Chapter 172 Enemy

   There are good people in the line coming from the other door.

   Among them was a middle-aged handsome man with two young men, a man and a woman.

   Next to him was an old man in his fifties.

   followed by two assistants and several bodyguards.

  Luo Ning recognized at a glance that the middle-aged man was Feng Yanbai, her mother's former fiancé, and the pair of young people were Feng Yuhao and Feng Yuxiao.

  The Feng family was in the jewelry business, and the Gou family was in the jade business, so the two married.

  At the beginning, Feng Yanbai and the stepdaughter of the Gou family, Gou Zhenmei, were secretly hooked up. Her mother found out, and then took the initiative to break off the marriage, and also exposed a pair of dogs and men.

   It's just that the old man Gou was blown away by the wind on the pillow and didn't believe it, and felt that her mother was ignorant, so he was even more angry.

   Her mother then encountered an "accident", so she was disheartened and left Gou's house under the pretext of disappearance.

   then changed her mother's last name, went to another city, and met her father.

   In the last life, Luo Ning was hacked and could not get along in the circle. Apart from Bo Xiangxiang and her harem, Gou Zhenmei and Feng Yuxiao also contributed to the flames.

   And Feng Yuxiao is also another protagonist in the book. He stole his best friend Gao Fushuai's fiancé, took over the Gou family, became the CEO, and became a famous white rich and beautiful president in the circle.

  Luo Ning has heard many things about Feng Yuxiao. For example, in gambling stones, this woman is very powerful, and she has sold more than one-third of the jade in the major public auctions.

  According to the timeline in memory, Feng Yuxiao should have risen to fame from this public auction.

   In the last life, Gou Zhenmei found out that her mother was still alive. Not only did she buy the killer of the International Black League to assassinate her, but she also used some ruthless means.

  Feng Yuxiao also cooperated with Bo Xiangxiang to rectify her.

   Before, Luo Ning didn't quite understand, since Gou Zhenmei and her daughter had already controlled the Gou family, why did they hate them so much, and even wanted them to die at all costs.

   Later, after listening to Huo Ye's words that day, I realized that this was all caused by Old Man Gou.

   Said that the future Gou family still wants his own daughter to inherit, maybe he just sighed unintentionally, he may not really have such an idea, but he brought disaster to his own daughter.

   Besides, even if Old Man Gou really thinks so, her mother doesn't care about it at all.

  In Luo Ning's opinion, taking over the Gou family is the only way to get her mother's hands dirty. It's better that such a disgusting family is gone.

  Chai Jing also saw the people of the Feng family, "There are quite a lot of big companies coming to participate in the public auction today."

   The middle-aged man who received them said with a smile: "This is the largest public auction in China, and well-known jade and jewelry companies will come to participate."

   "Currently the largest jeweler in the country is Feng's, and the one who walked in there is the president of Feng's."

  Wei Yao looked at the person opposite and sighed: "This Feng's president is really well maintained, he looks like he is in his thirties."

   The middle-aged man smiled and said, "President Feng not only looks young, but he and his wife are also a model couple in the circle of love."

   Hearing this, Luo Ning's lips slightly raised a sarcastic arc.

   In the last life, after Feng Yanbai saw her mother again, she often ran to harass her, always saying that she felt guilty all these years and wanted to make amends.

   In fact, it’s not eating what’s in the bowl and looking at what’s in the pot.

   Back then, when he hooked up with Gou Zhenmei, but her mother took the initiative to break off the marriage, he was thinking about being cheap again.

   In the last life, their mother and daughter were persecuted by Gou Zhenmei's mother and daughter, and they were also inseparable from this dead scumbag.

   More than 20 years have passed, Gou Zhenmei has become the blood of mosquitoes, but her mother has become the white moonlight in the heart of the scumbag.

  How can Gou Zhenmei tolerate such a thing, and in order for her daughter to completely **** the Gou family, of course, she has to get rid of the troubles she has always had.

   Of course, for Luo Ning's mother and daughter, the other party is also an enemy.

   These words made Ni Xinxuan sneer: "There are many loving model couples in the circle. Who knows what is going on behind the scenes."

   The louder the louder the banner of how loving you are, the more dirty she is behind the scenes, she is not uncommon.

   Besides, what happened to the so-called loving couple in the past is not that people in the real circle don't know about it, that is, they are just coaxing outsiders.

  Su Qinglan raised his hand and abducted her, this meeting is still live.

   Ni Xinxuan shrugged indifferently, but didn't say more about it.

   Soon, the camera of the live broadcast was facing the jade in the trading area in front.

  Luoning then asked Ni Xinxuan in a low voice, "How many people do you know?"

  Ni Xinxuan replied: "I know, that Feng Yuxiao and I have never dealt with each other."

   "I have a good friend who used to be her best friend, and then this woman stole my friend's fiancé, but it didn't make me sick." She pouted again.

   Luo Ning sneered: "If there is a mother, there must be a daughter."

  Although her mother didn't care about Feng scumbag back then, it is an indisputable fact that Gou Zhenmei hooked up with someone behind her back and robbed her fiancé.

  Ni Xinxuan held Luo Ning and said, "Really, a pair of shameless mother and daughter."

   She smiled again and said, "We are worthy of being good sisters, and we all agree that we hate everyone."

   Soon the live broadcast camera turned around again, and Ni Xinxuan and Luo Ning did not continue the topic just now.

  The middle-aged man showed everyone around the trading area.

  Chai Jing asked: "Can you provide guidance services? We don't understand rough stones at all, and we don't know how to buy them."

   The middle-aged man smiled and shook his head, "This service really doesn't exist."

   "Actually, even a stone gambling expert who has been playing for decades, he is not sure that the rough stone he buys can produce jadeite."

   "In this business, except for the few people who really understand, it's all about luck."

   "One size fits all wealth and one size fits all negative, it's really not a joke."

   "Every time someone gets rich overnight, some people not only lose their fortunes overnight, but also get heavily in debt. This is a common phenomenon."

   "So you can just buy a few pieces of wool and play around and see how lucky you are."

   For these stars, he certainly wouldn't encourage them to play big.

  Chai Jing listened to what he said, and also dispelled the idea of ​​​​paying for an expert to help.

   "Okay, then we'll just pick a few pieces to play with."

   The middle-aged man nodded with a smile, "Then you should watch first, and come to me anytime if you have anything."

"it is good!"

  The guests and the students also separated at this time and went to see the wool.

   There are also people who run to see the jade that has been opened, or go to see the calcite on the spot.

  Su Qinglan and Ni Xinxuan didn't understand this and followed Luo Ning all the time.

  Ni Xinxuan asked: "Little Ningning, do you want to buy some wool to play with?"

  Luo Ning nodded, "Since everyone is here, naturally I have to buy a few pieces to play with."

   "How about you?" she asked while looking at the wool.

   When she went to the small world with the background of all-people metaphysics, she had learned how to look at jade wool.

   Jade is a good carrier of spiritual energy and auspicious energy, and it is also an energy source for arranging arrays, so the demand for jade in that world is really big.

  Su Qinglan replied: "I want to buy two pieces to try, but I can't read it."

   Seeing Luo Ning squatting and looking at the rough stone carefully, she asked with a smile, "Xiao Ningning, do you also know about the rough jadeite?"

   (end of this chapter)

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