Chapter 166 This result is too unexpected

   Group 1 and Group 2, still have to fight in the arena to be worth seeing.

  Wei Yao said, "I can play Go, but I'm not proficient, so I'm not sure I can pass the entry."

  Chai Jing also said: "I will also play Go, and I will try it later."

   The rare thing this time is that among the students, Shan Zhen can also play Go, so they can play chess with three people.

   is more than a group in number.

   Wei Yao asked: "Who can play the piano?"

   They can only play chess but not the piano, and their team is no good.

   At this time, Bo Xiangxiang said shyly, "I can play the guqin."

   When she was still herself, she had been learning guqin all the time. Later, she was admitted to the art academy and also majored in guqin.

   So when I saw that this floor was the "Qinqiyuan", I couldn't help but get excited.

   After hearing that Luo Ning could also play the piano, she was even more excited, this time she finally had a chance to crush the woman.

   She didn't believe that the guqin she had practiced for nearly ten years would not be as good as Luo Ning.

  Wei Yao said with a smile: "Then we will hand over the qin of our group to Teacher Bo."

   Although he doesn't have a good sense of Bo Xiangxiang, he is in a group after all, and he won't target them.

  Bo Xiangxiang nodded: "I will try my best."

   She will definitely use the piano to knock on the door of the "Qin and Chess Academy", and she will definitely gain a wave of audience and praise at that time.

  The director saw that the second group was also so powerful, with even more smiles on his face, and went to knock on the door in person.

   Soon, a girl in Hanfu opened the door.

   "Welcome to the Qinqiyuan, you all know the rules, please come in."

   A group of people entered the door, and there was also a garden inside, surrounded by flowers, with chess and piano in the middle.

   The girl smiled and said, "Do you play chess first, or Qin first?"

   Director replied: "Let's play the game first."

   Play the chess first, and then let Luo Ning and Bo Xiangxiang, two actresses who are not compatible on the bright side, compete against each other to play the piano, which is more interesting.

The    girl nodded, "Okay, I'll go and invite some teachers to come and play with you."

   After she finished speaking, she entered the room on the side.

   Not long after, three masters who were good at chess also came out of the room.

   So the director asked Wei Yao and the three of the second group to go first.

The rules of    are very simple, one game determines the winner, as long as the opponent wins, the chess can pass the entry.

   Wei Yao and the other party greeted each other politely, sat down and started.

  Two minutes later, Chai Jing lost.

   He was not surprised, and laughed and teased, "I used to play Go with my friends, and I thought I was pretty good, but now I find that I am too bad."

The director    said with a smile: "It's not that you are too good, Mr. Chai, but the teacher on the other side is too good."

   Here are the top players in the country, it is normal for Chai Jing to lose so quickly.

  Chai Jing smiled and touched his nose, "Okay, you don't need to comfort me, it's up to Old Wei and Xiaodan."

   Everyone thought that Shan Zhen would lose first. Who would have thought that Wei Yao would lose first after a few minutes.

   "Sure enough, my level of Go is very bad." Wei Yao got up and smiled.

   Although he doesn't think he can win, he still thinks about sticking to it for ten or twenty minutes, or even half an hour. It should be fine.

   Who knows that they will lose in a few minutes, and the opponent has not used all their strength.

  Chai Jing smiled and said, "Haha, better than me."

   "Xiaodan is not bad." The two stood behind the single shock that was still supporting.

   After about ten minutes or so, the single shock was still defeated.

   The middle-aged man opposite him smiled and said, "Your chess skills are okay, but you just lack patience, otherwise you can hold on for a while longer."

   "It's not bad for you to have such a level at your age." He added.

  Shan Zhen replied with a smile: "Thank you teacher for your guidance."

   His level of chess was completely trained by the old man at home.

   is also like what the teacher said, he is very impatient, otherwise he can persevere, but there is no doubt that he will lose.

   All three of the second group failed, and the director had no surprises.

   If it is so easy to pass, this is not the National Quintessence Qinqiyuan.

  Wei Yao said with a smile: "Now I can only count on Teacher Lu."

  Others also nodded, "Mr. Lu, if we can enter this door, half of it depends on you."

  Lu Xun laughed: "I will try my best."

   He looked at Luo Ning's invitation again, "Mr. Luo, would you like to try it together?"

  The director also said with interest: "Anyway, Mr. Luo can play chess, let's try it together."

   Among the few people, there is only one woman, Luo Ning, which is still interesting.

   Others also said: "Yes, Mr. Luo will try it together."

   Everyone doesn't think Luo Ning can pass, but they think it's interesting to play together.

   "Okay, since you strongly request it, then I'll try it." Luo Ning, who was not planning to play chess, had to catch the duck on the shelves.

   So Lu Xun and Luo Ning stepped forward and sat down, and there were two people over there to play against them.

   Ten minutes later, Luo Ning, who everyone thought would lose, not only did not lose, but also prevailed.

   This made everyone a little confused, so everyone who could read or not came forward to watch.

   After another ten minutes, Lu Xun came out with the result, and he won the opponent.

   The other party smiled gracefully and said: "This little friend's chess skills are very high, and he is willing to bow down."

  Lu Xun cupped his hands, "I've given up!"

   Then he got up and looked at Luo Ning's side, as did the one who played chess with him.

   After a while, the last chess piece in Luo Ning's hand fell, "Teacher accepts it!"

   The person opposite her happened to be a middle-aged man under the shock of He Shan.

   He said with an unfinished smile: "Your chess skills are very high, I am not your opponent, we will have a chance to play a few more games in the future."

   Luo Ning replied with a smile: "Okay, I have the opportunity to discuss with you again."

  Chai Jing couldn't hold back and said, "Xiao Ningning, are you average in playing chess?"

  Wei Yao smiled wryly: "That's right, you are too modest, you are called ordinary, so what are we?"

   They really didn't expect that Luo Ning was so good at chess.

   Although he should be inferior to Lu Yingdi, he is much stronger than them.

   The teacher who can win the "Qin and Chess Academy" shows that she is also a master in this aspect.

   The middle-aged man also smiled gracefully and said, "Ms. Luo's chess skill level, even in our Qin and Chess Academy, can be ranked in the upper reaches. It was too modest to say that the level is average."

  Luo Ning couldn't help laughing, "You guys are wrong."

  Compared to other aspects, her chess skills are really average, and she was only ok in the ancient small world.

   She actually didn't expect that it would be ranked upstream now.

   The director said with great surprise: "Mr. Luo is hiding!"

   He asked, "In terms of chess skills, did Teacher Lu and Teacher Luo both pass?"

   The middle-aged man replied: "Of course, as long as the piano passes, you will be able to enter."

  【Stunned, this result was too unexpected. 】

   [Luo Ning is really a bit arrogant, I thought only Lu Shen could pass. 】

   [The teachers of the Qin and Chess Academy all said that Luo Ning's level can be ranked in the upper reaches, she was too modest before. 】

  【I took Luo Ning, this time Heizi was slapped in the face again. 】

  【Looking forward to the next piano. 】

  【It depends on who is better between Luo Ning and Bo Xiangxiang. 】

   The last chapter has not been written yet, around 13:30 to 14~



   (end of this chapter)

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