Chapter 159 Why is the difference so big?

   Ji Xingheng was going to perform, and the remaining four students were taken away by him.

  The two of them went to help borrow the weapons they needed, and the other two set up the scene.

   Ji Xingheng decided that he wanted to perform, so he didn't want to be robbed of the limelight by Lu Xun.

   So he ran to brush his face, borrowed two sets of martial arts uniforms, and was well prepared.

   On the other side, Luo Ning placed the materials and tools outside the store.

   Ye Zixiao asked with a smile: "Mr. Luo, you are making clay puppets, shall we go out to sell them on the street?"

   "You don't have to go to sell it, just pinch it here and sell it now."

   Luo Ning continued with a smile: "But it's up to you to pull the guests here."

   Ye Zixiao patted his chest, "No problem, we're good at this."

   "Then let's shout now?" he asked.

  Luo Ning nodded, "I can pinch it according to the needs of the customer, so let's have a drink."

  In the first issue, I had the experience of selling things. Ye Zixiao and Feng Yifan were very easy to let go, and they started to shout at each other.

   "Mud puppets are sold now, don't miss them when you pass by."

  The national quintessence town has unique scenery and pleasant climate. Even if it is not the peak season, many people come to travel.

   Two handsome big boys shouted, and many people came over curiously.

   Of course, there are many people who recognize them and know that they are broadcasting variety shows.

   But under the maintenance of the program team, everyone did not go crazy.

   Soon, a young woman in her twenties pulled a little girl over five years old and walked to Luo Ning.

   "Ningbao, what kind of clay doll are you selling? I'll buy one." The woman looked at Luo Ning with bright eyes.

   Hearing her shout like this, Luo Ning knew that the other party was her fan.

   "Whatever you want to pinch, I will pinch it for you."

  Luo Ning continued with a smile: "Pinch a real person, or you can find a photo from your hand, and I can pin it."

  The woman originally thought that Luo Ning was just pinching at random, but she immediately became interested when she heard this.

   She pointed to the little girl who was pulling her and said, "Then can you help my niece make a clay doll?"

   Luo Ning nodded, "No problem."

   After she finished speaking, she looked at the cute little girl carefully, then picked up the mud and started pinching it.

  The live broadcast also followed her movements at this time.

   Soon, a cute mud doll appeared in Luo Ning's hands.

   "It looks like it's pinched!" Some onlookers exclaimed in amazement.

  The clay doll looks so much like the standing little girl in appearance and hair.

  Luo Ning smiled, picked up the coloring tool, and started coloring the clay doll.

   After a while, a vivid little girl clay puppet appeared in everyone's sight.

   "After the color is applied, it looks more like it."

   "It's completely printed like a little girl, it's amazing."

  Luo Ning waited for the paint on the clay doll to dry before handing it to the little girl, "Little sister, give it to you, do you like it?"

   The little girl looked at the clay doll that was very similar to herself, and happily took it over, "I like it, thank you, Miss."

   The little girl's aunt's eyes brightened when she saw this, "Ningbao, you are too powerful, and the pinching is too similar."

   She is a lemon, so when I saw Luo Ning selling mud puppets here, I was excited.

   Originally thought that she couldn't let her idol go hungry, so she came to take care of the business.

  I didn't expect that Ningbao was much more powerful than she imagined. This clay puppet was pinched as if it were alive.

   Luo Ning smiled and said, "It's your niece who is so cute."

  The woman looked at Luo Ning with star eyes and asked, "Then Ningbao, can you pinch one for me too?"

   Luo Ning smiled and said, "Of course you can."

   Then Luo Ning helped the woman pinched a clay puppet, which also looked like it was printed out of a mold, a special image.

   "It's a good squeeze too."

   "It's the first time I've seen someone squeeze a clay doll that looks like a real person. This young man is amazing."

   "No wonder people say that masters are among the people. This beautiful little girl is really a master at clay sculpture."

   "I want to pinch one too."

   "Yes, I'll pinch one too."

   Everyone was just watching the fun, but after seeing the two lively clay puppets that Luo Ning pinched, they couldn't sit still.

   Ye Zixiao responded quickly, and immediately called Feng Yifan to maintain order together, so that everyone would line up if they wanted to pinch.

   The clay doll that the woman is holding her own is not good.

   But she did not forget her original intention, took out her wallet and asked, "Ningbao, how much are these two clay dolls?"

   Luo Ning smiled and said, "I gave her the clay doll of your little niece."

   "Your twenty."

   After she finished speaking, she said to everyone: "No matter what you want to pinch next, it will be 20 yuan apiece, and each person can only pinch one."

   She kneads clay puppets very fast. After the cost of renting things and venues, a clay puppet can earn about ten yuan, which she thinks is almost the same.

  The woman was stunned, "Ah, it's so cheap."

   Luo Ning said with a smile on her face: "Just have a fun, you can give them twenty."

   "Then my niece's will be given too. I'm sorry to let you give it away for free." The woman asked for forty.

   Luo Ning's smile was a bit doting, "You are my fan, I will send a clay doll to your niece to repay your love, you can't refuse."

The    woman was infected by her smile and said excitedly: "Ningbao, Mama loves you!"

   Then he reacted to what he said, and his face turned red.

  Yes, she is Luo Ning's hemp powder.

   She quickly gave Ye Zixiao twenty dollars, pulled her niece out of the way, and gave it to other customers.

   A happy laughter poured out of Luo Ning's lips, and she raised her hand to compare her heart, "Thank you for your love, I love you too."

   Your own fans pet yourself.

   The woman couldn't help blushing and screaming, "Ahhh, Ningbao, you are so good."

   But she quickly covered her mouth, fearing that she would continue to scream and affect others.

  Luo Ning also began to make clay puppets for the next customer. The customers either made them for themselves or took out the photos of their mobile phones to make them for their family members.

  【Ah, ahhh, Ningbao is amazing, I also want a clay doll pinched by Ningbao. 】

   [Heizi come and see, we Ningbao people are very skilled, the masses say she is a master, and you have been slapped in the face again. 】

  【The eyes of the masses are sharp. 】

  【It looks too similar, Luo Ning's craftsmanship is a bit awesome. 】

  【Is this just learned before? Those who didn't know thought she was a professional clay sculptor. 】

  【As a clay sculpture professional, this club is squatting on the ground and drawing circles doubting life. 】

   [The lemon just now was so happy, not only did he have a clay puppet pinched by Ningbao, but he also got Ningbao as a heart. 】

  【Ningbao is really a pet fan, I want to be petted by her too. 】

  【Ningbao, Mama loves you too! 】

   For a while, Luo Ning's hemp powder continued to soar, which is rare among actresses.

  None of the other viewers thought that Luo Ning's craftsmanship in clay sculptures was so great.

   Soon "Luo Ning Kneading Mud Puppets" was on the hot search, making many people who tried their best to be unable to get on the hot search, envy them to death.

  Why is there such a big difference between people?

   The next chapter is around 1:00~



   (end of this chapter)

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