a stroke of genius, but it did not mean that they had dragged the score into overtime, after all, Turtle left 2.7 seconds for the Eastern All-Stars.

In the NBA, a stage full of miracles, 2.7 seconds is enough to rewrite many endings.

The Eastern coach applied for a timeout to make the final tactical arrangements.

"The first problem we need to solve now is - who will end the last attack?"

Spoelstra looked around at everyone, his eyes swept over James, Wade, Gua Ge and others in turn.

James took the lead: "Coach, I'll execute the serve."

Spoelstra sighed, his eyes meaningful, but he nodded.

He continued to arrange tactics and formulated two plans: Wade or Gua Ge would shoot the last ball.

Why not arrange He Feng?

His task is to cover for the two!

He Feng certainly has a bright future, but at this critical moment, he is more willing to believe in Wade, Gua Ge and other big-name stars who are at their peak.

He Feng is quite Buddhist and indifferent.

After the timeout, the last attack finally came.

Spoelstra carefully arranged tactics for Wade and Anthony, but the Western All-Stars also have strategies to deal with it.

Want to catch the ball? It's not that easy!

The tactics carefully formulated by Spoelstra were not executed smoothly.

But the five-second violation of the serve is about to happen, and it can't be delayed any longerDown.


James looked over and saw He Feng retreating two meters outside the arc. The opportunity was fleeting, so he immediately passed the ball.

Take the virtual as the real!

The Western All-Stars and the audience did not expect that the player who executed the last attack was actually the youngest player on the court, He Feng?

Is this the brilliance of Spo?

However, they were just overthinking.

He Feng had already started and made a quick breakthrough.

His dribbling skills were already perfect. Near the free throw line, facing the siege of Durant and Kobe, he suddenly stopped.

Using the time difference, he took a dry jump shot.


The basketball was still spinning in the air, and the edge of the backboard had already lit up red, and the game time was up.


The basketball went into the net.

The score was fixed at 158:160, He Feng made a buzzer-beating shot, and the Eastern All-Stars won!

The atmosphere in the stadium was completely ignited.

The fans were cheering wildly.

Pickle Pepper on the bench rushed up excitedly and bumped into He Feng...

He Feng's first participation in the All-Star Game has already left a strong mark.

Tonight, many big-name stars seem to have become his foil.

In the All-Star MVP selection after the game.

Wade's 25 points, 5 rebounds, and 5 assists, and James' 23 points and 9 assists are both competitive.

But this honor was finally given to He Feng.

He Feng's score was not high, only 15 points, without any advantage, but he hit the key buzzer-beater.

Moreover, he also sent 25 assists throughout the game, directly breaking the record!

Various wonderful passes are amazing, and also let fans witness another possibility of him.

Previously, the highest number of assists in a single game in the All-Star Game was 22 times, which was a feat accomplished by Magic Johnson in the 1984 All-Star Game.

Tonight, He Feng broke this record that had been sealed for nearly 30 years.

"He Feng created an NBA milestone with 25 assists in a single game and became the first Chinese player to win the All-Star Game MVP. Congratulations to He Feng. Let's cheer and applaud He Feng together!"

In the broadcast room, Coach Zhang was excited.

He Feng won the AMVP in his first All-Star trip, and he has achieved another achievement.

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