At night, Xia Changming's figure floated down from Changming Peak. He saw that the courtyard was dark and quiet. The room was silent and there was no light or candlelight. He was a little confused.

That little girl went to bed so early today?

In order not to disturb the beauty, Xia Changming walked to the door quietly and gently opened it.

"With a"creak", as soon as a small gap appeared in the door, Xia Changming realized something was wrong!

A magic circle suddenly appeared under his feet and trapped him in it. Several purple iron chains rose from under his feet and tightly wrapped around his legs and feet!

Even his hands were bound by the iron chains and he couldn't move!

Almost at the same time, Su Yueli, who had concealed her breath and was hiding in the house, flashed out, and a silver light hit Xia Changming's eyebrows! Even at this critical moment, Xia Changming's face was still as calm as water. He shifted his head calmly, and the long sword almost cut through his hair in front of his forehead, leaving a few strands of black silk.

"My wife, you are trying to murder your husband."

Xia Changming stood still and said jokingly:

"���"My husband just came back a little late, it's not that serious, right?"

Since the last time she was punished by the family law, Su Yueli has been much more obedient these days and has not hit him again.

He has been a little careless because he has not been attacked for a few days.

He almost forgot that his wife is the queen of the demon clan.

Su Yueli originally wanted to use the magic circle trap to tie up Xia Changming for a moment and launch a sneak attack, but she never thought that Xia Changming would react so quickly and dodge her fastest sword without any preparation.

Seeing that the sneak attack failed, Su Yueli steadied her body, her delicate face was angry, and while Xia Changming had not yet broken free from the magic circle, a tail behind her swung out and attacked again, shouting:

""Yes! This emperor is going to murder you!"

Xia Changming stomped his foot lightly, and the magic circle under him suddenly dissipated, and all the iron chains were shattered.

Since Su Yueli's first assassination failed, she was doomed to never succeed again.

Su Yueli was shocked to see Xia Changming easily break the magic circle she had carefully arranged, and quickly pulled back the tail.

Xia Changming would never give her such an opportunity.

He held the fox tail in his palm with one hand. The tail was fluffy and soft, and the feel was even more silky and delicate, which made people love it.

If it is wrapped around the neck, it should be very warm....

Xia Changming couldn't help but rub it twice subconsciously.

The tail that clearly had the power to sweep across mountains, at this moment in Xia Changming's hand, was just like an ordinary fox tail.

Seeing the tail being held in Xia Changming's hand, Su Yueli's pretty face flashed a trace of panic, and the strange feeling from the tail made her even more flustered.

Fox demon tails have always been considered taboo, and outsiders are not allowed to touch them. The tail that has never been touched by others has been desecrated in this way. Su Yueli's pretty face flushed, and she didn't know whether she was ashamed or angry.

She could only scold in a delicate voice:

"You! Let me go!"


Xia Changming did not let go at all. Instead, he smiled and gently pulled Su Yueli into his arms.

"My wife, you don’t sleep tonight and your face is full of resentment, just waiting to attack your husband?"

""I like night raids, but you have to change your method~"

Xia Changming hugged Su Yueli's slender waist and whispered softly in her ear.

Su Yueli's pretty face turned red again, and she gritted her teeth and said viciously:

"Go to hell, bastard!"

"Don't touch me with your body covered in cheap rouge!"

Xia Changming suddenly realized, no wonder his wife was so angry tonight, was she jealous?

""Is it because my husband went to Zuixianlou that my wife is jealous?"

Xia Changming asked with a smile.

Su Yueli was so angry that her face darkened and she sternly retorted:


"Where you go and which women you are with, what does it have to do with me?"

"This emperor is only killing you for the sake of the demon race's business, don't be so conceited!"

When Su Yueli smelled the thick rouge and powder that lingered on Xia Changming's body, she became more and more angry, and she didn't know why.

Tonight, she had not wanted to take the risk of setting up a magic circle to attack Xia Changming, because she knew that the chance of success was slim.

But when she thought about the humiliation she had suffered in the past few days, and heard that Xia Changming had gone to a brothel to meet with the number one singer in Tiandu, she secretly decided to carry out the assassination tonight!

She didn't care who Xia Changming was meeting with secretly. Anyway, Xia Changming married her just to stabilize the human and demon races, and she married him for the safety of the demon race.

But Xia Changming spread The scandal about Su Yueli and the rumors were all over the place, which damaged her reputation.

She was just angry for the time being!

Anyway, she didn't know when she would have the magic weapon to fight against it, so she might as well give it another try, maybe it would succeed.

This time was different from the last sneak attack while she was sleeping. The injuries caused by the deadly demon poison in her body had all healed!

After being consolidated by the Tailing Golden Pill, she was in her prime at the moment!

Several tails bloomed from behind Su Yueli again and stabbed at Xia Changming together.

Xia Changming couldn't block several tails with his hands, so he had to let go of Su Yueli's tail and waist, tapped the ground with his toes, and dodged.

"My dear, you are quite angry tonight. I will make you a bowl of brown sugar ginger soup later."

Su Yueli took the opportunity to break free from Xia Changming's arms, turned around gracefully, and swung her sword at Xia Changming again.

Xia Changming leaned back and dodged Su Yueli's attack again. The powerful sword light immediately cut off half of the room.

""Tsk tsk tsk, it seems that my wife is not going to let me sleep with her husband tonight."

Xia Changming said jokingly, with his hands behind his back, looking very happy.

Seeing this, Su Yueli's pretty face was angry, she gritted her teeth, and the spiritual power in her body burst out, and she rushed forward with a sword.

"This emperor will make sure you never wake up!"

Xia Changming dodged and dodged, constantly avoiding Su Yueli's fierce sword light and knife light like a storm. No matter how hard Su Yueli tried, she couldn't touch him at all.

Taking advantage of Su Yueli's inability to strike, Xia Changming grabbed her wrist and leaned close to her ear again and whispered softly:

"Okay, my lady, stop making trouble."

"Listen to my husband's explanation"

"Be good and put down your sword first."

Listening to the words that were almost like coaxing a child, Su Yueli was so angry that her face turned red, her delicate body trembled, her chest rose and fell, and she stared at Xia Changming with gritted teeth.

Stop it?!

What did he mean?

Was her anger just a joke in his eyes?

At this moment, Su Yueli seemed to have suffered the greatest humiliation of her life!

"Do you really think that I am afraid of you?"

Su Yueli summoned the body of the nine-tailed fox demon, and several tails covered the night sky like a peacock spreading its tail.

Each tail can pierce through the rock barrier like a sharp sword, split gold and stone, and can also hit down like a mountain.

At this time, the Xia family's ancestral land, which was silent at night, was filled with rolling sounds, and the ground was shaking.

Everyone in the Xia family was awakened by the vibration, and their eyes looked towards the direction of Changming Peak, where the vibration was particularly violent.

So... what happened?

Domestic violence?

On another mountain,

Chu Qingwan stood by the window and looked at Changming Peak from afar, her face full of worry.

"Tomorrow is really"

"Just explain it to Yueli, why did they start fighting?"

"No, I have to go and persuade him."

After saying that, Chu Qingwan put on her light clothes and was about to go out.

At first, Chu Qingwan was very angry when she heard that Xia Changming went to Zuixianlou to have a private meeting with Xie Hualing, the singer of the Xie family.

Later, she realized the misunderstanding after hearing Xia Ruoguang say that the Xie family invited him to discuss important matters.

The Ming'er she knew was not that kind of person. Besides, all the women in the Zuixianlou combined probably could not compare with Su Yueli. How could he let his wife go looking for wild flowers and weeds?

So she thought that as long as Xia Changming explained it to Su Yueli, it would be fine. She didn't expect it to evolve to the point of fighting.

Xia Changlin, who was standing next to Chu Qingwan, grabbed her arm and smiled indifferently:

"Madam, what are you going to do?"

"The young couple just had a small quarrel, they fought at the head of the bed and made up at the foot of the bed, everything will be fine tomorrow, you can rest assured"


Chu Qingwan wanted to say something, but Xia Changlin had already hugged her slender waist and whispered in her ear:

"It's okay, ma'am, we should go back to the house and rest."

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