At night, it was deep and quiet, with a swaying bonfire.

Su Yueli used her tail as a cushion, sitting cross-legged on it, closing her eyes to rest, recovering her spiritual power bit by bit.

The pattern of the hairpin on her head glowed slightly, and the spiritual power flowed into her body on its own, recovering several times faster than before.

Zhou An Ning sat cross-legged opposite Su Yueli with a little restraint, secretly looking at Su Yueli from time to time.

Langya was sleeping on Zhou An Ning's shoulder with a sleepy face.

After Xia Changming left, the three of them found a place to wait.

Su Yueli wanted to leave Zhou An Ning here and go find the place that her heart called for.

But this place is deep in the secret realm, and there are many monsters in the heavenly realm. It is not safe to leave Zhou An Ning here alone.

She had no choice but to reluctantly help Xia Changming look after Zhou An Ning for a while.

When the breathing was almost adjusted, Su Yueli slowly opened her eyes and happened to meet Zhou An Ning's eyes.

"Sister Su, are you recovered?"

"I, I grilled some meat, do you want some?"

"I learned the art of barbecue from Uncle Xia"

"It's delicious."

Zhou An Ning looked a little flustered, and took the initiative to find a topic, and handed the barbecue on the campfire to Su Yueli.

Su Yueli did not take the barbecue, her purple eyes were cold and narrowed, and her whole body exuded coldness and elegance.

Zhou An Ning couldn't help but feel more and more flustered.

Every time she faced Su Yueli alone, she felt an inexplicable sense of oppression lingering in her heart.

She felt that Su Yueli's purple eyes were not only elegant and deep, but also seemed to be able to see through her.

Su Yueli was indeed examining Zhou An Ning.

In just a few days, Zhou An Ning's temperament had changed dramatically..

With a refined temperament and a vaguely immortal figure, she not only spanned two realms, but also had extraordinary aptitude!

There is no doubt that Zhou An Ning must have obtained the inheritance left by a certain immortal in this secret realm.

Otherwise, there would not be such an amazing change!

With Zhou An Ning's strength in the Heavenly Spirit Realm alone, it would be impossible for her to obtain the immortal fate, which means that it was Xia Changming who helped her!

That guy was willing to give up!

He just handed over the inheritance of the immortal to this little ghost.

He also taught her to barbecue...!

He treated her so well!

Su Yueli's pretty face became more and more inadvertently. Cold and beautiful.

When Su Yueli met Zhou An Ning once in the palace, she found that she had an extraordinary temperament and the aura of the emperor.

But she didn't care at that time.

Because Zhou An Ning's realm and aptitude were too poor, even if she really became the emperor of Tian Zhou in the future, it would not be a big problem.

But now it is different. Zhou An Ning has obtained the immortal fate, her realm has soared, and she has an immortal appearance. If she is allowed to continue to grow, she will inevitably become a big threat to the demon clan in the future!

Should I kill her while that guy is away?

Su Yueli couldn't help thinking in her heart, and the murderous intent on her body was revealed!

Zhou An Ning's arms were frozen in mid-air, and the little Her face was horrified.

She didn't know if it was her illusion, but she saw murderous intent in Su Yueli's eyes...

Sister Su wanted to kill her?!

No, Sister Su had no reason to kill her!

Zhou An Ning didn't know what to do for a moment. Langya, who was lying on her shoulder, was originally attracted by the smell of barbecue and woke up, but suddenly felt a chill all over his body. After feeling the murderous intent from Su Yueli, he showed a grinning look.

Su Yueli just glanced at Langya coldly, and Langya was so scared that he curled up and hid behind Zhou An Ning.

It's terrible!

How can the boss's woman be so terrible!

"It is rare to see a ghost wolf at the peak of the Heaven Realm."

Su Yueli said lightly after noticing Langya

"Why doesn't it transform and still maintain this beastly form?"

"That senior, it's not that I don't want to, it's just that it's difficult to transform, so I failed.…"

"The boss said that after we get out, he will refine a transformation pill for me to help me transform."

Langya hid behind Zhou An Ning and poked his head out to say.

Considering that they were both demons and it was not easy to practice, Su Yueli gave Langya some advice:

"The Transformation Pill can indeed help you transform more efficiently, but it is not conducive to your subsequent practice."

"If you can successfully transform yourself through your own perception, it will be of great benefit to your future practice."

"The reason you failed to transform is because you have been deep in the secret realm for many years and have little contact and understanding. When you get out, what you see and hear in another world will naturally help you transform."


Langya's eyes widened, and he was eager to see it.

He suddenly felt confident again.

"This emperor is just giving you advice, whether to use the Transformation Pill or rely on yourself, the choice is yours."

Su Yueli said calmly.

Langya said gratefully:"Thank you for your advice, senior!"

What Langya didn't know was that the demon senior in the Tianzun realm in front of him was actually about the same age as Xia Changming, more than a hundred years younger than him.

After Su Yueli nodded slightly, she turned her gaze to Zhou An Ning.

Zhou An Ning called out weakly:

"Su, Sister Su..."

Langya felt that she had been turned against. At this moment, she was really afraid that Su Yueli would attack her...

Su Yueli saw that Zhou An Ning was uneasy, and a charming smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she put away the murderous aura on her body.

Forget it.

She is a dignified female emperor of the demon clan. Is she really afraid of a young ghost?

To attack a fourteen-year-old girl, it would seem that she, the female emperor of the demon clan, is too magnanimous.

""Little ghost, if I'm not mistaken, you should be a woman, right?"

Su Yueli asked Zhou An Ning.

It might be a simple intuition. As early as the first time she saw Zhou An Ning in the palace, she suspected that Zhou An Ning was a woman.

After seeing the murderous intent on Su Yueli dissipated, Zhou An Ning felt much more at ease. With a slightly surprised look on his face, he said frankly:

"I knew I couldn't hide it from Sister Su. An Ning is indeed not a man."

"My father taught me to hide my identity…"

"Her father raised An Ning as a man since she was young and had high expectations for her. He said that all the kings of the Zhou Dynasty were men and only men could inherit the throne. He hoped that An Ning could give up being a woman."

"If one day my father is gone, An Ning can succeed the throne and continue to bring prosperity and peace to Tian Zhou."

Speaking of this, Zhou An Ning looked gloomy and sad.

I don't know if she was thinking of her father, or thinking of how she had to obey the teachings since she was born, hiding her true nature, and spent fourteen years as a man...

Hearing this, Su Yueli frowned, her face showing deep disdain and pride, and said:

"Hum! What a joke!"

"Who says women can’t be emperors?"

"Look, haven’t I also become the emperor of tens of thousands of demons?"

"What about her identity as a woman?"

""In the demon tribe, wherever this emperor goes, they all bow down and serve me!"

Zhou An Ning looked at Su Yueli with admiration.

Su Yueli was not only beautiful, but also powerful enough to conquer and unify tens of thousands of demon tribes and become the emperor of the demon tribe.

This was something Zhou An Ning had never thought of.

She didn't even dare to compete with Zhou Zhige for the throne.

But at this moment, her state of mind had changed a little.

It was because Su Yueli said to her again:

"Little boy, you have to remember that opportunities never come by waiting for others to give them alms."

"If there is something you want, go grab it with your own hands and fight for it!"

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