Chapter 126 How could it be you?

   After arriving at the door of Liu's house, Lu Xun put the mask on his face and used the breath-holding technique.

   Because of this, others can't tell that he is Lu Yingdi.

  Luo Ning knows why he wears a mask. The sorcerer has been doing bad things for a long time, and he must be taken back to the special department. If he uses the identity of the actor, he will be exposed.

   As soon as he got off the car, Luo Ning felt the yin around him.

   Hearing the sound of the car, Xiang Bin and his mother walked out together.

   "Master Luo, you are here."

   Then they all looked at Lu Xun who was wearing a mask, "Who is this?"

   Luo Ning replied: "This is a comrade from the special department who came to assist."

  Xiang Bin and the two knew about the special department, but they had never been in contact with them, they only knew that it was very mysterious.

   immediately smiled politely and said, "Hello comrade, I will be in trouble tonight."

  Lu Xun said in a cold voice: "The responsibility lies."

   Luo Ning looked at the two corners of the garden and dug out a blood-red stone from each of the two flower pots.

   She found these two stones last time, but they didn't move.

  Xiang Bin's mother and son wore the talismans she drew, and these yin qi could not affect their bodies for the time being.

   Luo Ning wrapped the two stones with rune paper and put them in his backpack.

  This thing has to be taken out and disposed of, otherwise it will be very dangerous wherever it goes.

   The four entered the villa and sat down.

  Xiang Bin found that the cold feeling in the room had disappeared, replaced by the normal stuffy heat.

   He turned on the air conditioner, "Master Luo, the house suddenly kept getting cold before, was it because of the two stones outside?"

  Luoning nodded, "Yes, the goddess your grandma contacted, wanted to use the yin on the inside and outside of the stone to erode the whole house and continue to harm you."

   "Now take me upstairs and dispose of the other stones."

  Xiang Bin couldn't get what he wanted, that thing always felt apprehensive at home, "Okay!"

  Luo Ning used the talisman to wrap the stones found one after another.

When    returned to the living room again, she looked at the door.

   "Since you're here, show up."

   As soon as she finished speaking, the doors and windows that were closed suddenly opened.

   A cloudy wind blew from outside the door and window, causing a chill to Bin's mother and son.

   Then an old woman who looked to be in her sixties walked in.

   Liu Hongxue was surprised when she saw the old woman.

   "How could it be you?"

   Luo Ning heard her words and knew that the Liu family had a grudge with the sorcerer, "You know her?"

   Liu Hongxue took a deep breath and replied, "I know."

   "She is someone my dad knew when he went to the countryside as an educated youth. She fell in love with my dad back then and insisted my dad marry her."

   "But my dad refused and married my mother who went to the countryside to be an educated youth. She had already been a partner."

   "Then she was married to a man in the same village by her family, but that man would be violent, and her child was aborted."

   "After my dad returned to the city, he slowly established Liu's Pharmaceutical. When he was an educated youth, the villagers took good care of them, so he built the village into a medicinal planting base."

   "The local villagers are also living better and better because of this. Once when my dad went to the village for inspection, she suddenly appeared and begged my dad to take her away."

   "But my dad has a family, and she has a family of her own. How could she take her away? He refused again."

   "It didn't take long for my dad to hear that she ran away from the village by herself, so she didn't take it to heart."

   "Who knows that twenty years ago, she reappeared, and I don't know what method she used to destroy all the medicinal materials built in the village."

   "Then the bases that my family built in other places, all the medicinal materials were also destroyed"

   "At that time, the company signed a contract for the sale of medicinal materials with a foreign businessman. She did this, we couldn't get the medicinal materials, and the other party deliberately adjusted it. We didn't collect enough outside, and finally lost a large amount of liquidated damages."

   "That incident almost dragged down the Liu family. Of course, my dad wouldn't let her off the hook, so he called the police."

   "But who knew that she ran away again. Our Liu family was also in crisis. Then my grandmother's family sold all the property and collected a sum of money for the Liu family, and the company slowly recovered."

   She had already entered Liu's work at that time, so she knew so clearly.

   I just didn't expect this person to become a goddess, and even killed their mother and son.

  Luo Ning looked at the old woman. Although this man looked kind and loving, he was surrounded by blood and blood, indicating that there were many lives in his hands.

  's face is even more narrow-minded and ruthless.

   More importantly, there are several causal lines with Liu Hongxue.

   The eyes she looked at the old woman became cold again, "The death of Aunt Liu's parents and grandfather and grandmother is related to you."

  Liu Hongxue was stunned for a moment, some couldn't believe it, but it wasn't impossible after thinking about it, this person can do sorcery.

   "Why did you do this? Just because my dad rejected you?" She had believed Luo Ning's words.

   The old woman had a gentle smile on her face, but there was no warmth in her eyes, and there was even a hint of hatred.

   "Yes, I just hate him for rejecting me."

   "If he hadn't rejected me back then, I wouldn't have married that violent man, and my children wouldn't have been knocked out one after another."

   "I couldn't stand it back then. When I saw him returning to his hometown for inspection, I begged him to take me away, but he refused again."

   "Let me be beaten by that man again, and I will lose my fertility and cut off my sons and grandchildren."

   She couldn't take it anymore, so she secretly ran away, and then met a warlock.

   After being tortured by that person for a few years, she was able to escape by learning those methods and killing that person to death.

   Then there was only one thought in my heart, to take revenge.

   "You say, how can I not hate it?"

   That is the man she has loved and hated all her life, why should he treat her like that?

  She was the prettiest girl in the village at the time, and she was very capable, but much better than his squeamish person who didn't know how to do any farm work.

   She liked him so much, but he rejected her, made her a laughing stock in the village, and forced her to marry that man.

   That man has always had a thorn in his heart because of what she was actively pursuing. He beat her when he was drunk or when he was unhappy, and he suffered violence for the first half of his life.

   "Your **** mother doesn't have any other skills, but her ability to seduce people is first-class, so I cursed her to die of Hualiu's illness."

   "Her parents gave birth to such daughters, it's damn, so I let them die in a car accident."

   She continued to say with a bit of madness on her face: "I just wanted to make your dad regret it, but I didn't expect that after that **** died, he became mad and went after him."

   "He died so easily, it upsets me."

   How could this make her unwilling, she hadn't even seen him repent to herself.

   (end of this chapter)

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