Chapter 188 Really long faces for them

  When Luo Ning knew Shi Ji, she naturally did not understand Chinese medicine.

   She smiled lightly: "I learned it later, so you don't know."

   Shi Ji looked at her earnestly and asked, "Then how can I cure this disease?"

   Luo Ning raised her eyebrows, "Your situation is more complicated, and it is difficult to cure it with drugs alone."

   This guy's heart disease is not as simple as being sick. What has he experienced all these years?

   Shi Ji chuckled and asked again, "What other means do I need to cooperate with?"

   "The effect will be better when combined with acupuncture."

   In addition, there is a need for a more important means, but she did not explain it in public.

   "You will?" Shi Ji looked at her with hope.

   Luo Ning smiled playfully, "Yes!"

   Shi Ji turned his head to look at President Xu, "President Xu, can I ask Luo Ning to help me heal?"

   Dean Xu was stunned for a while, then smiled: "As long as Xiaoyou Luo agrees, I naturally have no opinion here."

   "Her medical skills can be seen, she is still very clever."

   He has seen it for a while, and there is really no cure.

   Now if Luo Ning can do it, it will be even better.

   Being able to be the director of the National Essence Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, naturally, he would not be jealous of talented people. On the contrary, he wanted to carry forward the culture of traditional Chinese medicine.

   Therefore, he is still very optimistic about Luo Ning and Lu Xun.

   Even had a love for talent, and was going to ask the two of them privately if they wanted to come to the National Essence Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, or the idea of ​​going to the Imperial Chinese Medicine Hospital.

   Shi Ji nodded politely, "Thank you, Dean!"

   Then he looked at Luo Ning and said, "Luo Ning, classmates, I have to ask you to help me heal."

  Luo Ning nodded and smiled, "No problem, I just happen to be able to cure your disease, but it may take a little longer."

   She now has an additional exploration of Shi Ji, so she doesn't mind taking over his illness.

   And she can conclude that only she can cure his disease, whether it is traditional Chinese medicine or Western medicine, it only treats the symptoms but not the root cause.

   Shi Ji stretched out his hand, "It doesn't matter how long it takes, then I'll trouble you."

   His hands were also pale and blue veins could be seen.

   Luo Ning reached out and shook his hand, and it was extremely cold, "You're welcome!"

   After letting go, Dean Xu asked Luo Ning curiously: "Luo Xiaoyou, how do you prepare Shi Ji's prescription?"

   He also thought about several prescriptions before, but he always felt that something was wrong.

  Luo Ning took a pen and wrote down the prescription and handed it to President Xu, "I want to use this prescription, and then cooperate with acupuncture and moxibustion, and treat it with a two-pronged approach."

   On the bright side, this recipe is indeed intended for the treatment of heart disease.

   Sure enough, Dean Xu's eyes lit up after reading it, and he sighed again, "Miao, this recipe is absolutely amazing."

   "I felt that something was missing before, it turned out to be in this medicine." When he saw the last medicine on the prescription, he suddenly felt a little stunned.

   Dean Xu asked very curiously: "I don't know who your master is?"

   Being able to teach a master like Luo Ning, her master's achievements in traditional Chinese medicine must be higher.

   Luo Ning's face showed a touch of sadness, "My master is no longer in this world."

  Her masters are all in the small world, and indeed they all passed away, she is not a lie.

   Dean Xu was taken aback, "Sorry, I didn't expect this."

   Luo Ning shook his head, "It's okay."

   "I don't know if Luo Xiaoyou and Lu Xiaoyou are interested in joining our National Chinese Medicine Hospital?" President Xu, who was going to ask in private, couldn't help but speak.

   This kind of genius in traditional Chinese medicine, he is afraid of missing out.

  Luo Ning and Lu Xun were a little surprised, they didn't expect Dean Xu to invite them to join.

  The two looked at each other, "Can we think about it?"

  Luo Ning doesn't mind joining the National Essence Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. She has many good recipes that are not available in this world, and she is not going to hide it.

Taking out    can save a lot of patients. She will do this kind of meritorious thing as long as she can.

   As for Lu Xun, he was not interested in himself, he only looked at Luo Ning.

   That is, if she joins, he joins.

   If his friends and friends know about it, they will definitely be dumbfounded. Is this still the Lu Shao they know?

  When did you become so indecisive...

  Lu Xun's mind is actually very simple, just follow his daughter-in-law.

   President Xu said with a smile: "Of course, we will leave a contact information for each other for a while, and we can exchange and discuss more about Chinese medicine in the future."

   "Okay!" Luo Ning and Lu Xun naturally wouldn't object.

   [I didn't expect Luo Ning's medical skills to make President Xu say "wonderful" twice in a row, amazing! 】

  【This means that Luo Ning and Lu Shen not only only know Chinese medicine, but are also proficient? 】

   [President Xu, a figure in Taishan Beidou in the field of Chinese medicine in our country, he said that Luo Ning and Lu Shen are proficient in Chinese medicine, that is absolutely not wrong. 】

  【Moreover, Luo Ning and Lu Shen are the first stars to be invited to join by National Treasure Mountain. This alone is amazing! 】

  [Suddenly found that the two of them were a little "not doing their job properly", and they have so many skills, what should other idols do? 】This is the meaning of praise.

[The feeling of **** by Luo Ning's "Plant Encyclopedia", "Field Survival Model", "Humanoid Navigation", "Master Cooking" and "Feng Shui Master" has not ended yet, but there is another "Traditional Chinese Master", I want to kneel Calling Dad, how do you break it? 】

   [People can also play piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, not entry-level, but master-level. 】

  【So, I also want to kneel and call my father...】

  【Lu Shen has always been standing in the clouds, so he knows these things, and I accept it right away.

   Ke Luo Ning is also so good, I really did not expect that, I also want to call Dad. 】

  【Or call Luoshen later. 】

  【I don’t understand the world of studying God, I just want to be called Dad. 】

  【Luo Dad】


   Then the barrage was full of people shouting "Dad Luo".

   Fang Yan and Xi Shu, who were watching the live broadcast, were proud, but at the same time they didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

  From the beginning of this variety show, Luo Ning has been constantly changing from Ningbao to wife, husband, female goose (meaning daughter of Internet stalker), Luo Ge to father, which has never happened before.

   Fang Yan said with a full smile: "I knew Xiaoluo would be a blockbuster if he didn't speak up."

  The first time he saw Luo Ning, he knew that she had a bright future.

   But I didn't expect that it was only the third live variety show. She not only took away the reputation of the vase, but also fought a beautiful turnaround and counterattack.

   Xi Shu's brows and eyes were full of warmth and pride, "Ling Ning has always been so powerful."

   National Essence Mountain here.

   Dean Xu announced with a smile, "Xiaoyou Lu and Xiaoyou Luo have cleared the customs, you can start."

   The guests and students present were actually still shocked, their medical skills were so brilliant.

   After all, Dean Xu took the initiative to invite Luo Ning and Lu Xun to join in front of so many people, which means that their medical skills have definitely reached the level of masters or even masters.

   As a result, no one doubted the medical skills of the two, but only sighed that the two were awesome, and they were really hidden!

  Except for Bo Xiangxiang, who was so jealous that he wanted to vomit blood, the others present couldn't help but feel a sense of pride, Luo Ning and Lu Xun really made faces for their stars.

   Today's update is over, thank you for your tips and votes~



   (end of this chapter)

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