In the dense forest

Su Yueli stood in the forest, her fox tail swaying lightly, and her slender arms held high the neck of a monster.

The monster struggled desperately with its limbs, but still couldn't break free.

Su Yueli narrowed her eyes slightly, clenched her palm, and the monster's neck was instantly broken. Blood splashed on her delicate and cold cheeks, adding a bit of charm to her expression.

After parting with Xia Changming, Su Yueli rushed all the way to the voice calling in her mind.

On the way, she encountered many monsters who attacked her recklessly like this monster, and some practitioners intended to attack her.

So she kindly gave them a baby-like sleep and treated their cervical vertebrae.

At this moment, she was very close to the voice calling in her mind.

Being able to attract her mind means that this secret realm should be buried with powerful people of the ancient monster clan!

If she can obtain the legacy, she will definitely find Xia Changming to settle the accounts of what he has done to her these days!

She remembered every time she was beaten by the family discipline!

When she thought about being able to deal with Xia Changming in person, Su Yueli's mouth corners unconsciously rose slightly, revealing a charming smile that could captivate the world.

If there were others, they would definitely exclaim: the most beautiful smile in the world. Just as

Su Yueli was immersed in fantasy, thinking about how to deal with Xia Changming, a melodious sound of the zither and flute came into her ears. The sound of the zither and flute contained spiritual power, and it was like a magic sound that pierced her ears and shook her soul.

The beautiful sound of the zither and flute also contained the meaning of killing!


You might as well take a look.

Su Yueli set off and flew towards the sound of the zither and flute.

During this period of time, she had learned zither music from Chu Qingwan a lot, and she had a better appreciation of the sound of zither music.

When she was close to the sky, Su Yueli saw Xie Ye and Xie Hualing confronting the Cai family.

On the ground, many Xie family disciples and some Cai family disciples dressed in emerald green clothes were lying in a mess.

It was obvious that they had gone through a very tragic fight.

Only Xie Ye and Xie Hualing were left at the Xie family.

Xie Hualing sat cross-legged, playing the zither with both hands, while Xie Ye stood beside her, holding the long flute. Both of them frowned and looked at the Cai family members in front of them with hatred.

"Cai Hui! How dare you, the Cai family, attack the Xie family!"

"Are you really trying to start a war between the noble families?"

Xie Ye angrily shouted at Cai Hui.

When they first entered the secret realm, everything went very smoothly. He also told everyone in the Xie family to be on guard against the people of the Cai and Wang families.

But he didn't expect that once they met the people of the Cai family, the Cai family would attack the Xie family without mercy, and other small sects were also massacred.

Many independent cultivators even joined the Cai family and started to hunt them down all the way.

While being chased into the depths of the secret realm and attacked by monsters, the Xie family was constantly hunted down by the Cai family. The casualties were basically wiped out, and the rest were nowhere to be found.

Facing Xie Ye's scolding, an old man with a dry face, a short and hunched body, leaned on a cane and smiled:

"Hehehe, a battle between aristocratic families?"

"It started as early as when we entered the secret realm, thank you, Master!"

"Not only your Xie family, but also the Xia family, the Wang family, and my Cai family will be dealt with together!"

""The four great families of Tiandu no longer exist!"

Xie Ye was shocked.

Only then did he understand that the Cai family had planned this long ago.

They wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to enter the secret realm and get rid of all the other families at once!

Including the Wang family!

"The death of my father Xie Changqing was also caused by your Cai family, right?"

Xie Ye clenched his fists and tried to suppress the anger in his heart.

Just now, Cai Hui kept calling him the head of the Xie family. It was obvious that he had known about the death of Xie Changqing of the Xie family for a long time!

At this point, Cai Hui felt that there was no need to hide it anymore. With an ugly smile on his face, he said:

"Your father was old-fashioned and unwilling to join the Cai family, which led to his death."

"I happened to be there at that time, and your father's spirit tasted really good, hehehe!"


Xie Ye, who was always gentle, could no longer hold back his anger. He held up his long flute and turned his anger into the sound of the flute.

The sound of the flute was rapid and passionate, and the devilish sound lingered.

The Cai family members covered their heads and struggled in pain. Those who were mentally unstable knelt on the ground, bleeding from all seven orifices!

Confirming that the one in front of him was one of the enemies who killed his father, Xie Hualing's eyes were also full of anger. She pulled the strings of the zither with her bare fingers, and the sound of the zither sounded, and the sound blade came.

Cai Hui raised his hand and formed a shield wall composed of countless fierce souls to block in front of him. The sound blade slashed the soul shield without causing any ripples.

But those Cai family disciples beside him who were affected by the devilish sound were not so lucky.

Several Cai family members who did not have time to dodge were killed on the spot!

"The Demonic Sound Xie Family, whose gentle sound can cleanse the mind, and whose strong sound can attack and kill"

""It's really as good as its reputation!"

Cai Hui looked at the fallen Cai family disciples and praised Xie Ye.

Xie Ye and Xie Hualing, one of them used magic sound to enter the body, attack the seven orifices with the rhythm, and hurt the mind, while the other turned the sound into a blade, and the blade was emitted with the sound. With the skilled cooperation of the two, no one in the same realm could be their opponent.

"Keep your mind!"


Cai Hui said to the rest of the Cai family, then he jumped up and threw out his sleeves.

""A feast for a hundred ghosts!"

The other Cai family disciples also worked together to perform the evil spirit technique to help Cai Hui's hundred ghost soul tide.

Countless evil spirits rushed towards Xie Ye and Xie Hualing like a tide, wailing and screaming.

""Little sister."

Xie Ye said to Xie Hualing.

Xie Hualing nodded, and stroked the guqin with both hands again. The sound of the guqin was particularly intense and high-pitched, as if she was on the battlefield at this moment. Xie

Ye played the flute, and played with Xie Hualing's guqin.

The sound of the flute was like a magic sound barrier blocking the two of them, and the sound of the guqin turned into a thousand arrows!

The rain of arrows drowned the ghosts, but soon the evil spirits swarmed again, as if endless.

Xie Hualing played the guqin desperately, and she did not stop even though her fingers were already bleeding.

If she stopped at this moment, the Xie family might be destroyed!

However, the strings could no longer withstand the injection of Xie Hualing's spiritual power!


The strings of the zither broke, and the rain of arrows suddenly dissipated. Countless evil spirits immediately pressed on the magic sound barrier.

Xie Ye was still playing the flute to maintain the support of the magic sound barrier, but it didn't last long before the magic sound barrier was crushed!


Xie Ye was attacked by the magic sound, and he spit out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground.


Xie Hualing hurriedly helped Xie Ye up.

Xie Ye had the strength of the early stage of the Heavenly Man Realm, but Xie Hualing was only at the peak of the Extraordinary Realm. She could not resist the Cai family's elder, Cai Hui, who was in the middle stage of the Heavenly Man Realm.

Moreover, there were so many Cai family disciples behind him to help him.

It was only a matter of time before he was defeated.

Without the barrier of the magic sound barrier, the hundred ghosts and fierce spirits had surrounded Xie Ye and Xie Hualing.

Cai Hui laughed wantonly:

"Hehehe, the Xie family will be removed from Tiandu from today!"

Su Yueli held her cheeks, quietly floating in the air to watch the battle, thinking about whether to take action.

Her beautiful eyes looked at Xie Hualing, and her eyebrows were slightly frowned.

If she remembered correctly, this woman was the one who spread rumors in Zuixianlou that Xia Changming was her favorite?

No help!

<( ̄ c ̄)>

Humans are killing each other, what does it have to do with her?

Su Yueli turned around silently and prepared to leave...

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