Become the disciple of the Immortal Master?

Zhou An Ning was stunned in disbelief.

This was something she dared not even think about!

Being accepted as a disciple by the Immortal Master was something that many practitioners could not seek in their lifetime!

Zhou An Ning realized that this might be her only chance to become an immortal in this life. She no longer hesitated and knelt on her knees and kowtowed:

"Disciple greets Master!"

"Hahahaha, okay!"

"I, Song Yanxin, also have a disciple!"

"Those guys all said that it was impossible for me to accept a disciple. What else do they have to say now? Hahahaha…"

Song Yanxin ignored her image as an immortal and laughed with her hands on her hips and looking up to the sky.

But at the end, the laughter gradually became fainter, and Song Yanxin's face became gloomy, revealing an indescribable sadness.


Seeing this, Zhou An Ning couldn't help but ask worriedly.

Song Yanxin waved her hand, indicating that she was fine. She wanted to call her little disciple, but then she remembered that she didn't even know her name. Is this master not qualified enough?

"Little girl, that’s not right. Should I call you my disciple?"

"Oh, it’s troublesome. Never mind. I still don’t know your name.

Her Immortal Master is really special...

Zhou An Ning replied with a bit of a smile:

"Master, Disciple Zhou Anning"

"Okay, then I will call you An Ning from now on."

Song Yanxin immediately decided

"Master, you can call An Ning whatever you want."


"An Ning, let me ask you, what year is it in the Immortal Demon Calendar now?"

Song Yanxin pondered for a moment and asked with a frown.

Zhou An Ning thought for a moment and answered seriously:

"Master, the Immortal Demon Calendar has long been discontinued. It is now the 775th year of the Heavenly Weekly Calendar."


Song Yanxin was confused when he heard this, and then asked:

"How long has it been since the war between the three races of immortals, demons and monsters?"

"Over a thousand years"

"Over a thousand years…"

"I have been sleeping for such a long time without realizing it."

Song Yanxin couldn't help but sigh at the passing of time and continued to ask:

"So...what is the current situation in the world?"

"The world is divided into nine states and ten regions. The East State where my disciples are located borders the demon tribe. Although they have been at odds with the demon tribe for many years, the two tribes have now reconciled and there is no more war or conflict."

"The disciples in other places did not hear any news, but they also did not hear any disputes."

Zhou An Ning wanted to tell Song Yanxin as much as possible, but she had lived in the palace for many years and had never left Dongzhou, so she could only tell Song Yanxin some news about Dongzhou and the demons.

Song Yanxin looked thoughtful. When she learned that the human and demon races had reconciled and lived in harmony, she couldn't help but widen her beautiful eyes and exclaimed


"Have the human and demon races reconciled?"

"Is this... true? You are not allowed to lie to your master!"

Song Yanxin tried to put on some majestic posture of an immortal, but there was no majesty at all.

Zhou An Ning smiled and said,"How dare I, the disciple, lie to my master?"

"Now that the two races of humans and demons have intermarried, there is no more conflict on the border"

"This is all thanks to Uncle Xia. It was he who, with one sword, killed his way into the demon clan's imperial palace and captured the heart of the demon clan's empress!"

Speaking of Xia Changming, Zhou An Ning's eyes were full of admiration, and even a bright smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

"Oh? A transvestite getting married?"

"This is rare..."

Song Yanxin's beautiful eyes moved.

It was the first time she saw a demon and a human get married, and they had so cleverly resolved the feud between the two races.

She was very curious!

If she had the chance, she really wanted to listen carefully to this strange story.

But now she had something more important to worry about!

""How is the demon clan now?"

Song Yanxin asked.

When she mentioned the demon clan, her brows furrowed, her pretty face frosted, her whole body was full of murderous intent, and endless pressure gushed out like a flood!

Although it was not aimed at Zhou An Ning, Zhou An Ning was still affected by this pressure. He fell to the ground with his limbs, sweat dripping from his forehead, and gasped.

"Ah… Sorry, sorry, I forgot that An Ning, your realm is relatively low…"

Song Yanxin covered her mouth and apologized quickly, and a flame popped out from her fingertips and flew towards Zhou An Ning.

The flame was orange-red, and the core of the fire was like light. There was no scorching temperature from it, but it was like a burning fire of life.

When the flame sank into Zhou An Ning's body, a gentle and overflowing sense of comfort swept over his body in an instant, and there was no abnormality on his body.

"Thank you, Master."

After recovering, Zhou Anning expressed his gratitude and continued:

"An Ning had never seen the demon clan that Master mentioned."

"According to historical records, after the war between the three tribes of immortals, demons and monsters thousands of years ago, the demons disappeared from the world and have not been seen for thousands of years."


Song Yanxin was surprised at first, then he seemed to remember something and suddenly laughed excitedly towards the sky.

"Hahaha, that's great! That's great!"

"Finally, we expelled the damn demons!"

Zhou An Ning had never seen a demon before, so she didn't know why Song Yanxin was so happy, but she felt that Song Yanxin's laughter was from the joy in his heart.

"An Ning, I only have one request for you!"

"If the demons appear again in the future, kill them all! No one will be spared!"

After laughing enough, Song Yanxin's face hardened, clenched his teeth, and said murderously.

Zhou Anning didn't know why Song Yanxin hated the demons so much, but he still responded solemnly:

"Yes! Master!"

Song Yanxin is her master, so the master's enemy is her enemy!

Song Yanxin nodded with satisfaction. The passage of a thousand years has made many people forget the existence of the demons, but she will never forget!

Suddenly, Song Yanxin turned her eyes to the sky of the spiritual world, frowned and said:

"It seems someone is coming outside."

Zhou An Ning suddenly realized that he didn't know how long he had been here, and asked quickly:

"Master, can I go back first?"

"Uncle Xia would be very worried if he saw me suddenly fainted."

"Don't worry, he knows you are here with me."

Song Yanxin replied calmly.

But she was deeply confused.

She could feel Xia Changming, but she couldn't sense his realm! She could only feel that his whole body seemed to be wrapped in sword intent, blurry. If she sensed it further, her consciousness would be hurt by the sword intent!

This feeling was very similar to someone she had met before!

But she couldn't remember who it was, anyway, it seemed to be a very powerful person.

So she didn't dare to act rashly.

It happened that while Xia Changming was guarding outside, she could also pass on her inheritance secret method to Zhou Anning.

""An Ning, come here."

Song Yanxin called to Zhou An Ning softly.

Zhou An Ning did not dare to neglect and slowly walked to Song Yanxin.

Song Yanxin grabbed Zhou An Ning's wrist, just like her immortal body outside the spiritual world grabbed Zhou An Ning's wrist.

In an instant, a huge and hot spiritual power poured into Zhou An Ning's body along her arm, her skin cracked, blood flowed, and she felt a sharp pain all over her body!

Zhou An Ning gritted her teeth and did not let herself make a sound. Sweat had soaked her whole body.

If Song Yanxin had not wrapped her whole body with the fire of life, she would probably have exploded and died!

"An Ning, hold on!"

"Your aptitude is too mediocre. I am using my immortal bone to refine your spiritual essence. You must bear it!"

"Otherwise, all efforts will be in vain!"

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