Chapter 185 The person who appeared unexpectedly

   After another two hours, all the rough stones were sold out.

  The jadeite that was shot out next, the price is relatively high.

   However, it is still profitable for jewelry companies to make jewelry, and the profit is not small, so the bidding price is also relatively strong.

   Feng Yanbai was forced to shoot a lot of high-priced jadeite, and his face was always ugly.

  After the auction, the auctioneer provided free calcite.

  Luoning has photographed several pieces of top-grade and top-grade jadeite here, so I don’t want to be too high-profile.

  Special is still live now and should not be reopened.

   So he asked Yu Zihang, and learned that their company also has analysers.

  Luoning asked him to help and bring the original stone back, and when she returned to the imperial capital, she would go there to get it, and by the way, the stone would be dissolved.

   Yu Zihang naturally would not object, and exchanged contact information with Luo Ning and added friends.

   The live broadcast of the public game gambling stone really made the on-demand volume of variety shows reach a peak.

  The director walks with wind and a bright smile on his face, "Several teachers, are you going back to the quintessential town for dinner, or at a nearby restaurant?"

  Ji Xingheng knew what was going on when he looked like this, "Did the on-demand rate break again today?"

   "Mr. Ji is really smart, you can guess this." The director didn't hide it.

   Ji Xingheng raised his eyebrows, "Looking at your mouth, you're almost smiling, you can think of it without guessing."

   "And it's rare for you to be so generous. The program team invited us to dinner. You must be satisfied with the ratings on demand."

  Because the director often helps Lu Xinjigou, he doesn't like him.

   Director: "..." Why do you want to be so straightforward?

   But he can't afford to offend Ji Da's top class.

   So he smiled shyly: "Didn't I see that several teachers are tired today, so you can go on your own if you are not tired."

   The key is that many people have lost their fortunes today, so he will be generous and reduce everyone's grievances.

   Ji Xingheng rolled his eyes at him, "You continue to pretend."

  Chai Jing also said: "That's right, let's gamble on stones, our pockets are empty, but we are fat Director you."

   He didn't have any resentment at all, after all, he spent hundreds of thousands of losses on his own.

   But following Ji Dadingliu to the director, it can make him feel more comfortable.

  The director went from a bright smile to a wry smile, "You just spare me."

   added another sentence, "Today's program team treats guests, you can let go of ordering."

   Then everyone laughed and said, "It's almost the same."

   Then the group checked the best restaurants nearby and drove to it.

After    came to the table, everyone unified the goal, according to the best and most expensive point, no matter how to make the director bleed.

   Don't say, the director looked at the menu and his heart was bleeding. These people are really cruel.

   But thinking of the number of viewers on demand, he endured it!

   After dinner, everyone returned, and the live broadcast was also closed.

  Lu Xun and Luo Ning are still in the same car, and the driver has changed to his assistant.

  Lu Xun said to Luo Ning, "Yu Zihang wants to buy some jade ornaments with you."

  Luoning looked at him with a sideways smile, "It's okay to buy them, but I don't have time to carve so many jade ornaments recently, why don't you come?"

  Her carving is not bad, but Lu Xun is better than hers.

  Lu Xun couldn't help her, "No problem."

   His eyebrows and eyes were full of tenderness and he said: "In addition to what Yu Zihang wants to buy, I can also carve other jades for you."

  Luoning didn't refuse, "Okay, then I'll give you the jade ornament I want to carve."

   She thought for a while and said, "When the time comes, I'll give you one too."

  Lu Xun resolutely climbed along the pole, "I gave it to me, can you carve it yourself?"

   He carved it for himself, which is boring.

  Luo Ning laughed, "I'm not as good as you as a carver. If you don't dislike it, I'll be fine."

  Lu Xun's eyes were full of smiles, "Of course no problem, I believe in your craftsmanship."

   Luo Ning asked: "Then what accessories do you want?"

  Lu Xun thought about it and asked, "Is the ring okay?"

  Luoning: "..." Suddenly, I felt like a routine.

   She said decisively: "Change another."

  Lu Xun asked with a smile, "That jade wrench?"

  Luoning: "..." No wonder Ji Xingheng scolded Lu Xun behind his back.

   "Okay, I'll try."

   But this time she didn't refuse. After all, the meaning of a finger and a ring is still different.

   The smile in Lu Xun's eyes thickened, "Thank you Lolo."

   Luo Ning laughed, "It's your reward, no thanks!"

   After getting off the bus, everyone entered the inn together.

   Ji Xingheng stopped Luo Ning.

   "Lingling, I have something to tell you."

   Luo Ning stopped and went to the book alone with him.

   asked for a cup of flower tea, she took a sip and asked, "What's the matter?"

   Ji Xingheng replied: "Do you need jade?"

   He looked at Luo Ning again and said cautiously, "It's useless to keep the jade I bought today, I'll give it to you."

  Luoning looked at Ji Xingheng's cautious appearance, and was in a trance.

   It seems that he has never been like this since he was a child. This is the first time he has spoken so carefully in front of her.

   Are you afraid that she will be angry?

   She sighed inwardly, why did you go earlier?

  Although she has decided to live peacefully with Ji Xingheng, she still doesn't want to get involved too much.

   "No, I have enough jadeite I bet today, you can keep it for Aunt Lan and the others to make jewelry."

   Ji Xingheng's dark eyes dimmed a bit, "Okay, after I go back, I'll ask them if they want it."

  Luo Ning was speechless, "You can make it into jewelry and give it to them. Why do you have to ask? This is your intention, and they will definitely be happy."

   This guy's emotional intelligence is still so low.

   Ji Xingheng nodded obediently, "That's right, then I won't ask, just let someone do it."

   He couldn't hold back and said, "Didn't you always like star pendants before? I'll have someone make you a jade star pendant."

   After he finished speaking, he looked at Luo Ning with a pitiful look.

   Luo Ning was a little dumbfounded when she saw him like this.

   used to be what she wanted, so she looked at him with such a pitiful look, and then he naturally agreed with disgust.

   Thinking of the past, Luo Ning felt a little uncomfortable.

   The past and the present are smashed between them. Although it may be unfair to the current Ji Xingheng, they really can't go back.

   So she could only refuse ruthlessly, "But I don't like stars now."

  Since it is impossible for her to reconcile with Ji Xingheng, she cannot give him hope.

   Ji Xingheng's eyes were full of grievances, "Then what do you like now?"

   Luo Ning was asked, what does she like now?

   suddenly remembered her code name in the special department, and she blurted out, "I like the moon."

   "The stars and the moon, aren't they about the same?" Ji Xingheng's tone was also aggrieved.

  Luo Ning rolled his eyes at him, "You were too embarrassed to say that you were the top student in the college entrance examination, you can't even tell the stars and the moon apart, shame!"

  Ji Xingheng: "..." He was speechless.

   He didn't even say that he wanted to give Luo Ning a moon chain, he knew that her temperament was unequivocal.

   The two sat for a while, chatted about each other's mother, and then went back to their rooms.

   On the second day, the program team continued to go to the National Treasure Mountain with the guests and students.

  The third floor is the "National Chinese Medicine Hospital".

   What Luo Ning did not expect was that when they arrived at the gate, they saw an unexpected person.

   Today's update is over, thank you for your tips and votes~~ This unexpected person is not a new character, but a character who has appeared before~~



   (end of this chapter)

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