Before Ye Qingqing retreated, she asked Qin Xuan to take care of her junior sisters, and Qin Wei also came.

Therefore, Qin Xuan naturally had to keep his promise and take care of her junior sisters and his niece Qin Wei for Ye Qingqing.

Of course, if they weren't in danger, Qin Xuan wouldn't have made a move.


, the sound of war drums thundered, and the horn of war sounded at this moment.

The combined forces of the three feudal kings began to siege the city at this moment.

Countless soldiers, armed with knives and guns, launched the first round of attacks on the Qin capital one after another.

"The Monk Legion turned out to be all Spirit Fetal Realm monks, and there were many Spirit Infant Realm monks at the lead. Suddenly

, Qin Xuan's brows furrowed slightly, and he felt a spiritual power swept across the battlefield, surging like a sea tide.

This world is a world of monks, but the legions of monks naturally came into being.

Regardless of which side of the faction is a legion of monks, but the legions of monks are naturally strong and weak.

And these monk legions are mainly composed of Spiritual Qi Realm monks, and with a sufficient number of Spiritual Sea Realm monks, they can form a strong combat power.

Among the more powerful monk legions, the Spirit Sea Realm will become the backbone of the main force, and there will be Spirit Fetal Realm monks among them, and one or two Spirit Infant Realm monks, once such a monk legion appears. Strength is extraordinary, and it is definitely a nightmare on the battlefield.

And the monk legion organized by the alliance of the feudal kings in front of him is like the latter, with tens of thousands of Spiritual Qi Realm monks as the vanguard, and the backbone is the Spiritual Sea Realm monks, among which there are hundreds of Spiritual Fetal Realm monks and three Spiritual Infant Realm monks, forming an extremely powerful monk legion.

This legion shows that the alliance of the vassal kings is fully prepared this time, and the forces behind them can be said to be fully helping, wanting to take the Qin capital, otherwise the three vassal kings will definitely not be able to organize such a powerful army of monks.

"I don't know how the monk legion is on this side of the imperial court?" Qin Xuan was a little curious at the moment.

Although he is a member of the Great Qin Imperial Family, he is not very clear about the strength of the entire dynasty, especially the strength of the military department, but this time he can see it clearly.

"Kill!" The

moment the monk legion of the coalition army appeared, a murderous roar came, and the monk legion on the side of the court also dispatched at this moment.

With this voice coming out, a dense figure rushed out from within the Qin capital to meet the alliance army's monk legion.

"Yes, the strength is not weaker than the other party at all!" Qin

Xuan's eyes lit up as he looked at the monk legion that rushed out.

Qin Qinghe was obviously well prepared, and also organized a powerful army of monks, among which there were many children of the royal family, among which the leading figures were also in the Spirit Infant Realm, and even one of them was a prince of the imperial family.

"The royal family should be like this, when the country is in danger, the royal family should set an example, instead of hiding behind the scenes. Qin Xuan felt that there were many royal children in this army of monks.

Some of these children are very young, many of them are Spiritual Qi Realm monks, and there are also Spiritual Sea Realm monks, but these children are all fearless, this is the temperament that the Great Qin Imperial Family should have in times of crisis.

"Over the years that the imperial brother has been on the throne, although he has been constrained by various places, he has still brought many changes to Daqin, and he can organize such a monk army, and even make the children of the royal family willing to join it, the imperial brother deserves the title of emperor, and no one wants to pull you off this throne. Qin Xuan spoke.

Such a legion, Qin Xuan thought that he could also organize it, and the resources he obtained by signing in alone were enough to cultivate such a legion.

"However, these monk legions should not be the key to separating the winners and losers, and the person who really decides the victory or defeat of the two sides has not yet appeared, so let me continue to watch.

Qin Xuan's gaze was on the rear of the coalition army, where there were three powerful auras circulating, and they had even stronger monks forming a force that could not be ignored, and that force was the biggest hole card of the coalition army.

And on the side of the Great Qin Dynasty, Qin Xuan's eyes fell on Qin Qinghe's side, and there was a man in golden armor standing proudly beside him.

The man in the golden armor was the commander of the forbidden army of the Qin Capital, Duan Wu, who was at the peak of the Spirit Infant Realm.

"Your Majesty, the army of monks has begun to fight, it is very dangerous here, please avoid it!" Duan Wu said in a deep voice.

"This battle is not trivial, I can't retreat, the city is here, the city is broken!" Qin Qinghe said loudly.

And as soon as he said this, Qin Longwei and these soldiers were instantly moved.

"The ministers will swear to protect Your Majesty!" Qin

Longwei and these soldiers immediately said loudly.

In the past, they were afraid of the strength of the first emperor Qin Tianming and surrendered, but now the saint Qin Qinghe does not have the strength of the first emperor to look down on the world, but he has a strong personality charm, and it is this kind of personality charm that makes them willing to surrender.

The sound of war drums shook the sky, and countless armies wearing battle armor were pressed in black, approaching the city wall of the Qin capital, like dark clouds pressing down on the city.

Among them, those monks who were not wearing battle armor and were armed with various weapons were extremely conspicuous in the army.

Their speed was extremely fast, and they broke away from the army in an instant, as if a group of evil tigers had discovered their prey, exuding a terrifying aura, and rushed towards the walls of the Qin Capital.

The rebel army of monks was extremely fast, and soon rushed to the city wall, even if it was blocked by the wall as high as a hundred feet, they were not afraid, and one by one they used various means to rise into the air and climb over the city wall.

And the monk legion of the imperial court naturally followed suit, and various means were frequently used, fighting with the incoming rebels.

In an instant, countless forces erupted in the air, cutting through the entire city wall, and countless monks were fighting, fighting from the ground to the sky.

Monks have fallen all the time, and even those Spirit Fetal Realm monks have fallen in this great battle.

The spiritual fetus realm monk is a rare master in Kyushu, but at this moment, he has turned into an ordinary soldier, and he has fallen one after another.

The battle was extremely tragic.

At the moment when the battle of the monk legion began, the subsequent huge legions also crushed and launched the most ferocious attack on the Qin capital from all directions.

In the rear of the rebels, the three major feudal kings and the representatives of the forces behind them saw this scene and watched the tragic battle.

"This Qin Qinghe is really unusual, he can even organize such a powerful army of monks, if he is given a few more years, we vassal kings really won't have a chance. King Jing looked at this scene and sighed.

"That's right, it's really better to strike first, if it drags on for a few more years, I'm afraid it really has no chance of winning!" King Yun also said happily.

"However, now that our strength is superior, Qin Qinghe has no chance!" King Jiang said viciously.

It's just that as soon as their words fell, Qin Qinghe, who was standing proudly on the city wall, suddenly became extremely fierce, and then spoke: "It should all be here, it's time to start!"

As his words fell, Qin Du's surroundings suddenly surged, and countless spiritual powers turned into streamers that rose to the sky and converged into the sky.

And above this sky, circles of light continued to spread, and a huge formation appeared under the sky.

On top of the formation, the flow of spiritual power continued to pour out, constantly pouring towards the imperial army.

"It turned out to be Brahma Pure Sound Monk controlling the formation!" Qin Xuan said with a look of surprise when he saw this scene.


The author has something to say:

The first time I wrote about this kind of war scene, it was so difficult to write, I felt that I couldn't write well, I wrote and deleted, deleted and wrote, and I wrote from 8 o'clock in the morning to 12 o'clock, and I was barely satisfied, so I sent it out.

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