After simulating crimes 100,000 times, I became an ace detective

Chapter 103 Found criminal evidence, the deceased's clothes and a large amount of drugs from 20

These are more than twenty neatly arranged human skeletons.

Xu Changsheng, who had seen many murder scenes and victims' bodies, couldn't help but feel his heart tremble, and his scalp felt numb beyond words.


Having been engaged in criminal investigation for more than ten years, he can judge with just one glance...

The skeletons in front of you are not models at all, but real human skeletons that were removed bit by bit from the human body, then embalmed with formalin and then dried.

This also represents.

In this studio, Zhou Shirui dissected at least twenty corpses, or killed more than twenty people and turned them into his own works?

at this time.

Xu Changsheng did not dare to think about it further. He knew very well that if Zhou Shirui had really killed so many people quietly in so many years.

I really don’t know whether it’s because Zhou Shirui’s criminal IQ is so high, or because the Huaihai Criminal Investigation Brigade is too useless, and all the members are just losers.

So many years.

They didn't even catch Zhou Shirui, allowing him to repeat crimes so unscrupulously.

And once this incident is exposed by the media, it is really unimaginable what kind of horrific impact on public opinion and public panic it will have.

The modern version of the murderer Hannibal will definitely become a dark cloud hanging over the Magic City for a long time.

Press down all the complicated emotions in your heart.

Without understanding the inside of the darkroom, Xu Changsheng did not enter rashly, but slightly deflected the bright flashlight.

An unexpected discovery...

On the far left side of these twenty-some skeletons, there is a photo frame that is as tall as a person.

There is no painting in the photo frame, but a set of women's spring clothes.

The upper body is an old-fashioned long-sleeved hooded white sweatshirt, the lower body is blue jeans that have been washed to white, and a pair of mud-stained cloth shoes.

at the same time.

On the top of this set of clothes, there is actually a very old style hairpin hanging.

I have to say.

This picture is really scary. Has anyone seen clothes put in a frame and hung on the wall?

And judging from the condition of these clothes, they have been worn for a while.

Xu Changsheng felt goosebumps gradually starting to form on his arms, but he still did not flinch a bit, squinting and staring carefully at the set of women's clothes in the photo frame in front of him.


He had an inexplicable feeling...

There's something indescribably familiar about this outfit.

After carefully recalling it in my mind for a few seconds,

Xu Changsheng suddenly remembered that in the file of the 5.13 Dismemberment Case, he had recorded such a passage when questioning the victim's roommate.

[The victim left the dormitory early that morning. Only one roommate who was woken up by her washing saw what she was wearing when she left. ]

[The victim dressed up a little and left the dormitory wearing a hooded sweatshirt that was trendy at that time, most likely white, and a pair of jeans...]

When Lin Tian asked him to read the file.

Xu Changsheng also wanted to start with his clothing to determine where the victim might go.

He has read this passage dozens of times, and he has never forgotten it.

When I saw the outfit in the photo frame and recalled it for a few seconds, it immediately overlapped with the memory in my mind.

This outfit...

It was definitely the same set of clothes that the victim of the 5.13 corpse dismemberment case was wearing at the time!

Such old-style accessories and clothes have long been eliminated in today's market, and they basically correspond to the clothes described by the victim's roommate.

That is to say.

Zhou Shirui, an extremely crazy and perverted murderer, not only kept the victim's internal organs in order to commemorate his so-called perfect work, but also framed and preserved the victim's clothes, just so that he could view them at any time for commemoration.

That being said.

This set of clothes was placed first on the far left. The remaining more than twenty skeletons were placed in the order of Zhou Shirui's dismemberment and were used to commemorate them?

If it had been discovered twenty years ago, Zhou Shirui would probably have been convicted based on this suit of clothes.

But now.

Because it had been so long, the victim's DNA on the clothes had probably completely deteriorated and disappeared, and could no longer be used as evidence.

Xu Changsheng's face became more and more solemn, but he did not continue to study and think deeply. Instead, he turned the bright flashlight to the innermost position.

In the innermost position.

Xu Changsheng saw a workbench specially designed for engraving, with numerous knives placed on the upper left. It was not yet certain whether these knives were the murder weapons used to dismember the victim twenty years ago.

In the middle of the workbench is a sealed iron box, with a large stack of cut tinfoil and an alcohol lamp for heating beside it.

Xu Changsheng is no stranger to these things. This is a tool used to burn and smoke heroin.

Xu Changsheng was slightly excited. Now that he was sure that the darkroom was not dangerous, he walked to the iron box on the workbench without hesitation.

He took out the rubber gloves from his pocket, put them on, and gently opened the iron box, which was not locked and was only there to prevent moisture.

After the lid is opened.

Various high-purity drugs weighing several kilograms were already in Xu Changsheng's eyes.

This moment.

Xu Changsheng finally exhaled heavily and put down the worries in his heart.


So many high-purity drugs were found in Zhou Shirui's studio.

Even if there is no evidence of murder, the charge of drug possession alone is enough to make Zhou Shirui receive peanuts and restart his life into the animal realm.

After searching this dark room.

Xu Changsheng immediately took out the mobile phone in his pocket and called back the call from Su Ming.

After waiting for a few seconds, when the call was picked up, Xu Changsheng spoke without hesitation.

"Xiao Ming, turn on the speaker first, so that Director Lin can also hear my important discovery here."

"First, I found a specially hidden dark room in Zhou Shirui's studio. I just broke it open and found at least five or six kilograms of various high-purity drugs in it."

"With these things alone, there is no need to worry about the subsequent evidence and what will happen when going to court."

"Secondly, I also found here the clothes worn by the victim of the 5.13 dismemberment case on that day."

"The victim's clothes were collected by Zhou Shirui and specially framed in a large photo frame, probably to commemorate the perfect work."

"I have read the files of the 5.13 dismemberment case many times before, and I am confident that I will not make a wrong judgment. This set of clothes is 99% of the victim's clothes on that day."

Speaking of this.

Xu Changsheng paused for two seconds, then turned his head to look at the more than 20 human skeletons, and said solemnly.


"I didn't see the statue that might contain the victim's internal organs in this studio, but in this dark room, I saw..."

"More than 20 human skeletons with the flesh removed were neatly placed in the dark room..."

Before Xu Changsheng finished speaking.

Lin Tian's hurried and shocked words immediately rang out without question.


"More than 20 human skeletons?!"

"Asheng, turn on the video immediately, I need to see what happened!!!"

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