The ships slowly sailed through the canal, then entered the river, and on the fifth day entered the East China Sea from the mouth of the sea.

After entering the East China Sea, the warship turned around and began to go all the way south, heading to Nanhai Prefecture and reaching the capital of the Chen Dynasty in Nanhai Prefecture.

And Qin Xuan stood on the bow of the ship and felt the scenery of the East China Sea.

"Have you heard of

a legend?" "What legend?" "

It is rumored that there is an island in the East China Sea, and it is rumored that a saint lives there. "

Saint, what saint, person who cultivates in the Holy Spirit Realm?"

"Yes, it is rumored that the island is covered with clouds and mist all the year round, revealing a mystery.

"I've also heard that many people from the seashore have gone to explore the island of the saint, and some have even arrived, and on the island they have seen a white-clothed saint fishing, indescribably elegant. "

I've also heard this rumor, it is said that after meeting that person, he will give an elixir that makes people cultivate quickly, which is really extremely mysterious.

Just as Qin Xuan was enjoying the scenery of the sea, the sound of some of the crew members talking below him came from below.

"The mysterious island in the East China Sea is interesting. Qin Xuan showed a hint of interest when he heard this.

This made Qin Xuan easily think of the legend of Penglai Immortal Island, but there may not be any Penglai Island in this Kyushu border, but according to this rumor, there may be such islands in the East China Sea.

As for that saint, Qin Xuan could easily understand him as a monk of the Holy Spirit Realm.

Although it is said that the Nine Dragons Soul has not been repaired, the Holy Spirit Realm will not be born.

However, maybe this Holy Spirit Realm monk lived a long time ago to the present?

Because the lifespan of a Spirit Realm monk is at least 5,000 years, so the lifespan of a Holy Spirit Realm monk is not too much.

Therefore, Qin Xuan thought that there might really be a monk from the Holy Spirit Realm on that island.

"Unfortunately, if I hadn't been going to the Chen Dynasty, I would have really wanted to explore this mysterious island in the East China Sea. Qin Xuan muttered to himself.

I want to go, but I don't have the opportunity now.

However, Qin Xuan thought that there would be a chance in the future.

Time passed quickly, and after about ten days, the warship entered the sea area of Nanhai Prefecture, and it would be about five or six days before it could reach the Chen Dynasty.

This area is very different from the East China Sea, which is vast, but it is difficult to see islands on it.

However, the South China Sea is an area of islands, and islands and reefs are endless.

And on these islands and reefs, there are demons and humans.

As for the Chen Dynasty, it was on a group of islands close to the mainland.

There is a great difference between the Chen Dynasty and the Great Qin Dynasty, the Great Qin Dynasty has strong imperial power, and there are very few strong families within the dynasty, only those powerful sect forces.

The Chen Dynasty, on the other hand, was composed of many families who lived on various islands.

Qin Xuan's mother's Chen family lived on the largest island in the group of islands.

Because the Chen family once had close ties with the Great Qin Dynasty, they received great help from the Great Qin Dynasty, and at the same time, through maritime trade, the Chen family accumulated strong strength and wealth.

Therefore, the Chen family conquered many surrounding islands with strong strength, and thus established the imperial dynasty on the island, the Chen Dynasty.

After the war to destroy the country, the Chen royal family also weakened rapidly, and other families also rose.

Now within the Chen Dynasty, in addition to the Chen royal family, there are also the four major families of the Lu family, the Qiao family, the Xia family, and the Xu family.

Therefore, the Chen Dynasty is now actually governed by the five major families of Chen, Lu, Qiao, Xia, Xu, and more.

And this information was all collected by the people of Qin Qinghe's Heavenly Luo Hall to Qin Xuan.

"Why did you rebel back then?" Qin Xuan thought about the villain of the Chen Dynasty back then.

The status of the Chen royal family at that time was completely dependent on the Great Qin Dynasty, but it rebelled inexplicably, and Qin Xuan didn't understand the reason for this after seeing the information Qin Qinghe gave him.

The rebellion of the Chen Dynasty really did no harm in Qin Xuan's eyes.

Not to mention that being sanctioned by the Great Qin Dynasty put the Chen Dynasty in a difficult situation, without the support of the Great Qin Dynasty, how should the Chen Dynasty face the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom in

Nanhai Prefecture? In Nanhai Prefecture, although the demon clan and the human race can live together, the two sides have not yet reached that kind of harmonious relationship, and friction occurs from time to time.

Just like now, the Chen Dynasty is sanctioned by the Great Qin Dynasty, and it has to pay tribute to the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom, so the internal life of the entire Chen Dynasty is not easy.

And after the rebellion, the cause of the rebellion could not be found back then.

In short, the reason for this rebellion is something that no one can understand.

"Forget it, this is also a thing of the past, don't want to, the important thing now is to arrive at the capital of the Chen Dynasty. Qin Xuan let out a long sigh and looked up at the sea.

The shadows of many ships can be seen above the sea.

These ships were engaged in trade with the mainland, transporting resources from the mainland and the sea to each other, and through trading, they could earn a lot of wealth for spiritual practice.


When Qin Xuan looked at the sea, his brows suddenly furrowed slightly, and he saw several ships flying quickly across the sea.

And on top of these ships, there are large black flags with patterns that are uncomfortable to look at.

"These ships, are they?" Qin Xuan frowned, and immediately thought of a possibility.

"Pirate, it's a pirate!" and

at this moment, a scream came from one of the palace maids on the ship.

"Really. When Qin Xuan heard this, he didn't have a trace of panic and continued to look at the pirate ships sailing on the sea.

At the same time, strange lights began to shine on the big ship, which were engraved with runes on the warship to protect the ship.

"Your Highness, there is some danger here, so leave it to us. At this moment, the captain of the ship's guards ran over and said to Qin Xuan.

The head of the guard was a ninth-spirited monk in charge of the ship's safety.

At this moment, Qin Xuan was a person who had no cultivation at all in the eyes of the guards because he was hiding his cultivation.

Moreover, before leaving, he had been ordered to protect Qin Xuan's safety, which made him think that Qin Xuan was an ordinary person with no cultivation.

"It's okay, the other party's target is not us, let's protect ourselves and be careful not to get near them. Qin Xuan said.

When the commander heard this, he immediately took the order and left.

Qin Xuan continued to observe those pirate ships.

Those pirate ships really weren't the target.

At this moment, those pirate ships were chasing a merchant ship about ten zhang long.


?" Qin Xuan looked at the ship being chased by pirates in the distance, his expression was slightly stunned, "It can't be so coincidental, right?"

On that merchant ship, Qin Xuan also saw a big flag, and there was a big Chen character written on this big flag, which naturally reminded him of the Chen royal family.

"Hahaha, the little princess of the Chen family, I see where you go. And

at this moment, a wild laugh came from a pirate ship.

I saw a man with a big knife on his shoulder and blue skin standing at the bow of the pirate ship, a man from the blue-faced Siren clan to be exact.

"Little princess of the Chen family? Qin Xuan was slightly surprised when he heard this voice.

The third chapter was not finished, so I rested first, and then wrote it during the day.

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