Chapter 133

   Xiao Yu's face turned black when he saw Director Zhu and the two cast in disbelief.

   He really didn't expect that Luo Ning could even see this.

   Now deny it, and those present will not believe it.

   He could only say to Luo Ning angrily: "Miss Luo, there is a saying that you can't see through without breaking through."

  Luo Ning raised her eyebrows, "There's another saying, whoever flirts first is self-deprecating."

  Xiao Yu: "..." Suddenly, I felt like I lifted a stone and hit my foot.

   "I didn't expect Miss Luo to have this kind of ability." He also admitted.

   Then glanced at Zhu Dao and Fang Yan, and asked with a bit of warning: "What did you hear just now?"

   Director Zhu and Fang Yan immediately shook their heads and said, "We didn't hear anything."

  Although I don't know why Xiao Yu got married long ago and is so romantic, he is still a boy, but there must be some unknown reasons and secrets.

   Of course they pretended not to hear.

   Xiao Yu nodded with satisfaction, "That's right."

   Then he looked at Luo Ning and said, "I apologize to you for what happened just now."

   "Since you've seen it all, then you should also know that my proposal to support you will not be real."

   He asked his assistant to check Luo Ning today, after all, he never started with the dishes in other people's bowls.

   In addition to knowing that she is single now, I also heard that she is a Feng Shui master.

   But before, he did not take her identity as a Feng Shui master to heart, but now it is different.

   Then he asked Luo Ning curiously: "You really see it?"

   Luo Ning nodded, "Of course."

   Xiao Yu asked again with a strong interest: "Then can you see anything else?"

   "I heard that your Feng Shui masters can also divination and fortune-telling, how about you help me with a divination?"

   He added, "Of course, as long as you calculate accurately, the role of the second female is yours."

   Luo Ning played with the teacup and said meaningfully: "We have a rule in this industry, I don't know if you have heard of it."

   "What?" Xiao Yu usually doesn't believe this much, so he doesn't know much about it.

  Luoning replied: "The hexagram will not go empty."

   Xiao Yu was puzzled, "What do you mean?"

   This Zhu Dao knows, "Masters need to charge for fortune telling. The so-called use of people's money and wealth to eliminate disasters for others."

   He believed in Feng Shui very much, but he was surprised that Luo Ning had some knowledge in this regard.

   Director Zhu doesn't watch variety shows. He's been busy preparing for the Xianxia drama recently, so he doesn't know enough about Luo Ning's news.

   Xiao Yu laughed, "So that's the case."

   He waved his hand and said nonchalantly, "No problem, as long as you calculate correctly, money is a trivial matter."

  Luoning took out three ancient coins and handed them to Xiao Yu, "You blow three breaths."

   Xiao Yu took the ancient coin and blew three breaths before handing it back to Luo Ning.

   He wanted to see if she was really capable, or played with him.

  If it's the latter, even if he has a good temper, it can't be ignored.

   Luo Ning took the ancient coin, "What do you want to ask?"

   Xiao Yu was stunned for a moment, he didn't trust Luo Ning very much, he just had a playful attitude, so he didn't really want to be anything at all.

   After being asked this, he thought about it and said, "Ask about my marital status and my family's health."

   Luo Ning nodded, shook the ancient coin, and tossed it on the table.

   Seeing the display of the hexagram, plus what he had seen before, Luo Ning looked up at him.

   "Are you sure I say it now?"

   Xiao Yu didn't really believe that Luo Ning could figure out anything, but because of what happened just now, he still let Director Zhu and Fang Yan avoid it.

   Director Zhu and Fang Yan didn't even think about exploring Xiao Yu's privacy, they got up with a smile and said they were going out for a walk.

   After the two left, Xiao Yu raised his hand with a bit of anger on his lips, "Miss Luo, please!"

  Luo Ning didn't go around in circles and said bluntly, "Mr. Xiao, let me talk about your marital status first."

   "You have a green crown, that is, your wife. After you got engaged and before you got married, you had an undisclosed relationship with someone else."

   "You should have stumbled upon it on your wedding day, so you never touched each other."

   "And not long after, your wife became pregnant."

   She said meaningfully: "I guess you may be disgusted, so you started to deliberately support the little three and the four, and changing women is like changing clothes."

   "It's just that you have your own bottom line, so you should deliberately want to use this kind of thing to disgust the other party."

   After listening to Luo Ning's words, Xiao Yu's arrogance and romance instantly subsided.

   His eyes were full of shock, and he said after a while: "I didn't expect Miss Luo to be so powerful, you can see it all."

   What Luo Ning said was all right.

   When he returned from studying abroad, his family arranged for him to go on a blind date with Liu Shaoying.

   The other party is beautiful and has a gentle and considerate personality, which meets his requirements for his future wife.

  Liu Shaoying often asked him out and expressed his liking. He didn't hate her either, and the family was more satisfied with her, so they got engaged.

   After a few months, they got along fine with each other, so they decided to get married.

   He has always kept himself clean. Because he never liked anyone before marriage, although he and Liu Shaoying belonged to a marriage, he was looking forward to marriage.

   On the wedding day, the Liu family took the lead in pouring him a lot of wine, and he didn't think much about it at the time.

   After drinking too much, I felt sick and felt sick, so I went to the bathroom.

   Who knew that Liu Shaoxian overheard that someone continued to drink alcohol on him.

   The other party didn't say anything else, but he felt that something was wrong. Today, he is getting married, so why does the eldest brother think about getting himself drunk.

   He had doubts in his heart, but he did not show it.

   In private, he also asked the assistant to find a hangover medicine to take, and then continued to drink it after returning, and then pretended to be drunk.

   After being drunk, he was sent home, and his uncle and brothers helped him into the bedroom.

   Not long after, he took off all his clothes before leaving.

   He was puzzled, and then he heard Liu Shaoying leaning into his ear and repeating the same words in a low voice.

   means that he and her had a relationship last night, and the battle was quite fierce.

   Having studied psychology in his foreign interests, he knew it was hypnosis.

   So he hurriedly made a psychological suggestion to himself, and then gradually fell into a drowsy sleep after listening to the voice.

   After waking up the next day, he hugged Liu Shaoying naked.

   There are a lot of marks on the other party's body, and the sheets are red, and at a glance, you can know what happened last night.

   He always felt something was wrong, as if he had forgotten something, but he didn't show it.

   In the afternoon, he secretly went to a friend who was a psychiatrist, and asked him to hypnotize him to recall what happened yesterday.

  Because he had done psychological suggestion to himself before, he remembered everything after hypnosis.

   So he also knew that it was impossible for him to have a relationship with Liu Shaoying, who was drunk and fell asleep last night.

   What happened last night? What happened to Liu Shaoying's redness and marks on his body?

   He had never experienced that kind of thing, so he asked a really romantic friend.

   checked the Internet again and found that the dark red marks on Liu Shaoying's body should not have been left last night, it should have been two or three days.

   That is to say, his wife got together with other men two or three days before the marriage, and put a green hat on herself properly.

   (end of this chapter)

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