Fang Qingyan found relevant information about the "Medusa Clan" in the study.

The orcs in Azeroth exist in the form of tribes. There are thousands of orc tribes, and the leader of the tribe is called the chief.

The seven most powerful tribes in Azeroth are the real rulers of the kingdom, similar to the seven royal families of Nikala.

The Medusa clan is one of the seven royal clans of Azeroth. Its members are all strange creatures that are half human and half snake. They are physically strong and fight viciously.

The most frightening thing is the "poison" of Medusa. Once poisoned, you can basically give up treatment and prepare for the funeral in advance!


Fang Qingyan closed the book expressionlessly.

He has given up the idea of ​​treating Carstein any longer.

He is not a saint, and Carstein is not a person who is very important to him. Now that he has done what he should do, it is time to stop decisively.

If he continues, even if Carstein can be cured in the end, Fang Qingyan will pay a huge price.

...That is far beyond the help a housekeeper should give to the head of the family.

"I'll forget about saving you. At most, I'll help you fulfill your last wish. By then, you and I will become one, and it's time for me to leave this place."

Fang Qingyan murmured.

He has decided that if Elizabeth continues to stay at home, he will directly sneak into the Cape clan and kidnap her!

Having mastered the spatial ability, he didn't worry at all that anyone could stop him.

It's just that he kind of doesn't want to do that.

He is a noble marquis vampire, and it is really beneath his status to carry out this robbery like a gentleman.'s better for Carstein to hold on for a few more days.

Capet clan, Marquis Castle.

In a cozy boudoir.

Elizabeth was being held down in front of a huge floor-to-ceiling mirror by several maids, who were forced to put on makeup and change clothes.

It can be seen that she is very reluctant, her little nose is twitching, her long silver ponytails are swinging wildly, she is so beautiful that even rolling her eyes is so cute.

"Damn it, I really don't want to go. What I hate most is this kind of social dance organized by nobles! I want to stay at home, I don't want to go out, I don't want it!!!"

Elizabeth is still making her final struggle, but despite her natural beauty, her fighting ability is pitifully low.

The two maids on the left and right easily subdued her and pinned her down in front of the dressing table... The maids of the Cape clan had many strong men above the viscount level.

There was even a count maid!

Their job is not only to take care of Her Royal Highness the Princess's daily life, but more importantly, to protect Elizabeth's personal safety.

"Princess, don't move. Be good. You'll be fine soon." The maid coaxed and deceived.

"You haven't been out for a year. The Marquis ordered us to take you out today!" Another maid said.

"I don't! I don't! I don't!"

Elizabeth's small mouth tightened, and her beautiful big eyes filled with tears, "I just want to stay at home. There are so many of my favorite love novels in the castle. I can enjoy the most delicious spiritual food in the world at home. Why go out?"

Everyone was immediately speechless.

Other people's princesses hate staying at home and dress up every day. They wish that all the men in the world would appreciate their beauty, surrender to their charm, and enjoy the feeling of being surrounded by stars...

Those who play too crazy may even be punished by being grounded.

Our Princess of the Cape family is quite good, she looks like a super otaku!

Ever since I first came into contact with romance novels at the age of six, I have been immersed in the world of novels every day and couldn't extricate myself. I imagined that I was the heroine in the book and experienced episodes of lingering, unforgettable love!

...In fact, this otaku has never even been in love.

The place where the Capet clan has the largest collection of books is not the luxurious study of Marquis Morpheus... but the palace of Her Royal Highness the Princess, which has a collection of love novels, essays, and poems from hundreds of countries around the world...

There are millions of copies, which can be called crazy!

Therefore, Elizabeth is not only a super otaku and a senior researcher on love, but also an ultimate "literary youth".

This is obviously inconsistent with the character of a "princess"!

A donkey worth three copper coins cannot pull out of the pen.

So in a rage, Duke Morpheus confiscated all of Elizabeth's romance novels, and ordered the maids to drag the otaku out of the house and throw her into the aristocratic circle!

"Your Highness, if you really yearn for love, you should meet more outstanding young talents. You can't get Prince Charming by burying yourself in novels!"

The count's maid said to her with a serious expression.

Elizabeth's beautiful blue amber eyes stared, and she wanted to say something philosophical to refute the ignorant maid, but after thinking about it, she found that the other party was impeccable.

So she could only blush and sneer: "There is beauty in the book... As long as I read all the love novels in the world, my prince charming will come to me!"

Maid: "Haha, →_→."

Everyone couldn't help but force Elizabeth to put on makeup and put on a big red skirt with golden lace.

The smooth mirror reflected Elizabeth's appearance.

Her pure white long hair slanted down her fair back. Under her long eyelashes was a pair of clear aqua eyes. Her delicate and pretty face had a hint of anger, and her small crystal ears were hanging down. Dazzling emerald earrings, the graceful figure is shrouded in a gorgeous red dress...

Amazing beauty, stunning beauty!

The huge floor-to-ceiling mirror swayed slightly, as if even it was attracted by the beauty of this peerless beauty.

"Tsk, this is what our Capet princess looks like!"

The maids' eyes lit up.

Without further ado, they carried Elizabeth out of the door, got on a luxurious carriage, and drove out of the castle.


The cry of an eagle cut through the sky.

A night falcon with a purple body and three hairs on its head flapped its wings, penetrated the thick clouds, and disappeared over the castle...



PS: Let me explain, my cousin got married, and I was suddenly dragged to be the best man without any knowledge or preparation.

This chapter was written on my mobile phone at the wedding. Sorry, readers, I will make up for it later.

I heard that being a best man will get you beaten, I don't know if it's true, I hope I can spend this night safely. .

Chapter 28

Castle Carstein, housekeeper's room

Inside a high-end coffin worth eight thousand gold coins.

Fang Qingyan's eyebrows twisted into a ball, and fine beads of sweat oozed from his forehead.

His skin was sometimes deep blue and sometimes red gold.

The blood of the dual attributes of yin and yang roared in his body.

After nine months of intensive practice, Fang Qingyan's blood had been filled to the extreme, just like a cup full of water that could no longer accommodate a stone.

He knew that it was time for him to break through the realm.


He could even clearly hear the sound of his energetic blood flow in his ears, and every beat of his heart was as shocking as a giant hammer hitting a war drum.

Fang Qingyan stimulated his blood to a nearly violent state. If it weren't for the indestructible body of the Marquis, his body might have been torn into pieces by the raging blood power.

Although he had entered the most critical moment of breaking through the realm, he remained absolutely calm in his heart, and everything was under control!

Finally, when the blood and qi were stimulated to a certain critical point, Fang Qingyan's body suddenly trembled!


Instantly, the surging blood and qi suddenly broke away from the original track, like a wild horse that had broken free from its reins, carrying violent energy, and rushed to Fang Qingyan's back fiercely... To be precise, it was the shoulder blades on both sides of his back.

After the blood and qi rushed here, it encountered shackles.

It was as if the Ren and Du meridians in martial arts novels were not connected, blocking the flow of blood and qi.

These two places are the key to the advancement of Zero Wing Marquis to "Dual Wings". For millions of years, countless marquises have failed before this level.

How can it be so easy to break the shackles of fate?

Fang Qingyan was also stuck here, unable to make any progress.

Seeing that this advancement was about to end in failure.

Suddenly, a change occurred!

The deep blue blood power of the extreme yin attribute suddenly turned into the red-gold extreme yang power. The inside of the coffin was like a pressure cooker. The air pressure and temperature instantly exploded. Fang Qingyan's whole body was burning with golden light. That was the breath of the sun's fire!


With a sudden impact, the shackles shook violently.

Fang Qingyan was calm and composed, and once again transformed from the extreme yang to the extreme yin form, and then hit hard!

The shackles loosened a little...

Next, he continued to transform his form, using the extreme yang power and the extreme yin power to cross-strike.

Yin and Yang mixed doubles!

Ice and fire!

Even the most stubborn shackles could not withstand such torment.

Finally, with a "click" sound in his mind, Fang Qingyan broke through the shackles with an extremely strong attitude.

Suddenly, the clouds and mist were cleared and the blue sky was seen.

He broke through to the middle stage of the marquis very smoothly.

The raging blood in the body gradually became dormant, and the mental power doubled.

"The scope of application of spatial superpowers has increased a lot."

A satisfied look appeared in Fang Qingyan's eyes, and he smiled, "Within a range of 200 meters, it's all my world!"

But soon, he remembered something, his expression showed doubt, and he murmured: "By the way, where are my holy wings?"

After the breakthrough, he should have grown two wings.


As soon as the thought came up, Fang Qingyan's eyes widened and he took a breath of cold air.

A strange feeling attacked his mind from the shoulder blade position behind him, very itchy and very painful!

The itching and pain were unbearable, Fang Qingyan wanted to find a pillar, lean on it, and then rub it up and down...


A sound sounded, like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon.

The skin and flesh on the upper left side of the back suddenly broke open a palm-sized hole, and then a blood-red wing "swished" out and flapped gently.

This wing is a full meter long, but it has no feathers. The hideous bones are like the veins on a leaf, crisscrossing.

The wing is surrounded by blood-red light, strange and beautiful.


There was another light sound, Fang Qingyan's body shook, and a wing popped out from the shoulder blade on the right side of his back.

The shape is the same as the left wing, but the color is dazzling red gold, with bursting Yang Yan surging on it, which is also amazingly beautiful.


With the appearance of the two "holy wings" of one red and one gold, the blood and qi in Fang Qingyan's body suddenly surged several times!

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