At night, the moon was bright in the sky, the stars were shining, the night sky was like a canvas dotted with stars, and dots of starlight flew across the black canvas from time to time. In the Imperial Demon Palace, outside the Empress's bedroom, Bai Yu came to the guards who were on duty that night.

"Greetings, Lord Bai Yu!"

The Imperial Guard greeted Bai Yu with a bow.

"There is no need to patrol the Emperor Demon Palace tonight, let everyone evacuate."

Bai Yu ordered the guards.

""Um... Lord Bai Yu, is this what the Empress wants?"

The guard leading the Imperial Guards asked in confusion.

They had not received any orders, so they did not need to patrol tonight.

Bai Yu nodded.

"This is what the Queen meant."


"I will order everyone to evacuate right now!"

The captain of the Imperial Guard waved his arm and told his men to evacuate.

Bai Yu, as the Empress's personal maid, often conveyed messages for Su Yueli, so the Imperial Guard believed it.

After a while, the huge Emperor Demon Palace was empty and silent...

Bai Yu then left the Emperor Demon Palace.


Not long after, Xia Changming returned, and as soon as he entered the Demon Emperor Palace, he immediately noticed something strange.

Something is wrong!

There is not a single person in the Demon Emperor Palace tonight!

Xia Changming remained alert, and carefully touched the outside of Su Yueli's bedroom, and gently pushed open the door.

In the room, the candlelight was bright and the incense was pleasant. There was a light gauze curtain on the soft couch, and the green smoke was floating. Through the hazy gauze, you can vaguely see a graceful figure sitting on the edge of the bed.

Green jade fingers lifted the gauze, revealing a beautiful face that could topple a city, and a long silver hair was draped over her shoulders and fell to her waist.

The fairy dress as thin as gauze revealed her exquisite and graceful figure, the whiteness on her chest was clearly visible, and her smooth and delicate legs were lightly closed and tilted to the side.

In an instant, Xia Changming was lost in thought, and everything in the world was thrown behind his mind. Only the seductive figure remained in his eyes

"You, you're back..."

Su Yueli pursed her red lips, her face was delicate and charming, and she looked uneasy and shy.

When she really put on this bright red and attractive long dress, Su Yueli regretted it.

This is so embarrassing!

How could such clothes be invented in the world!

Xia Changming was awakened by Su Yueli's voice, and he woke up from a dream. He silently backed out of the room and closed the door.


Sorry, we went the wrong way."…"

After a while, Xia Changming opened the door and walked back, looking confused.

"No, this is the bedroom!"

"You didn’t go the wrong way!"

"Who are you, girl?"

"It's this emperor!!!"

Su Yueli was so angry that she grabbed the pillow on the bed and threw it at Xia Changming.

This abominable guy must have done it on purpose!

Xia Changming dodged the pillow and said with a smile:

"This is the woman my husband knows."

""My lady, are you trying to seduce me by dressing like this tonight?"

Xia Changming approached Su Yueli, lifted up the veil, bowed his head and stared at Su Yueli and joked.

The two looked at each other closely, and Su Yueli blushed all of a sudden. She quickly glanced away and whispered:

"The Emperor didn't…"

"It's just that the demon race is stable today, and I'm happy.…"

"You can see that my wife is very happy. She even specially prepared some wine?"

Xia Changming stared at the room and then set his eyes on the new wine pot on the table.

His intuition told him that his wife must be doing something again... otherwise she couldn't be so abnormal!

Su Yueli pushed Xia Changming away and walked to the table with lotus steps.

Under her light red skirt, her jade buttocks were visible, and her slender waist was beautiful.

His wife must have a big problem tonight!

If he still had doubts just now, Xia Changming was now very determined!

His wife must have had some ill intentions again, otherwise she would never have spent so much money!

There is a conspiracy!

Su Yueli picked up the wine pot, poured wine into two small wine glasses, gently picked up one of them and handed it to Xia Changming.

"The demon race is what it is today, thanks to you.…"

"This emperor offers you a drink."

Long before Xia Changming came, she had already poured the poison given by Bai Yu into the wine pot!

Xia Changming glanced at the wine glass, this scene always felt familiar...

It seemed like it was the same on the wedding night...

The same old trick?

He guessed that the wine might be poisoned again, but Xia Changming still took the wine glass and drank it all.

Even if it was poisoned, so what? Anyway, he was a fairy with a beautiful body and bones, immune to all poisons, and even the deadly demon poison could not do anything to him.

He wanted to see what Su Yueli was up to...

Su Yueli raised the glass and drank with Xia Changming.

Seeing that Xia Changming's wine glass was empty, Su Yueli's mouth curled up a smile, gently put down the wine glass in his hand, took out the bottle of crystal fine sand'antidote' and poured it into his mouth

‘The antidote melted in her mouth, and the sweet taste filled her mouth.

Mm... so sweet!

As expected of her, she was her personal maid. Knowing that she liked sweet things, she made the antidote sweet!

Xia Changming watched Su Yueli pour a bottle of crystal white sand into her mouth, picked up the bottle on the table curiously, and carefully looked at the remaining crystals in the bottle, his expression becoming more and more puzzled.

"Wife, why are you eating sugar?"

No matter how much you like sweets, you can't drink sugar with wine!


"White, white sugar?"

Su Yueli looked puzzled, and hurriedly took back the small bottle from Xia Changming. She sniffed it gently, and there was indeed a sweet fragrance! The puzzled look gradually turned into panic.

This is not an antidote at all!

It's just white sugar!

Then what is the poison that she and Xia Changming just poured into the wine they drank?

Suddenly, Su Yueli felt her whole body getting hotter and hotter, her breathing became faster and faster, her body began to ooze out dripping sweat, and her eyes gradually became more and more blurred!

No! No!

Su Yueli's beautiful eyes became more and more panicked!

She had already guessed what it was!

Xia Changming also felt more and more hot and unbearable all over his body, and there was a desire in his heart!

How is this possible!

He is immune to all poisons!

What kind of poison is this, and it can actually work on him!

No, this is not an ordinary poison!

It's an aphrodisiac!

Soon, Xia Changming found that he was poisoned by an aphrodisiac!

Ordinary aphrodisiacs can't do anything to him, but this aphrodisiac was not absorbed and penetrated into the body after entering the mouth, but turned into a strand of hot spiritual power that corroded desire in the abdomen and merged into the body!

Extremely domineering!

Even his immortal body can't do anything!

"My dear, even if you want to be my husband, you shouldn't use such aphrodisiac.…"

"Just tell your husband..."

Xia Changming said with a smile.

His wife went to so much trouble, giving him aphrodisiacs, changing into new clothes, and even sending away all the guards of the Imperial Demon Palace...

I didn't expect my wife to be so romantic!

Su Yueli panted, her face was even more red than before, her arms weakly supported on the table, and she couldn't defend herself:

"No, it's not.…"

"This emperor did not..."

Su Yueli wanted to leave, but the next moment she fell forward weakly and fell into Xia Changming's arms.

"Thank you, thank you..."

Su Yueli panted and thanked.

But the next second, her body was suddenly held in Xia Changming's arms and strode towards the soft couch in the room.


"Wait, wait a minute!"

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