Chapter 157 Are you serious?

   The director announced in the expectation of everyone.

   "Team formation is a must, and you will have to play tomorrow."

   "This time, the two guests are divided into a group."

   "It's also troublesome to draw lots, or we can form a team according to the combination of the previous car."

   He paused and said, "The guests are divided into four groups, and every five students are free to form teams with the guests."

   He just finished speaking, and Ji Xingheng said with a dark face: "No, why are you splitting up like this? It's not fair."

   "Director, you are shady."

   There is absolutely a problem with this guy who is not human. Every time he separates Lu Lang and Lemonade together, he will not believe it if there is nothing wrong with him.

   Others also shouted, "Yes, the director is shady, and we firmly oppose such grouping."

  Chai Jing cried the most, because he really didn't want to be in a group with Bo Xiangxiang.

   For some reason, he always felt that with this group, he would be as unlucky as Wei Yao and Tong Jia before.

  Ni Xinxuan raised her hand and said, "I suggest regrouping."

  Su Qinglan also said: "That is, let us separate from Xiao Ningning every time. The director asks you to be yourself this time."

  The students also objected, "We insist on regrouping."

   "The draw, the draw."

   They also want to team up with Luo Ning and Lu Yingdi, and if they are free to combine, none of the fifteen of them have a chance.

   The key is that they don't want to team up with Bo Xiangxiang, after all, she was a black hole in the last two episodes.

   Might as well decide by drawing lots, whoever draws will be counted.

  Director: "..."

   He divided into groups, which aroused public anger, it was really difficult for him.

   But he also saw it, to be grouped like this, the guests would be really angry, he could only feel sorry for Emperor Lu.

   Immediately, he had an idea and said, "Okay, since you don't mind the trouble of drawing lots, let's draw lots."

   "Why don't you just divide it into two groups, four guests and ten students."

   "It just so happens that you can also compete in the arena between the two teams in the next time."

   Hearing that the director said that they could draw lots, everyone had no objection.

   "Okay, let's draw lots!"

   Soon, the director arranged for the serial numbered paper **** to be placed in the box, and the guests were asked to draw first from left to right.

  Luo Ning was the first one, she opened the note, raised her hand and shook it, "One group!"

   After Su Qinglan saw the "one" on the note in her hand, she happily ran over and hugged her, "This time I can finally hug Ning Ning's thigh."

   followed by Ji Xingheng.

   He opened the note nervously, and found that "One" was written on it, and his eyes instantly showed surprise, "I am also One!"

   He finally teamed up with Ning Ning, it was too easy for him.

  Wei Yao and Chai Jing were disappointed when they saw the "two" above, "Hands are so stinky, and I missed the group with Xiao Ningning."

  Bo Xiangxiang opened the note and couldn't help but feel a little bit of anticipation, "I am also in the second group."

   Now only Ni Xinxuan and Lu Xun are left.

   Bo Xiangxiang kept meditating in his heart, Lushen, Lushen, Lushen.

  Lu Xun looked at the two remaining paper balls, smiled at Ni Xinxuan and said, "Please."

   "Then I'm welcome." Ni Xinxuan reached out and grabbed a ball of paper after speaking.

   After opening it and seeing the numbers above, he said helplessly: "Hey, I actually missed Xiao Ningning."

   Then everyone saw Lu Xun open the ball of paper with "One" written on it.

   Ji Xingheng saw this result, and his face instantly turned black.

   This nasty **** is actually in a group with Lemony again.

  Chai Jing couldn't help but sigh, "Lu Shen is Lu Shen, so I can be with Xiao Ningning again, I'm so sour!"

   "I'm envious of my real name!" Wei Yao also said.

  Lu Xun smiled confidently and gracefully, "It's doomed."

   In this draw, he did not cheat, this is fate.

   This result made Bo Xiangxiang very disappointed and flustered.

   If she used to meditate like this, she would usually be able to achieve what she wanted, but this time she failed.

  What happened to her recently? What about her koi luck?

   Next, it was the students' turn to draw lots. This time, Ye Zixiao and Feng Yifan were drawn to a group.

   The two of them couldn't hold back their excitement and raised their hands and clapped each other, "That's great, we'll follow Teacher Luo this time."

  Shan Zhen and several people wanted to cry when they saw the "two" in their hands, and they also wanted to follow Ningbao.

  Others who were drawn to the second group were also scolding themselves as bad hands.

  The best actor, top streamer and idol are all in the same group, what else does this make them play?

   The director saw the result and the smile on his face deepened.

   "I think this time the second group is more hopeful to clear the customs."

   He continued with a smile, "Mr. Wei is good at qin, chess, calligraphy and painting, and Mr. Chai can sing Peking Opera, which is a great advantage."

   He said this, and the students who were drawn to the second group immediately felt that it made sense.

   Those who like to study the quintessence of culture and traditional skills, the older ones have an advantage.

  Wei Yao and Chai Jing also confidently smiled at the students and said, "This time we will take you to lie down and win."

   "Mr. Wei and Teacher Chai are mighty!" The students said with a smile.

  Ni Xinxuan smiled and blinked: "Don't forget, I have made a movie about embroidery. Although I am not proficient, I still understand a little bit."

   Although she entered the circle for fun, she was still very serious about filming.

  In order to make the film well, she studied embroidery for a long time and visited several masters.

   Bo Xiangxiang, not to be outdone, said with a shy smile on his face, "I have studied martial arts."

   Before she became Bo Xiangxiang, she deliberately studied martial arts for a period of time because of the need to run the show and be a stand-in.

  The martial arts teacher at that time also praised her for her spirituality. Although it is not good for actual combat, it is completely fine to use it for a show.

   The students of the second group all laughed and shouted: "Oli!"

   After hearing this, both the students present and the audience watching the live broadcast felt that the second group might be about to come over this time.

  Chai Jing smiled and said, "Haha, it seems that our group is very powerful!"

   He said to Lu Xun with a lively atmosphere: "You have to be careful."

  Lu Xun smiled lightly, "It's uncertain who will kill the deer."

   Luo Ning also smiled and said, "I'll see for myself later!"

   "That's right, we don't lose if we lose, even if we let the horses come over."

  Su Qinglan felt that although they were not good at it, they couldn't lose their aura.

   Ji Xingheng coughed dryly and said, "It's okay, I can also martial arts."

   After he finished speaking, he glanced at Bo Xiangxiang, and then said confidently: "If the two groups need to go heads-up, I can win."

   Hearing this, everyone couldn't help laughing.

  Bo Xiangxiang's face turned black and he was so angry that he wanted to stomp his feet. Who wants to fight him, a guy who doesn't understand the style.

  【I'm dying of laughter, Ji Xingheng is a straight steel man! 】

  【Ji Xingheng, can you be more funny? 】

  【I was originally worried about Ningbao and the others, it seems that no one is good at anything, but when I heard Ji Xingheng's words, my aunt smiled instantly. 】

  【I used to hate Ji Xingheng, but now I suddenly think he is a little cute! 】

  【Hahaha, my star boy is too honest. 】

   [Martial arts duel, are you serious? 】

  【I see Bo Bailian's face froze when she heard this. 】

  【Bo Bailian: "They are girls, bastards!"】

  【I'm going to laugh out the goose cry, from today onwards I decided to fan Ji Xingheng. 】

   It's so noisy outside and at home, I really can't concentrate on writing, there is another chapter to be posted at 12 noon~~ I wish everyone a happy Spring Festival, and the new year will come true and all the best! I love you~~



   (end of this chapter)

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