The aging Celtics' two giants Garnett and Pierce really can't cause any obstacles to the young Pacers.

The first game is a microcosm of this round of the series. After all, the Pacers' second place in the Eastern Conference is not false.

Is there any suspense in the remaining games? No.

Two days later, the second game of the series came.

The Pacers won the game again without bloodshed. He Feng, Paul George, and West scored 20+, and Hibbert and Hill scored 10+.

Facing the Pacers who blossomed in multiple places and scored in double digits, the Celtics were completely unable to resist.

They could only return to Boston with a 0:2 deficit, hoping for a turnaround.

Soon, they faced a cruel reality.

Even if they returned to Boston, the home advantage was not easy to use in the face of the absolute strength gap.

104:81, the Pacers defeated the Celtics again by a large margin and had already won the match point.

The biggest problem facing the Celtics now is that they have too few scoring points. When the unknown Jeff Green became the team's first attacker, it meant that the Celtics really had no one to use on the offensive end.

Jeff Green took 17 shots and scored 21 points, which was only average in efficiency.

Pierce took 15 shots and scored 14 points. Under He Feng's defense, it was really difficult for a veteran like him.

Garnett made 5 of 13 shots and his condition was not good.

The Celtics' counterattack, which was bound to win, was declared a failure.

G4 was the Celtics' life-and-death battle.

It was almost impossible for them to complete a big reversal and eliminate the Pacers to advance to the next round.

After all, it is a veteran strong team, and they also want to be eliminated decently.

For the remaining dignity, the Celtics' veterans also fought hard.

After all, Pierce was a tough guy who could return with full blood after 11 attacks. What big scenes has he not seen?

The defensive intensity he suffered did not weaken. In this case, Pierce scored 29 points and contributed his best performance in this round of the series.

Jeff Green's performance was still very stable, scoring 26 points.

Jason Terry, the "Jet" who helped the "German Old Driver" to defeat the Heat and win the championship two years ago, joined the Celtics last summer. He played an important role in this crucial battle as a substitute in the team, and unknowingly scored 20 points.

Three people scored 20+ points, saving a glimmer of hope for the Celtics.

Pierce and Garnett were relieved. It didn't matter if they lost this round of the series. As long as they could avoid a sweep, it would be enough.

100:106, the Pacers still lost the first playoff game of the year.

On May 1, US time, the Pacers VS Celtics Game 5 started.

Back at home again, the Pacers did not give the Celtics any chance.

33 points in the first quarter and 29 points in the second quarter. At the end of the half, the Pacers' lead had reached double digits.

The second half of the game seemed a bit dull, and the Celtics' counterattack did not cause any waves.

The Pacers firmly controlled the initiative and maintained their lead until the final whistle.

The score was 4:1, and the Pacers easily advanced to the next round.

Encountering a one-round tour, Garnett and Pierce looked at the young people cheering and celebrating the victory not far away, and their eyes were full of loneliness.

Perhaps, their era has really passed.

Time is always so cruel, abandoning them so cleanly.

But they have already put on the championship ring, so they feel no regrets.

They are looking forward to whether this young team can go to the end and win their first championship ring?

The Pacers are not the first team to advance to the second round. The Heat swept the Bucks 4:0 and have been waiting for the next round of opponents.

The Heat's opponent in the second round is the winner between the fifth and fourth teams in the Eastern Conference. The two teams are close in strength and are the first team this year to drag the series into a tiebreaker.

In the end, the Bulls defeated the Nets 4:3 and advanced with difficulty. They will challenge the Heat in the next round.

The Pacers' opponent in the second round is the Knicks, who eliminated the Hawks 4:2, and will face Gua Ge from the Big Apple again.

As for the situation in the West, it has also been released.

In the civil war between the old three youngsters of the Thunder, the eldest and the second brother were more numerous and easily defeated the third brother. The Thunder swept the Rockets 4:1.

The Grizzlies actually eliminated the Clippers 2:4, and it was quite surprising that the underdog defeated the strong.

This is also in line with the Grizzlies' personality: low-key, but their strength should never be underestimated.

The Grizzlies will meet the Thunder in the second round, and their pragmatic defense and gorgeous offense will be a real highlight.

The Lakers who forced their way into the playoffs did not go far. This time, their opponent was the Spurs, and the two were definitely old enemies.

Popovich once said: "I don't want to meet Kobe, because Kobe is too difficult to defend."

This time is different. In order to enter the playoffs, Kobe made too many comebacks and forced to go to the playoffs with injuries. His spirit is commendable, but his strength was not fully exerted.

As for other giants, they also failed to show their due strength, which made 1+1+1+1 far less than 4.

The Lakers were swept by the Spurs 4:1, and this "luxury F4 combination" was completely declared a failure.

Three veterans in their prime years plus a playful super giant at their peak, as expected, did not produce any results.

The Lakers management is destined to be restless during this offseason.

The Warriors defeated the Nuggets 4:2 and entered the second round.

This is indeed beyond the fans' expectations. The Warriors are already satisfied with their entry into the playoffs after many years. They never thought that they could even complete the drama of defeating the strong. It is really a big surprise.

And before the game, some black fans criticized Curry for his frail body and inability to adapt to the fierce playoffs. After all, the playoffs are not a simple shooting training.

Curry slapped the face of black fans with 24.1 points and 8.1 assists in the first round.

Warriors fans are very excited at the moment, and they feel that the future is full of hope.

Facing the Spurs in the second round will be the next test for the Warriors. What kind of surprises will they bring to the fans?

As for the result? It really doesn't matter anymore.

The schedule is extremely tight. After a simple rest, the second round of the playoffs will start quickly, and the game will be more exciting!

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