Dead silence!

Everyone watched this scene with their mouths slightly open and their faces in surprise, unable to believe what had just happened.

None of them could believe that Princess Qin Wei had really defeated Tuobo.

This Tuobo is the one who even Li Chunjun has defeated.

The result was really beyond everyone's expectations.

And with such a result, Qin Wei was not surprised at all.

When she comprehended the three Ten Thousand Star Flying Immortal Diagrams, her imperial uncle Qin Xuan had already asserted that he could catch her sword intent, and he could count it on one hand in the Spirit Fetus Realm.

And at this moment, she is already the fourth level of the Spirit Fetal Realm, and she has comprehended the nine Ten Thousand Stars Flying Immortal Diagram, which makes her sword intent more and more refined, and also makes her control of sword intent reach the point of perfection.

Under the long river of sword intent, within the spirit fetus realm, no one must be able to stop it, which is also the reason why Qin Wei stood up so confidently.

"Ten thousand swords roared in unison, and the sword intent turned into a long river, which reminded me of the sword battle between the first emperor and the sword nine heavens!" The

silent elder of the imperial family, who had been sitting on the side, suddenly spoke heartily.

When everyone heard this, they all showed surprise.

The battle between Qin Tian's Mandate and the Sword Nine Heavens is extremely famous.

It's just that that scene was a hundred years ago, and many of the people who witnessed that battle have already been buried in the ground, and I am afraid that only the great elder who was present witnessed that battle.

In that battle, it was rumored that Qin Tianming was in the sky above the imperial city, and he used the Great Yan Sword Codex, and the ten thousand swords in the imperial city resounded together, turning into a long river of sword intent, and one sword defeated the sword Nine Heavens, which can be said to be extremely exciting.

And at this moment, Qin Wei actually reproduced the scene at that time, although Qin Wei only caused the ten thousand swords in the palace to roar.

But Qin Wei's cultivation is only fourfold at this moment.

When everyone thought of this, they all looked at Qin Wei with shocked expressions.

Isn't this Qin Wei Mo the next Qin Tianming?

And at this moment, Qin Wei fell in front of Tuo Bo and said lightly: "You lost."

Tuobo was lying on the ground, his face was ugly, he couldn't believe that he would lose, and he kept saying angrily: "Impossible, I can't lose, you must be cheating!"

He began to practice at the age of six, entered the Heavenly Wolf Mountain Range, obtained a supreme opportunity, and even killed the enemy on the border between the two countries, I don't know how many Great Qin soldiers died at his hands.

Those soldiers of Great Qin were terrified of him, and even gave him the title of the Hungry Wolf of the Grassland.

He thought that his strength was invincible in the Spirit Fetus Realm, but at this moment, he was defeated by Princess Daqin, and the other party was only the fourth level of the Spirit Fetus Realm, which was completely unacceptable to him.

"I can't afford to lose so much, I really don't deserve to be a man. Hearing this, Qin Wei immediately spoke disdainfully.

As he spoke, Qin Wei suddenly raised the sword in his hand, and then slashed towards Tuobo's crotch with lightning speed.

This sword is fast, accurate, and ruthless.

The sword fell, and a stream of blood shot out, followed by a scream like a pig being killed.

The screams were so terrible that everyone's hearts trembled, and they looked at the scene on the field with an unbelievable face, especially the men present, looking at Tuobo at this moment, he unconsciously tightened his feet, and felt a little cold there.

"Imperial Sister ......" The corners of Qin Yan's mouth twitched at the moment, feeling that his lower body was a little cold, and then he thought about it, whether he usually offended his imperial sister.

After being convinced that there was none, he suddenly felt a sense of relief.

"Wei'er, she, how can she learn Qingqing. Qin Qinghe was also stunned.

"Wei'er, you ......" Queen Shiyun was also stunned, not knowing what to say.

"What the hell have you done!" The

people from the Heavenly Wolf Dynasty mission also came to their senses at this moment, and many people rushed forward, some of them rescued Tuobo, while others surrounded Qin Wei, as if they were going to be unfavorable to her.

When Qin Qinghe saw this scene, he immediately waved his hand, and the guards immediately rushed forward to protect the princess Qin Wei.

In an instant, the two sides entered a tense situation, and the slightest carelessness was afraid that blood would flow into a river.

"Emperor Great Qin, we have sent an envoy this time, and why did your princess do this? Do you want to give an explanation to the Heavenly Wolf Dynasty?" an old man from the Heavenly Wolf Dynasty's mission asked loudly.

"Just now, Weier and Prince Tuobo made a bet before they fought, Prince Tuobo won, Weier married the Sirius Dynasty and relatives, if Prince Tuobo loses, he will leave one thing, Wei'er's move must be to fulfill his promise. Qin Qinghe stood up at this moment and spoke calmly.

"Yes, I'm just fulfilling my promise, you don't want to regret it, right?" Qin Wei asked rhetorically.

When the people of the Heavenly Wolf Dynasty heard this, they were immediately speechless, and before the two fought, they did make a bet.

"But how can this be the one thing you said you left behind!" the leading old man asked loudly.

"If you can't afford to lose like this, then don't be a man, and you won't have to think about kissing in the future, isn't it a good thing? Besides, I didn't take his life, shouldn't you be grateful to Dade?" Qin Wei said in a weird manner.

"You!" the old man was so stunned by Qin Wei that he almost didn't vomit blood.

Didn't take Tuobo's life? As a result, he took his life, which made Tuobo how to live in the next life, and let him return to the Heavenly Wolf Dynasty How to explain to the Great Khan.

"Stand down for me.

At this moment, a hoarse voice suddenly came from the Sky Wolf Mission.

And after this voice came, the people of the Heavenly Wolf Dynasty immediately looked at the person who spoke, it was a thin old man.

As the old man's words fell, the people of the Heavenly Wolf Dynasty retreated, even though they were full of unwillingness.

The scene was suddenly resolved.

Qin Qinghe also noticed this old man at this moment, and in an instant, his face suddenly became solemn, and he secretly thought in his heart: "I'm afraid this person is the great wizard Zamuhe."

"The men of the Heavenly Wolf Dynasty have always been willing to gamble and lose, and since they have promised, they will leave one thing behind if they lose, and they should naturally cash it out. The thin old man continued to speak, and no emotion could be heard in his tone.

When the people of the Heavenly Wolf Dynasty heard this, they all lowered their heads and remained silent.

The people of the Great Qin Dynasty all looked at this thin old man.

A few words of understatement made everyone in the Heavenly Wolf Dynasty surrender, and the identity of this old man was extremely extraordinary.

The thin old man naturally noticed that the eyes of everyone in the Great Qin Dynasty were on him, so he slowly got up and spoke in a hoarse voice: "I am a Muhe, and I have seen everyone in the Great Qin Dynasty. "


As the old man reported his origins, the audience fell into a dead silence.

When the envoy of the Heavenly Wolf Dynasty came, the Great Qin Dynasty received the news, and the legendary Great Wizard Zamu Guild came with it.

It's just that when the great wizard revealed his identity, everyone still looked shocked.

can make the first emperor say that as long as Zamuhe is here

, the Great Qin Dynasty will not go north, and he will definitely be an extremely legendary figure, and this legendary figure is now in person with the Great Qin Dynasty, which makes the hearts of the people of the Great Qin Dynasty feel more dignified.

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