After The Breakup, I Became Popular In the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 115: Sure enough, the minister is the minister

   Chapter 115 Sure enough, the minister is the minister

   After listening to his words, Luo Ning also roughly understood the working methods of other people in the special department.

   She smiled apologetically and said, "I'm sorry, someone has already invited me before you, and I agree."

  Han Lie was surprised, "You mean, someone invited you to the special department in advance?"

  Han Chi and Fu Yunbing were also surprised that someone had started before them.

   Luo Ning nodded: "Well, and he gave me some special treatment."

   "For example, if you enter the official establishment, but you enjoy personal and time freedom and are not managed by anyone, it is considered a cooperative relationship."

   This Han Lie will know sooner or later, and there is no need to hide it.

  Han Lie was stunned, "Can I take the liberty to ask, who invited you?"

   Such treatment should only be given to ministers.

   These official personnel are not free in person and time. For example, when a task comes suddenly, no matter what they are busy with, they have to put it down to perform.

  It is also their duty to obey orders.

   Luo Ning said truthfully: "Your minister."

  As long as she joins the special department, Han Ye will definitely know this.

  Han Yan once again showed a surprised look. He had no idea that the ruthless minister with no tail, would personally invite Luo Ning to join their department.

   "Have you met our minister?" he couldn't help asking.

  Luoning glanced at him inexplicably, "Of course."

   Otherwise, how did she get invited? Could it be a phone call?

  Han Lie knew Luo Ning had misunderstood as soon as she saw her expression, "No, I mean you have seen the real face of our minister?"

   Luo Ning has a black line, "Could it be that you haven't seen the true face of your minister?"

  Han Lie nodded truthfully, "I haven't seen it before."

   The minister was wearing a mask every time he appeared, and his voice was cold. He had never seen anyone who looked like a minister in reality.

   also asked curiously: "What does our minister look like?"

  Luo Ning also reacted, the people in the special department didn't even know that Lu Daying was their minister.

   Then she naturally wouldn't reveal Lu Xun's identity, and shook her head and said, "I don't know either."

   "Then how do you know that he is our minister? You are not afraid of his impersonation?"

  Han Lie understands that she doesn't know, after all, the identity of their ministers is mysterious and special, and it is easy for people to see the true face.

  Luoning pointed to himself and said with a chuckle, "Have you forgotten what I did? Of course I can tell if he is impersonating."

   "Besides, he still has documents."

  Han Yan thought about it and then looked at her with some admiration.

   "Luo Ning, you are so amazing that you can actually invite our minister to personally invite you. This is something that has never happened before."

   Their ministers never cared about the flow of personnel in the ministry, let alone who to invite to join.

   Luo Ning smiled confidently: "Your minister is more discerning."

  Han Chi also laughed and said, "This shows that I am also very discerning."

   Then he threw a look at Han Lie: Look, isn't the person I asked you to dig out of?

  Han Lie was speechless, no matter how good his eyes were, it wasn't because his minister took the lead.

   Sure enough, the minister is the minister.

   He smiled at Luo Ning and said, "We will be colleagues from now on, and hope to have the opportunity to work together!"

   Luo Ning smiled: "There will definitely be a chance."

   The dishes came out soon, and everyone chatted while eating.

  Han Chi sighed while eating the food, "This restaurant tastes pretty good, but it's still a lot worse than the dishes you made with Xiao Ning Ning."

   Since eating Luo Ning's dishes, his mouth has become more critical.

   Luo Ning laughed: "I thank you for your compliment."

   "I have the opportunity to invite you to dinner at home." She had a good impression of Han Chi and the three of them.

  The three of Han Chi smiled and nodded: "This is a good feeling!"

  When the dinner was about to end, Han Lie thought about it and reminded Luo Ning, "Recently, a sorcerer has entered the imperial capital. She not only has the goal of revenge, but also targets people in the lunar calendar and spiritual colleagues."

   "Over the past year or so, no less than 100 ordinary people and feng shui mystic masters have died in her hands."

   "Be careful going out recently."

   His mission this time was to find and capture the sorcerer.

   Luo Ning was stunned when she heard Han Yan's reminder.

   She remembered that a mysterious sorcerer also appeared in her previous life, who mixed the imperial capital into chaos.

   The reason why I have an impression of this is because she was hacked at the time and forced to quit the variety show. She was in a cold war with Ji Xingheng, and she was in a bad mood and state.

  Then mother brought her brother to see her in the imperial capital.

   Who knew that when his younger brother was out to buy books, he was targeted by a sorcerer.

   At that time, the younger brother was wearing the amulet card made by his father all the time, so he avoided the other party's magic attack and tried to control.

  But he was also blocked by the other party. The younger brother was not in good health and could not get rid of the other party. Fortunately, the minister of the special department went out in person and led someone to successfully subdue and arrest the sorcerer on the spot.

  My brother was sent home by people from the special department, and she and her mother were shocked to find out about it, and they dared not let my brother go out alone.

   After mentioning this, she realized that it was Lu Xun who saved her brother.

   "Do you have any information on that sorcerer?" Luo Ning's eyes became colder.

   The younger brother almost suffered in the last life, this time she has to protect him no matter what, it is best to get rid of the sorcerer in advance.

   also saves the other party from constantly coming out to harm others.

  Han Lie didn't expect Luo Ning to ask this, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I can't tell you this."

   Luo Ning has not officially joined the special department, so he cannot tell the details of the task object.

   is afraid of leaking out, making the other party alert and having an accident, such as running away in advance.

   It's not that he doesn't believe in Luo Ning, but it's a matter of principle, even if Han Chi asks, he won't tell.

   Luo Ning nodded in understanding, "Okay, then I will be careful."

   After chatting for a while, Han Chi said to Luo Ning, "Xiao Ningning, I came to see you this time, besides helping my cousin introduce you, I also came with other tasks."

  Luo Ning asked with a smile: "For the talisman I drew?"

  Han Chi looks like you really are awesome, "As expected of Xiao Ningning, you can see my intention at a glance."

   "The medicine amulet and tracking amulet you drew before are in great demand for our special forces, so can you provide us with some? The price is easy to say."

   He paused and said, "We can also provide raw materials here."

   Their captain reported to the higher-ups, and after confirming that the two kinds of talismans drawn by Luo Ning were really useful, they gave him and Fu Yunbing the task this morning, and asked them to negotiate with Luo Ning about purchasing the talismans.

   This is also because they are familiar with Luo Ning, otherwise it would not be their turn.

   Luo Ning replied: "If you are talking about medicine talismans, I can provide some at regular intervals."

   "In addition to reducing swelling and hemostasis, it can also provide detoxification, fever reduction, first aid, etc."

   "Great, I knew Xiao Ningning you are the best." Han Chi said excitedly.

   (end of this chapter)

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