Chapter 179 I want to vomit blood

   The jade that Su Qinglan and Ni Xinxuan opened rose so much that everyone present was envious.

  Many jewelers came forward one after another, wanting to buy the jadeite that the two of them opened.

   But both of them were short of this money, so they refused.

   Now the two of them are very happy and excited, holding Luo Ning and smiling.

  Wei Yao and Chai Jing looked at each other, "Sure enough, we missed it again, we should follow Xiao Ningning."

   I heard that the original stones of Su Qinglan and Ni Xinxuan were selected again by Luo Ning.

   They are a little regretful, and they should ask Luo Ning for help.

   "That's right, Xiao Lingling's thighs must be hugged."

  Su Qinglan smiled and continued, "But you all have no chance."

   Wei Yao and Chai Jing smiled bitterly, "Next time we must hug Xiao Ning Ning's thigh."

   They didn't expect that Luo Ning also had a hand in selecting raw stone wool.

  【I don't know if it's Su Qinglan and Ni Xinxuan's good luck, or Luo Ning really knows how to gamble with stones. 】

   [I don't think it's possible to be so coincidental, all of them are more inclined to understand Luo Ning. 】

  【Indeed, both of them produced high-quality jadeite, which was screened by Luo Ning with help, definitely not just luck. 】

  【In this way, Luo Ning is a bit of a cow! 】

   [Suddenly looking forward to Jie Luo Ning's original stone. 】

   After being swayed by Su Qinglan and Ni Xinxuan's stones, everyone couldn't help but look forward to Luo Ning's.

   followed by Xie Ji Xingheng.

  He picked ten pieces of wool and solved three pieces of jade.

   An ordinary medium-quality bean seed, a medium-high-quality water seed, and a high-quality glass seed have risen properly.

   He doesn't know how to do it, so he chooses based on his feelings, so he's really lucky.

  Luo Ning couldn't help sighing in her heart when she saw this, Ji Xingheng, this dog man, is indeed the heroine's favorite. His luck is not worse than those of the men, and even better.

  Ji Xingheng saw that the jadeite he had driven had risen sharply, and said to Lu Xun with a smile, "Mr. Lu, I am lucky today."

   means he is going to win.

  Lu Xun smiled unhurriedly, "Mine haven't opened yet, why are you in such a hurry."

   Then let the analysands solve him.

  Lu Xun also bought ten pieces of wool, and then bought three pieces of jade.

   Ji Xingheng's face turned black when he saw the three pieces of jade that were drawn.

   Not only were there two top-grade ice seeds, but Lu Xun also produced a top-grade Mo Fei.

   Top-grade Mo Fei This is very rare and difficult to open.

  Lu Xun played with the fist-sized Mo Fei, smiled and said to Ji Xingheng, "It seems that I have better luck."

  These ten jadeites, because he had to bet with Ji Xingheng, so he did not use energy to perceive fluctuations to find them, but rely on feeling and luck.

   also shows that he has better luck than this guy.

  Ji Xingheng couldn't help laughing, "That's really congratulations to Mr. Lu for his big rise."

   What kind of **** luck is this guy, he actually offered top-quality jade, just overwhelmed him, so angry!

   When Lu Xun selected the rough stone, Luo Ning was also beside him.

   She found out that when helping Yu Zihang choose, Lu Xun should have used his perception ability, but when choosing his ten dollars, it was all based on feeling.

   shows that this guy has stronger luck, and it is no wonder that he can become the white moonlight that the female protagonist can't ask for.

   She felt that Lu Xun was like a bug in the book from the previous life.

  The people present were amazed. They didn't expect these two stars to have such good luck. One of them offered top-grade glass varieties, and the other even offered top-grade ink Fei.

   There were many jewelers who wanted to buy it, but the two of them, who were not bad money owners, also refused.

   Yu Zihang smiled and said, "Old Lu, you are still so lucky, I am envious."

  He is a jewelry business owner, and every time he goes to choose, he basically collapses, and his friends are awesome.

  Lu Xun chuckled and said, "I'm really lucky."

   Yu Zihang asked in a low voice, "There should be quite a few of the ones you helped me choose that can produce jade, right?"

  Lu Xun nodded with a smile and said, "If luck doesn't run out, it will definitely drive a lot."

   Yu Zihang smiled, "Good brother, I'll rely on you this time."

   The stone gambling experts he brought are also average, so this time, if you want to surpass Feng, you have to rely on your own brothers.

  Lu Xun smiled: "Don't worry."

  【Lu Shen is worthy of being Lu Shen, he is so awesome! 】

   [Looking at the appearance of Lu Shen, he should also know how to gamble with stones, but it is really amazing to be able to open the best ink Fei. 】

   [Poor Ji Dingliu, was abruptly overwhelmed again. 】

  【It's still my Lushen mighty! 】

  Lu Xun made the best jadeite, and his fans were more happy and excited than himself.

   It was originally Bo Xiangxiang's turn, but she hadn't finished the selection yet, so the students had to dissociate first.

   Luckily, only three of them went up, and all the others went down.

  The director also took the opportunity to tell everyone in the live broadcast room that betting on stones is risky and that you need to be careful when playing.

   After the students finished dissolving the stones, Bo Xiangxiang also let people push the stones she chose over.

   She said with a smile: "Try my luck now."

  The director heard that Bo Xiangxiang was lucky, and he immediately asked a calcitonist to help him solve it.

   Although Bo Xiang is better now than when she was still herself, she is only a third-tier flower with limited money.

   So she bought nine rough stones by feeling, but also spent most of her savings.

   She herself had high hopes for these rough stones, so she stared intently.

   The heroine is a heroine, but Bo Xiangxiang produced eight jadeites from nine rough stones.

   Seven pieces of medium variety and one piece of high quality have also risen sharply.

   Seeing this result, Bo Xiangxiang breathed a sigh of relief and was quite satisfied. Her luck was indeed very good, with a 90% chance of getting jade.

  Although the quality is not as good as Lu Xun's, she didn't want to compare with him.

   She glanced at Luo Ning proudly, as if I had better luck than you.

  The people present were also stunned. They didn't expect Bo Xiangxiang's luck to be so good.

   At the same time, Feng Yuxiao, who was standing not far away, looked at Bo Xiangxiang thoughtfully.

   and said to her father: "This little star seems to have good luck in gambling, you should pay more attention."

   Feng Yanbai nodded, "Okay!"

  The Internet was also full of exclamations. I didn't expect Bo Xiangxiang to be so lucky.

   She also received a wave of attention as expected.

   Soon it will be Xie Luo Ning's original stone, and everyone will focus on her side.

   Several calcites worked together, and soon pieces of the original stone were unpacked.

   After seeing the emeralds that he took out, the people present took a breath.

   Twenty-seven pieces of jade, 14 pieces of jade, the worst is 6 pieces of medium quality, there are 7 pieces of high quality, and the key is a piece of old glass of the best quality.

   "This is a good luck too."

   "Heaven, the top-quality Laokeng glass species was actually opened."

   "So many high-quality jadeite and top-quality jadeite, this is a big rise in a big rise, awesome!"

   "Although there is no chance that the last person will open it, but there are too many high-quality jadeites, so the luck is better."

   "I envy the dead."

   The stone-gaming people present couldn't help sighing continuously.

   also made Bo Xiangxiang's face with a bright smile froze instantly, how is this possible?

  Why is this again?

   Luo Ning is a woman who is absolutely incompatible with her, and even overcomes her.

   Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence that it stole her limelight again, and she was so angry that she wanted to vomit blood...

   Feng Yuxiao, who was not far from the meeting, was also so angry that she wanted to vomit blood. This rough stone was the one she valued the most.

   This should obviously belong to her...

   Today's update is over, thank you for your tips and votes~



   (end of this chapter)

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