Chapter 175 I want it

  Luoning has deeply learned how to find jade in wool. In addition to looking at the outer skin of stones, she can also perceive the energy inside.

   In other words, if there is energy in the raw stone wool, then there must be jadeite, if not, it is empty.

The stronger the    energy, the better the jadeite quality contained in it.

   However, Luo Ning did not write down all the jadeites she liked, and only selected one-fifth of them, mainly those with high energy.

  The better the quality of the jadeite, the better the Shengji instrument used for carving and nourishing, and also for arranging the formation.

   After all, there are so many people who come here to participate in the public auction. If she chooses Jade, the others will not be running for nothing.

   Of course, in addition to the rough jadeite, she also specially selected some scraps in it.

  Otherwise, it would be too high-profile and excessive to issue 100% jadeite.

   Then she saw that Feng Yuxiao also started to choose the original stone. In order not to let the other party take the lead and not to be too high-profile, she discussed with Lu Xun.

   "Mr. Lu, I want to buy more raw stone wool, but I'm afraid it will be too high-profile in front of the live broadcast, so can you temporarily put it under your friend's name."

  Lu Xun smiled and said, "No problem."

   He talked to Yu Zihang, and the other party would naturally not object.

  Luoning gave Yu Zihang the serial number she just wrote and a bank card, and asked him to help buy these rough stones that she valued first.

   Yu Zihang took it and handed it to the assistant, asking him to buy it quickly.

  Lu Xun was also looking at it, and wrote down the serial number of the wool that he liked. He and Luo Ning were staggered.

   He didn't choose it for himself, but purely to help his good friend, and by the way, he cheated on the Feng family.

  Lu Xun was writing, and Yu Zihang's assistant quickly bought it.

   Soon, the group walked to the central trading area.

  The wool here is a lot, the quality is better, and the price is relatively more expensive.

   Luo Ning took a fancy to one of the ugly looking pieces of wool and wrote it down. This time, she bought it in her own name.

   Ji Xingheng took the initiative to run errands, and took the serial number to give money.

   At this time, Feng Yuxiao and his party also came here.

  Luo Ning saw Feng Yuxiao stretch out her hand and touched pieces of rough stone wool.

   Then I accidentally discovered that every time Feng Yuxiao touched the wool with jadeite, there would be a hint of yin in his hand.

   So Luo Ning observed carefully and quickly discovered the reason.

   At the same time, she was also a little surprised. I really didn't expect Feng Yuxiao to raise a kid.

   It turned out that this woman was able to judge the jade in the rough stone by such means, no wonder she had to touch the rough stone piece by piece.

   It should be the little ghost that was raised, felt the energy in the original stone, and then fed back the information to Feng Yuxiao.

   Feng Yuxiao wrote down the serial number of the wool that he liked here.

   also showed a bit of a smile on his face. Among the rough stones I saw before, although some jadeites were found, they were of average quality.

   The quality of the rough jade here is much better.

   When she touched the ugliest stone, there was a trace of surprise in her eyes.

   She said to the assistant behind her, "Hurry up and buy this piece of wool."

   And the old man who followed them said: "Miss, this stone doesn't look like jade is easy to produce!"

   Feng Yuxiao naturally wouldn't tell him that there must be jade of good quality.

   She raised her hand to straighten her hair and said, "I just like this wool, I can't go wrong with it."

   Feng Yanbai had seen his daughter's stone gambling ability before he came, so he smiled and said, "Yu Xiao likes it, then buy it."

   Although the old man felt that they were wasteful, he didn't say anything more.

   And Bo Xiangxiang, who also came here, also took a fancy to this ugly rough stone for the first time.

   She didn't know how to read it, but she felt very strongly telling her that she must buy this piece of wool.

   So she ran to the checkout window quickly, but unfortunately one step late, she was told that someone had already bought this rough stone.

   Similarly, Feng Yuxiao's assistant was also a step slower.

  The rough stone in the trading area is bought first, and the organizer of the public auction will put a red paper on it, which means it has been sold.

  Others don’t have to think about the wool covered with red paper anymore.

   Ji Xingheng and Yu Zihang's assistants paid the money, and the organizer over there posted a red paper.

   The smile in Feng Yuxiao's eyes thickened when he saw the staff put red paper on the wool that he liked.

   This time, she will definitely be a hit in the gambling circle, and her grandfather will value her more.

   The same is true for the Feng family. Although her brother is the heir, she will also become more and more influential.

   But before she could be happy, the assistant came over with a helpless face.

   "Mr. Feng, Miss, the rough stone we want to buy has already been bought by someone else."

  Feng Yuxiao's expression changed, "What? Who bought it?"

   She looked at the assistant reproachfully and asked, "I like the wool here, but you haven't bought it?"

The assistant    explained immediately, "When I went there, all the wools you were interested in were bought."

   "I asked, most of them were bought by President Yu of Gao Fei Jewelry, and a few were bought by the star named Luo Ning."

   He has always known that the young lady looks gentle and graceful, but in reality, it is difficult to get along with her, and if she is hated by her, it will definitely be bad luck.

   Therefore, he did not buy wool, so he immediately went to inquire about the news.

   Hearing this, Feng Yuxiao's expression changed.

   She pointed to the ugly stone and asked, "Who bought this wool?"

  Assistant wrote down what she found in a notebook, and immediately took it out to look at her question, "It was bought by Luo Ning."

  Feng Yuxiao frowned, "That female star?"

   Feng Yuhao interjected: "The female star I fell in love with was Luo Ning, she should have bought it."

  Feng Yuxiao completely regarded these wool materials as her own, and now Luo Ning bought them first, she was particularly upset.

   Just looked up and saw Luo Ning standing not far away, so he walked over on high heels.

   She looked at Luo Ning with a bit of arrogance on her face, "Miss Luo?"

   Luo Ning raised her eyebrows, "I am, do you have something to do?"

   This Feng Yuxiao's attitude is really high, she really thinks she is the granddaughter of old man Gou.

   "I heard that you bought that piece of wool?" Feng Yuxiao asked, pointing to the ugly stone.

   Luo Ning nodded, "Yes, I bought it."

  Feng Yuxiao said confidently: "I also like this piece of wool, I want it, you can resell it to me."

  Luo Ning laughed at her appearance, "Do I know you? Why should I resell it to you?"

  Feng Yuxiao disliked Luo Ning at first sight, and even hated it from the bottom of her heart.

   Although this feeling was inexplicable, she still believed in her sixth sense.

   Now seeing Luo Ning speaking with this attitude in front of her, I thought it was really annoying.

   She took the check out of her bag and said, "I'll let you resell it for double the money, okay?"

The tone of    was more like a kind of charity, as if it was a great honor for Luo Ning to buy this rough stone with double the money.

   (end of this chapter)

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