
A pitch-black figure quietly fell into the Great Qin Palace, and then entered the Taimiao at a ghostly speed.

This person was naturally Qin Xuan who had returned from Nanhai Prefecture.

Nanhai Prefecture is tens of thousands of miles away from Zhongzhou, and the cultivation of the Spirit Fetus Realm will take at least a few days to travel through the sky.

However, Qin Xuan's strength only took two days to return.

When he returned to the temple, it had only been five days since he left.

"Deity!" After

Qin Xuan entered the Ancestral Palace, the clone immediately greeted him.

Qin Xuan nodded at this doppelganger, and then the doppelganger dissipated and merged into his body, and what had happened in the five days since he left also entered his mind.

"Qin Yuan's Old Ancestor is approaching.

Qin Xuan sorted out the things in the past five days, and his expression was a little lonely.

It turned out that in the past five days, Qin Yuan had been to the Shouzu Palace, chatted with his clone, and also said that his limit was approaching.

He has been in Taimiao for several years, and he has not actually communicated with Qin Yuan much, but after all, he is also a person who has lived together for several years, and he always has a trace of affection.

"If it weren't for the fact that your life is approaching, my Huitian Pill can help you live at least one more time. Qin Xuan sighed.

He has the Huitian Pill on his body, which can almost bring people back to life, but it's a pity that Qin Yuan is about to end his life, so the Huitian Pill is invalid.

Soon, Qin Xuan restrained his emotions, took out the Ten Thousand Stars Flying Immortal Diagram, and began to delve into it.

Because Qin Yuan's limit is approaching, Qin Xuan will definitely not leave the Taimiao Temple during this time, and he will spend all his time on the Ten Thousand Stars Flying Immortal Diagram of Enlightenment.

Comprehending the Ten Thousand Stars Flying Immortal Diagram is actually very simple, that is, looking at the eighty-one diagrams, visualizing the mysteries in the diagram, simulating with one's own divine thoughts, and then simulating with the aura, and finally the aura and the divine thoughts are combined into one, revealing the Ten Thousand Stars Flying Immortal Diagram.

Although the method is simple, it is extremely difficult to do.

This requires perfect control of divine thoughts and aura, and then fusing them, and then drawing a picture of ten thousand stars flying immortals.

For seven days in a row, Qin Xuan put all his energy into visualizing the Ten Thousand Stars Flying Immortal Diagram.

And this Ten Thousand Stars Flying Immortal Diagram is much more difficult than the method that Qin Xuan practiced.

In the past, he understood in seconds, but this Ten Thousand Stars Flying Immortal Diagram, even if he relied on the idea of heaven and earth, each pair still took him a lot of time, and the more he went to the back, the more difficult it became.

In seven days, Qin Xuan had only comprehended the twenty-four diagrams.

And on the night of comprehending the twenty-four diagrams, Qin Xuan once again laid out the magic circle, leaving the Shouzu Palace isolated from the world.

The next moment, Qin Xuan's divine thoughts moved, and the aura was also released.

In the next moment, the divine thought and the aura fused, spreading in all directions with Qin Xuan as the center.

Then, the surrounding space turned into a starry sky, and countless stars shone brightly, blooming with wonderful brilliance, and then a starry realm descended.

Qin Xuan urged the Star Realm, and the realm had various changes.

"Amazing, these are only twenty-four pictures, that is, there are so many changes, if you really comprehend ninety-nine eighty-one, the power is really incalculable.

Qin Xuan felt the mystery of the changes in the star map, and he also had to sigh that the Ten Thousand Stars Flying Immortal Chart was indeed infinitely mysterious.

It was only twenty-four pictures, and now Qin Xuan's combat power had increased a lot again.


Great Qin Palace, Baohe Palace.

At this moment, Qin Qinghe was taking the civil and military ministers of the Great Qin Dynasty to wait for the people of Brahma Jingyin to come in the Baohe Palace.

The matter of the demon seed has long been rumored, but it is not easy to find out the person who has the demon seed.

The demon seed is too deep to be hidden, and it is difficult to find unless someone is willing to actively release the demon seed.

However, the people of Brahma have the ability to see through the demon seed.

Brahma Pure Sound majored in divine thoughts and visualizations, and with the help of divine thoughts and visualizations, it is possible to see if there is a demon seed hidden in a person's body.

Therefore, after Qin Qinghe got the news, he immediately contacted Brahma Jingyin.

Needless to say, the relationship between Brahma Jingyin and the Great Qin Dynasty must be fully supported, and he is ready to send two elders and several holy women to the Great Qin Dynasty to help Qin Qinghe.

Soon, the chief eunuch in the palace led a group of more than ten people into the Baohe Palace.

At the head were two handsome middle-aged women, followed by many extremely beautiful women.

These people are naturally the people of Brahma.

The two women at the head were naturally the elders of Brahma Pure Sound, and behind them were the holy maidens and the outstanding disciples of Brahma Pure Sound.

Among this group of people, after Ye Qingqing entered the Baohe Palace, he looked left and right, and did not find the person he was looking for, so he immediately gritted his teeth angrily.

"Sister Qingqing, then Qin Xuan didn't come?"

a dignified-looking woman beside Ye Qingqing asked in a low voice to Ye Qingqing.

"Stinky Qin Xuan, he said that I was coming today, but he didn't come to pick me up, and I want him to look good later. Ye Qingqing said angrily.

"I really want to see what Qin Xuan looks like who makes our Qingqing miss day and night. The woman said with a smile.

"Who...... Whoever cares about it day and night, I'll ...... I just want to read the novels he wrote. Ye Qingqing heard others talk about thinking about day and night, and her face suddenly turned red.

"On the way, you seem to have read Qin Xuan's name many times. The woman said with a smile.

"Senior Sister Shiyun, look, the prince brother you miss is right in front of you, and you don't act yet. Ye Qingqing suddenly spoke, with a playful smile on her face.

"I ......" Shiyun was speechless when he heard this, and his eyes wandered towards Qin Qinghe.

seemed to feel Qin Qinghe's gaze on her, which made her blush.

"Senior sister, you have to work hard this time, you will be the crown princess by then. Ye Qingqing spoke in a low voice.

"Hu ...... Nonsense. "The poetic opening is slurred.

"How can there be nonsense, the crown prince of the Great Qin Dynasty must marry a woman with Brahma Jingyin, and now the prince's brother has not married a wife, so you have to work hard. Ye Qingqing said again.

When Shiyun heard this, her face became more and more red, and her eyes were aimed at Qin Qinghe from time to time.

And Qin Qinghe over there was two elders talking, and soon the conversation ended, and Qin Qinghe was the one who led Brahma Jingyin to take a seat.

"Qingqing, this time is very dangerous, you don't want to run blindly in the future. When he arrived at Ye Qingqing, Qin Qinghe said very seriously, "If it weren't for that senior this time, you wouldn't be able to come back." "

Got it, I won't run around in the future. Ye Qingqing said very seriously.

"Well, that's how it should be. Qin Qinghe nodded and spoke.

"Brother Prince, let me introduce you, Senior Sister Shiyun, the first holy daughter of Brahma Jingyin. Ye Qingqing suddenly pulled Shiyun at this moment and introduced her to Qin Qinghe.

Shiyun was suddenly a little overwhelmed, and hurriedly spoke: "I've seen the prince."

"The saintess of poetry and rhyme, if she is really talented and beautiful, it is really better to see than to hear. Qin Qinghe also said with a smile when he saw Shiyun.

"Brother Prince, then Senior Sister Shiyun will be handed over to you, I'll go first. Ye Qingqing saw that this was a play, and immediately said.

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