Chapter 112 嗑cp

   Luo Ning looked away from him when she heard these words with some deep meaning.

   "You go to the group and ask what everyone wants to drink, we are better too."

  Lu Xun knew that she was avoiding her on purpose, so he was not in a hurry, "Okay!"

   After he finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone and really asked in the group pulled by the program team.

  The two entered the cold drink shop together.

   Luo Ning asked: "What do you want to drink?"

  Lu Xun replied without hesitation: "Lemon juice."

  Luo Ning asked with a smile: "You also like to drink lemon juice?"

  Lu Xun knew that she liked to drink, so he slowly fell in love with it, "Yes, drink lemon juice all the time."

  Luoning turned her head to order, Lu Xun had already asked everyone what they wanted to drink in the group of the show group.

   If there is no answer, they just order it at will.

  Because there were dozens of cups, the two walked to an empty table not far away to sit down and wait.

   The little girls who ordered and made cold drinks couldn't help but get excited when they saw them.

   "That's Ningbao and Lu Shen!"

   "Yes, I didn't expect Ningbao in reality to be more beautiful than in the camera, and Lu Shen is so handsome."

   "The two are a good match, I've been drinking their CPs all the time."

   "The two of you are buying cold drinks for the guests and students, it's so warm!"

   Although they spoke very quietly, they were still heard by Luo Ning.

   Even a little girl took out her mobile phone and took a photo of the two sitting together.

  Lu Xun saw that Luo Ning didn't stop him, so he wouldn't stop it.

   Nine times out of ten, this photo will be circulated, and he feels good.

  The two chatted while waiting, and after the cold drinks were ready, the two took it away.

  Lu Xun took the initiative to take the majority, Luo Ning just carried a few cups, and this scene was also photographed by the little girl.

   The little girl is Ningfen, and she asked Luo Ning for an autograph before her face was blushing just now.

   At the same time, he told Luo Ning about taking pictures of himself.

   So Luo Ning didn't let her delete it.

   After the two left, she couldn't help but ran to the support club to scream in excitement.

   "Ahhh, I just met Ningbao and Lu Shen."

   "Ningbao is so beautiful and her favorite fans, I am so blessed by her."

People from the    support club bubbled up and asked her how she met her and if she had any photos.

  The little girl sent out three of the photos she took, as well as Luo Ning's signed photo.

  A single photo of Luo Ning sitting by the window leaning on the sofa and smiling, looking relaxed and youthful.

   A photo of Luo Ning and Lu Xun talking with a smile, the handsome men and women are particularly seductive.

   The last one is the back view of the two of them leaving with a pile of cold drinks, which looks inexplicably giving a sense of matching.

   "Ningbao is so beautiful, Lu Shen is so handsome, they are a good match!"

   "Ningbao is really a favorite fan. She signed autographs for her friends and allowed her to take pictures."

   "As expected of my idol, Ningbao is so good."

   "Have you noticed that Lu Shen looked at Ningbao with gentle eyes, and he was very fond of him. He shared most of the cold drinks when he went out."

   "Yes, Lu Shen loves Ningbao, and continues to lock the CP of the two."

   Then there are a lot of lemons that are not cp powder. Looking at the photos, I can't help but nibble on cp.

  Ji Xingheng was also in the group, and saw the photos and the messages of the lemons at this time.

   He felt that he was about to turn into a citric acid and die.

  Lu Xun, that scheming dog, really has illegitimate thoughts on Ning Ning, **** it!

   Ji Xingheng was upset, so he spoke in the support club group.

   "I don't think Ningbao and Lu Yingdi are a good match!"

   "Ningbao looks at Lu Yingdi with normal eyes, that is, he is just an ordinary friend."

   Lemon asked silently: "Then who do you think is a good match for Ningbao?"

   Ji Xingheng typed his name on it without hesitation.

   "Of course it's Ji Xingheng."

   He added, "Isn't there a saying that Lang rides a bamboo horse and makes green plums around the bed, I think it suits them very well."

  Lemons: "..."

   "I'm afraid your eyes are not good. Where does Ningbao match Ji Xingheng?"

   "That's right, don't worry about the bamboo horse who stabbed the knife, we Ningbao don't care about Ji Xingheng's scum."

   "That's right, I almost made Ningbao take the blame before, Ji Xingheng absolutely can't do it."

   "Ningbaodu's Weibo official announced that Ji Xingheng and Ji Xingheng have cut off their childhood sweetheart relationship, so don't mess around with each other."

  Ji Xingheng: "..." You just mess around with Ning Ning and Lu Xin Ji Dog Group CP?

   He couldn't help but get frustrated, because Ningfen didn't have a single support for him, so angry.

   was brushing the group, and the door of the workshop rang.

   One of the students went to open the door and saw Luo Ning and Lu Xun with cold drinks.

   "Mr. Lu and Teacher Luo have worked hard!" Everyone thanked them for taking the cold drink.

  The actor and Ningbao went to buy cold drinks for them and felt so happy.

   The students each took a cup, and Su Qinglan also took the grape milk cap he wanted to drink.

   Ji Xingheng hadn't spoken in the group before, so Lu Xun took out a glass of mixed juice and handed it to him.

   Ji Xingheng didn't answer, looked at Luo Ning and said pitifully, "I want to drink lemon juice."

   He knew that Luo Ning likes to drink lemon juice. He used to be too sour, and he didn't like drinks, so he basically wouldn't order it.

   But now he wants to synchronize with her, which is equivalent to drinking with her.

  Lu Xun took the juice back coldly.

   Luo Ning looked at Ji Xingheng speechlessly and said, "Don't you think lemon juice is sour?"

   Ji Xingheng said confidently: "I like drinking it very much now."

   Luo Ning: "..." This guy is really wrong.

   She is not used to him. "Mr. Lu asked in the group before, but you didn't say you wanted it. Now there is no extra lemon juice."

   Ji Xingheng had seen the news from Lu Xun in the group before, but because it was a scheming dog, he didn't bother to pay attention.

  Who knew that Luo Ning also went to buy it, I knew he would go with him.

   "Then I didn't see it." He said aggrievedly.

   Luo Ning stuffed him a glass of watermelon juice in his hand, "This is the only one, if you like it or not."

   Being stuffed with watermelon juice, Ji Xingheng laughed suddenly, with a bright brilliance in his eyes, "So you still remember that I like drinking watermelon juice."

  Luo Ning couldn't help laughing, "This is what Teacher Lu chose."

   Ji Xingheng's smile suddenly froze, thinking how to break the watermelon juice in his hand.

  Lu Xun wanted to laugh when he saw him, he deserved it.

   "Let's go, let's go to the next studio." He said to Luo Ning.

  Luoning nodded, greeted Su Qinglan, and left with Lu Xun.

   When they went out, Ji Xingheng didn't drink the watermelon juice, but put it directly on the table, obviously not ready to drink it.

  Su Qinglan couldn't help but cast a sympathetic look at him, this guy did it, otherwise he wouldn't have lost his green plum.

   was delivered to Bo Xiangxiang's workshop, the students opened the door, and Luo Ning heard Ni Xinxuan's ironic voice inside.

   "If you don't understand anything, you just command blindly. You treat yourself as the sun, and everyone will revolve around you."

   Then Bo Xiangxiang looked like he was about to cry and was bullied, "I just think this is better, can't I just make suggestions?"

   (end of this chapter)

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