【Single Nightmare】

[Number of people: 1]

【Copy Introduction】

[You live in the Joning Ridge Town of Raccoon City, and are sent to the house of a murderer by neighbors. .

[Every morning, you will go to the high school with rumors. .

[Early morning, you walked on the way to school, and the neighbor’s old woman whispered that the child dreamed of a burnt man to kill him. .

[Police cars with lights stopped by the road. Today, the thirteenth corpse of the murderer Jason’s corpse is being covered with white cloth. .

[A woman was anxious to hold the police, claiming that her child was thrown on her face by a octopus -like worm, and could not pull it down. .

[Students hurriedly, alert to women named Crack Girl approaching. .

[The television in the roadside window is playing news, and the host warns that people should not be close to the seaside of the food with white sharks. .

[You turned the corner of the street and saw a discarded toy doll skewed on the side of the trash can.

[She is looking at you. .

[When you came to school, the students who were suspected to see the ghost were carried by the teacher, and hurriedly walked to the medical room. .

[The class is called my wife Yin Nai’s young girl blocked your way. You know she has been entangled with you crazy. You can get rid of her casually and return to the seat. .

[The beautiful girl named Fujiang looked at you with a smile. She said that she was kicked out by the house a few days ago and had no residence. It happens that you are empty. .

[In the evening, you return home with Fujiang. She went to the bathroom to take a bath, and you shrink into the sofa comfortably and play a unknown video picked up on the road at will. .

[Although it is called a murderous house, you like it very much. Except for the strange sound of giggle every night, the strange sound came from the attic, and it seemed to be getting closer and closer to his bedroom. .

[A well appears on the TV screen, the picture is black and white, and constantly beating. You feel very boring. So you pay attention to the sound and radio in the bathroom. .

[The radio seemed to be crazy about the police in the town in the town in the town a few days before playing. .

[The scarred air defense alert outside the room is about to sound. A creeping meat ball lay in front of the window and looked around. The roar and screams in the distance echoed in the night sky. Essence The giggle sounded again, this time it was very close, and it seemed to be above the head. .

[Now, live. .

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