Chapter 148

   Mr. Huo represented authority at home, so although the Huo family felt inexplicable, they did not raise any objections.

   There are still a few people who have guessed that this little girl is a doctor?

   Luo Ning walked over immediately.

   Then I saw that Huo Ye's face was already filled with death, that is, he looked like he was dying soon.

   Seeing Luo Ning frowning, Lu Xun stepped forward and asked, "Do you see what happened?"

   He was sure that if someone could save Huo Ye now, it would be Luo Ning.

   "The charm I gave him last night is gone."

   Luo Ning paused and said, "He was murdered."

  Lu Xun couldn't help but ask the Huo family, "Did you find the talisman on him when you sent Huo Ye over?"

  The Huo family was a little confused, "What talisman?"

   Suddenly, a little girl in her teens asked, "Is it a yellow character with letters?"

   Luo Ning nodded, "Yes, have you seen that talisman?"

   The little girl replied: "When I went downstairs in the morning, I accidentally saw an old aunt at home holding a yellow talisman and burning it."

  Luo Ning revealed that she really looked like this, "No wonder he was hit, it turns out that the life-saving charm I gave him was secretly taken away."

  Although the Huo family knew little about her words, they couldn't help but change their faces.

   Mr. Huo turned his head and said to Dad Huo, "Tell someone to control the nanny first."

   Dad Huo nodded, "Okay." Immediately called and ordered.

   Mr. Huo asked Luo Ning again: "Miss Luo, what do you think now?"

   At this time, the cub in Luo Ning's bag suddenly got a small head and kept screaming at Huo Ye on the bed.

   Luo Ning had already guessed it. Hearing it called so, he stepped forward and lifted Huo Ye's eyelids to take a look.

   "He's probably hit by a gu."

   She turned around and said with a bit of seriousness: "I need something to force the Gu out of him, and please prepare."

   Mr. Huo nodded hurriedly, "You said."

   "Excellent cinnabar, rooster blood..." Luo Ning reported a string of names.

   This meeting does not need to be ordered by Mr. Huo, the second child of the Huo family said: "I will prepare now."

  Although he was skeptical about Luo Ning, he couldn't care about anything else now.

   When Uncle Huo went to prepare things, Luo Ning took out the talisman and the talisman and drew it again.

   Uncle Huo's efficiency was very fast. In about half an hour, everything was ready to be delivered.

   Luo Ning took the things, first took out a porcelain bowl in his pocket, and then poured all the cinnabar and chicken blood into it.

   Then he burned the drawn talisman and threw it into the bowl.

   Stirred back and forth in the bowl with a wicker stick, and the color slowly turned into a very viscous dark red before stopping.

   Then she put the bowl next to Huo Ye's bed, took out the thousand-year-old Yin evil dagger, tore a corner of the yellow paper wrapped around it, and cut his fingers with the tip of the knife.

   A ray of yin and evil energy quickly penetrated into Huo Ye's body, and Luo Ning immediately chanted a spell in his mouth.

   controlled that ray of yin to circulate in Huo Ye's body, and it took about half an hour to find the Gu worm in his body.

   She put Huo Ye's fingers on the porcelain bowl, took out a special incense, and put it in the bowl.

   Continue to use Yin Sha to erode Gu worms.

   Gu worm felt danger and smelled a scent it liked, so it moved slowly towards Huo Ye's fingertips.

   After more than 20 minutes, just when the Huo family was about to lose patience, suddenly a cyan wriggling bug fell out of the wound cut by Huo Ye's fingertips.

After    fell into the bowl, the blue bug burrowed into it at once.

  The Huo family stared at this scene in stunned eyes, which completely broke their previous cognition.

   Mr. Huo is well-informed, he took a deep breath and asked Luo Ning, "Miss Luo, is this someone who has betrayed my grandson?"

  Luo Ning continued to wrap the dagger in yellow paper, "Well, someone has a crush on him."

   "It's still the most poisonous, and it can kill him at any time."

   She paused and said, "The Gu in his body should have been inoculated for a period of time, but it has been dormant all the time before, so it is not easy to find out."

   "The person who got Gu today used the mother Gu to activate the child Gu in his body, so he fainted with blood from Qikong, and then he couldn't wake up again."

   As for who made Gu, Luo Ning already knew.

   Mr. Huo asked, "How is Ono now? Is his life still in danger?"

  Luoning replied: "I have forced the Gu out of his body, and he is now out of danger."

   Then she changed her words, "But his qi and blood have been swallowed up by Gu insects, so he has to make up for it, or his lifespan will be lost in the future."

   Mr. Huo heaved a sigh of relief and was out of danger first.

  But then his face was ugly, "Could it be that the girl from the Liu family was instigating Xiaoye?"

   The old man knew about the girl from the Liu family who chased his grandson to go abroad, chased him back, and even forced marriage.

  Although he doesn't like such unrestrained girls, he has never interfered with his grandson's feelings.

  Thinking about it now, only that person is more motivated.

  Luo Ning was stunned, "Is the woman who has been chasing Huo Ye from the Liu family?"

   Mr. Huo nodded, "Yes, I heard Ono complain."

   He added, "I just feel like she did it, but I'm not sure."

  Luoning said: "She did it. She is deeply involved with Huo Ye, and this Gu worm has her causal thread."

   "And if she's from the Liu family, then it's even more certain that it's her."

   Mr. Huo asked, "Is there something wrong with this Liu family?"

  Lu Xun replied first: "The Liu family has raised a group of feng shui practitioners, and their Taoism is not low."

   Mr. Huo's face sank, "The Liu family is so bold that they dare to hit my grandson."

  Lu Xun added a fire, "They used this method to harm Huo Ye. If Luo Ning hadn't come along and found out, we would never have known that their family did it."

   "That's why they are so fearless."

   He was also angry in his heart at this time, and if he dared to take a small shot at him, the Liu family was really going to die.

   He added: "Recently, they have done a big thing in Chuan Liu's family, specializing in sucking the luck of in-law's family, and then passing it on to their family."

   He roughly explained the disgusting things the Liu family did, concisely and clearly.

   Mr. Huo's face was even more ugly, "The Liu family is so arrogant, if they continue to develop, it will be a big change."

  Father Huo and others also looked ugly. Who would have thought that the girls from the Liu family would dare to take action against Huo Ye, and would they think that the members of the Huo family were dead?

   Mr. Huo looked at Luo Ning and asked, "Ms. Luo, if Xiaoye died today, what would happen to the girl who was intoxicated?"

  Luoning said truthfully: "She will never fall in love with other men again in her life, but she will not have any other harm or influence on herself."

   Mr. Huo and the others' faces became even darker, "Damn!"

   "Why did she suddenly motivate this child today?" Dad Huo asked inexplicably.

   The last chapter is not finished yet, around 1:00~



   (end of this chapter)

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