On the dark asphalt road, sporadic vehicles are waiting in front of the red light.


Mu Su Gang stepped onto the zebra crossing, and the human street light beside him turned red. He had to return the leg he had taken out.

A passerby behind him ignored the red lights, but he hadn’t taken a few steps to coax a group of people carrying a camera with a microphone.

“Congratulations! We are from Hyc TV. Congratulations to you to become the 1000 citizens of the red light in the 14th district this year. You will get the exquisite gift we send …”

“What ghost …”

Until the red light turns green, Mu Su walked from the zebra crossing, and the group had not disappeared. And Mu Su, who had just walked at the intersection, suddenly paused, looking around.

He smelled the aroma of roasted corals.

[Entrance is chemical grilled coral]

The roadside vendor is written like this. Two, two, three, and three people are around the car.

This time, the purchase was extremely smooth. Mu Su Xin was satisfied with the roasted corals wrapped in sugar paper and walked from the scaffolding. When he opened his mouth, he would bite with sugar paper with corals.

No one noticed that a breeze was blowing, and a cylindrical stone of a finger size on the scaffold was scheduled by the wind and gradually came to the edge …

The wind came without signs, so that a woman wearing a pleated skirt in a pleated skirt in front of Mu Su quickly reached out to press the skirt, but it was too late to

“Hey! Here!” A shouting suddenly came.

Mu Su turned his head subconsciously. In the park opposite the road, a teenager riding on a broom aircraft was greeted his companion.

At this moment, the crumbling stones on the edge of the scaffold lost their balance, and the pen fell straight down, and it was smashing on the grilled coral in Mu Su. The power is not great, but it is enough to put the coral wrapped in sugar paper.

Mu Su turned around without noticing, and saw the woman’s cheeks flushed with red cheeks, and her fingertips pressed the skirt.

The misty Mu Su passed by, and then shrugged without care, opened his mouth and bit his mouth.

Then I bite it and couldn’t say that it was empty, at least there was a layer of sugar paper.

Mu Su pumped his mouth and wondered his head to look down.

When the empty sugar paper was displayed in front of her eyes, Mu Su shocked her mouth.

“This is the entrance … that is, to merge …?”

But when did I eat …?

The sadness stuffed the sugar paper into his mouth, and the empty Mu Su’s expression was melancholy.

“Hi, I didn’t expect to meet you here.” A shouting called Mu Su, a middle -aged man with a suit and leather shoes in front of him smiled, and stretched out his right hand to walk like Mu Su.

Who are you?

In my heart, I still stretched out the right hand out of politely Mu Su

The middle -aged man passed with Mu Su, and then he heard a cordial conversation behind him.

Mu Su retressed his palm and scratched his head. Suddenly, when I remembered the right thing, the address of the vision HUD came up with the address sent by the old couple to him should be in front.

Calling a three -dimensional navigation, a red line extended from Mu Su’s foot to the distance. Just go along this.


Headquarters of the Fourteen Rings Star Entertainment Channel

Even if the high -end vocabulary of high -end atmosphere such as the 14th ring, interstellar, and headquarters is added, it is still impossible to conceal the fact that this building located in Valentan is only eleven floors.

At the top of the building, a giant metal planet is surrounded by a lap of Saturn’s halo.

At the foot of the headquarters, next to the street. What are the two women arguing.

“I am only forty -five, why should I hurry to find my boyfriend.”

“Your mother, I will give birth to you at the age of forty.”

“Don’t force me anymore, forcing me to find a passerby to marry …” The delicate woman with a black skirt screamed, and her lush fingers pointed at the intersection at will.

A figure coincides with the corner at this time.

“Yo, I walked.” Mu Su stagnated, scratching his head and turning back.



Successfully entered the headquarters building of the Fourteen Rings Star Entertainment Channel, and Mu Su, who passed through the hall to the elevator room, stared at the downward elevator.

Suddenly, he was stunned, and he had no reason to bless to the soul, and a thought quickly flashed in his mind.

This elevator can’t do it!

Thinking of this, Mu Su immediately chose to climb the stairs.

Soon after Mu Su Gang left …


The elevator door opens. Two, two or three employees said with a smile.

As for the Mu Su who climbed the stairs because of the blessing of Fuzhi, it is considering that the slow -moving crutch in front of me, the old lady who had to take a breath of a while to climb a step in one minute, or shouted the fire with a sharp throat that scared her to scare her scared. Roll down the stairs.

Or secretly remove her crutches?

10 minutes later, Mu Su came to the fifth floor smoothly and transferred the information that the old couple was paid to him to the Fourteen Rings Star Entertainment Broadcast.

This information will be transmitted for half a month, and then reaches the fleet far away from the outer edge of the outer edge to give their son.

Mu Su, who completed the task, rubbed his uncomfortable belly. Although the skin became more and more delicate since eating grass, it was a bit frequent on the toilet.

Stop someone, ask the way, one in one go. Mu Su found the toilet, but also saw a team of long dragons in front of the toilet door.


“Then I thought at the time, should I have to line up so much? I came in after I finished the team. SO arranged the interview location in the toilet, who thought of such a genius.”

The Mu Su who thought it was entering the toilet stood in the room and answered honestly.


A little old man coughing behind the long table.

Several other examiners looked back from each other, and one of the women thought about it: “Since you are here, you can try it, what are you special?”

“Special? Oh, I have me, not only long, but also thick.” Mu Su said, going to take off his pants.

“Wait! We uh … we are a normal show.” The woman quickly stopped Mu Su’s next action. I found that my colleague had no words, and his expression was a little doubtful. Try to determine: “Yes?”

Mu Su was quickly shifted, and asked, “What show, am I a writer? Do you have money to get it? Tell you that I am a famous author, and I have a poem, I laughed … Laughing … Looking … Forget it. In short, the last two sentences are unconscious and fearless life and death.

It looks like you copy.

The examiners’ hearts.

A middle -aged man cough coughing lightly and corrected the chaotic interview scene: “We have recorded your information, your name is …”

“Mu Su.”

“Okay. If you can contact you through this, you can’t help but say that the knuckles move the long table:” Okay, the next place ”


In the afternoon, Mu Su returned to the hotel and enjoyed a dinner that the old couple prepared for thanks at night, and returned to the room early to climb into the quilt.

It’s a peaceful day.

With her longing for the future, Mu Su Meimei closed her eyes.

But suddenly, Mu Su opened his eyes and sat up suddenly.

“Wait! Is it wrong today!”

*Coral: cavity and intestinal animal doors, corals; The shape changes when the species transplantation moves to Mars. After baking, it will emit a smell similar to barbecue, and consumption is not harmful to creatures.

*Most people think that corals are plants, which is a wrong cognition. It belongs to the cavity of the intestinal animal door and belongs to creatures.

*There are only hundreds of one of the 15,000 categories.

*It tastes like a hard bread.

*Most of the biology (including humans) excretion is granular.

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