Chapter 131 No Compromise

   After Luo Ning's performance, the three directors looked at him and did not speak.

   So he was the first to break the peace, "Director Zhu, is it alright?"

   Director Zhu finally came back to his senses, and the smile on his face became a little sincere, "Not bad, you can try the part where you meet the male protagonist again after Su Youling is blackened."

   Luo Ning did not refuse, so he performed another part.

   The more the three directors looked at the smiles on their faces, the deeper they could see, Luo Ning had a thorough understanding of the role of Su Youling, and was familiar with the script and lines. Obviously, he had prepared carefully in advance.

   They are very fond of such a serious actor, especially her acting skills gave them a great surprise.

The effect of   's performance was in line with the three of them's positioning and feeling of Su Youling.

After   , Director Zhu drew two horizontal lines under Luo Ning's name on the list.

   Then smiled and said to Luo Ning, "Thank you, Teacher Luo, for your performance. Please go back and wait for the notice."

  Luo Ning nodded, "Okay!"

After    went out, those who were still waiting for the audition looked at Luo Ning with a bit of inquiry.

   It's true that Luo Ning went in twice as long as the previous person, which has to make people think more.

   Yu Chunjiao, who was just about to leave, saw this and walked directly to Luo Ning and asked, "Why did it take you so long to come out?"

  Although the gold master said that the role of the second female is hers, she is also afraid of any changes.

  Luo Ning glanced at her lightly, "What's your business? Am I familiar with you?"

   Yu Chunjiao said unhappily, "I'll just ask what's wrong? Don't you feel guilty?"

  I don't know what Luo Ning did with the director after staying inside for so long.

   "A good dog won't stand in the way." Luo Ning didn't bother to pay attention to such a woman who was so arrogant and mindless as soon as she gained power.

  Yu Chunjiao has never dared to speak to her like this since she became the gold master.

   Her face was a little ugly, "You can wait and see for me."

  Luo Ning stopped looking at her and left, "As you like."

   On the set of audition, Director Zhu and the three were also discussing.

   All three felt that Luo Ning played Su Youling alive, and it would be a pity if she was not chosen.

  Especially the people who came in to play the second female lead, none of them performed the coquettish feeling of the blackened witch they wanted, and they were even more sure of Luo Ning.

   But the investors also had to deal with it, so Director Zhu decided to discuss with the investors to play Luo Ning.

   After all, they all hope that this drama can be successful. In addition to a good script and excellent production, the actors are also very important.

   As for the role of the heroine, Director Zhu and others decided on Bo Xiangxiang.

   First, because the president of Star Entertainment personally greeted him, if Bo Xiangxiang is used, he will give another investment.

  Secondly, Bo Xiangxiang's image is quite in line with the role of the heroine, and his acting skills are also good.

   So they decided directly, only the role of the second female is controversial.

   I have to say that Bo Xiangxiang, the heroine, has good luck.

   The female lead who originally acted in this drama in the last life was injured suddenly a few days ago, so she did not come to audition.

   Yu Chunjiao, who has the backstage, is also staring at the role of the second female, and did not go to grab the first female.

   Coupled with Yuan Hanyi's operation and her own not bad acting skills, the role of the female lead is easy to obtain.

   Sitting in the nanny car, Fang Yan smiled at Luo Ning and said, "Ning Ning, your acting skills are very good. If there is no accident, the role of the second female must be yours."

  As Luo Ning's agent, Fang Yan could go in and watch when she auditioned for performances.

  Because of Luo Ning's performance on variety show live broadcasts and her usual relationship, Fang Yan did not believe the rumors on the Internet.

  But I really didn't expect that Luo Ning's acting skills would be so good, completely unexpected.

  With such acting skills, coupled with the increasing popularity, he is not worried about being popular at all.

  Luo Ning leaned on the back of the chair and drank water, "I see that Yu Chunjiao looks like she is bound to win. There may be some accidents with this character."

   This kind of large-scale fairy tale drama is particularly expensive, and the investor is the father, so it is still unknown whether Director Zhu will compromise with the gold master behind Yu Chunjiao.

  Fang Yan couldn't help frowning when he heard this, "The gold owner behind Yu Chunjiao is indeed a troublemaker. I heard that that person is very domineering and arrogant, and he is very protective of his shortcomings."

  Since Yu Chunjiao was adopted by that person, two people had offended her before, and she was directly hidden by her sponsor, so her behavior in the circle became more and more arrogant.

   Therefore, although Yu Chunjiao is not very popular, not many people dare to offend her.

   He could see that Luo Ning likes this role very much, so he said: "I will try my best to help you win this role."

   Being able to sit on the throne of Star King's gold broker, Fang Yan's connections are very strong.

   So he is still going to try, even if he is willing to go to the gold master behind Yu Chunjiao, whoever makes Luo Ning his artist, he is also very protective.

  Luo Ning said with a smile, "Then I will trouble Brother Fang."

   is also an agent, even though the financial master behind Yu Chunjiao is a bit more powerful, Fang Yan did not hesitate to choose to help her win, even if it is likely to offend the other party.

   If it was Yan Qiuping, the first thing to do would be to give up first.

   The difference is not that big.

   The next day, Luo Ning received a call from Fang Yan.

   "Ning Ning, Director Zhu replied to me. He said that he and the screenwriter are optimistic about you, so he discussed with the investor and wanted to use you as the second female lead."

   "The gold owner behind Yu Chunjiao didn't let go."

   "I found two other investors to negotiate a deal. In the end, the person proposed to meet you, and then decide who will be the final decision."

   Luo Ning was a little surprised, "Why would he want to see me?"

   Fang Yan replied, "I don't know either, but after I found out that he had met Liu Shaoxian of the Liu family before, I called Director Zhu and said he wanted to see you."

   "By the way, Bo Xiangxiang has been appointed as the heroine by the host."

   He is actually quite speechless. Who would have thought that the role of the second female lead would be more popular than the female lead, such a thing is too rare.

   But who made his artists like it, plus Luo Ning's acting skills are completely competent, he also felt inexplicably the female Erxiang.

   He said again: "That Yu Chunjiao has been promoting in the circle that she won the second female lead in this drama. You were not selected because of your poor acting skills."

   "So I suggest you to meet and have a look. If that person insists on using Yu Chunjiao, we will think of other ways."

   This matter certainly cannot be compromised.

   In fact, it's nothing to want the role of the second female lead. After all, he can help Luo Ning find a better script to be the heroine.

  But if the situation is compromised now, Luo Ning will be easily looked down upon in the circle in the future, and anyone may want to pinch her.

   The key is that Yu Chunjiao deliberately released such news. If Luo Ning didn't get the role, wouldn't it fulfill the rumor that she was not selected because of her poor acting skills.

  Luo Ning was not surprised that Bo Xiangxiang's heroine role was set, but she never thought that Liu Shaoxian would also intervene in this matter.

   She squinted her eyes and said, "Okay, let Director Zhu make an appointment with that person, and we'll go to the appointment."

   She wanted to see what the **** they were up to.

   Today's update is over, thank you for your tips and votes~



   (end of this chapter)

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