Chapter 190 Calculations

After Ji Xingheng left in the garden, Bo Xiangxiang appeared in front of Shi Ji.

   There is no live broadcast here, so she is not afraid.

   Shi Ji saw Bo Xiangxiang appear and looked up at her coldly.

  Bo Xiangxiang looked at Shi Ji affectionately, "Aji, did you come to see me on purpose?"

   Then she took the initiative to sit next to Shi Ji, not seeing the inexplicable expression in the eyes of the other party.

   She whispered again: "I won't tell anyone about your name change."

   Just now she accidentally saw that the name on the medical record was Shi Ji.

   When Shi Ji was about to get up and leave, he heard this and withdrew his actions.

   "Well, thanks a lot!"

   Bo Xiangxiang glanced at him with a smile that he thought was very charming, "Is there any need to say thank you for the relationship between us?"

   Shi Ji got goosebumps at the sight of her.

   He asked lightly: "What is our relationship?"

  Bo Xiangxiang blushed and gave him another snort, "I hate it, I have a relationship with others, and I asked that on purpose."

   Shi Ji: "..."

   He covered his mouth and coughed a few times, "Well, I'm here to see a doctor this time."

  Bo Xiangxiang immediately looked at him with concern, "What's wrong with you? Don't scare me!"

   Shi Ji replied: "It's what Luo Ning said, my heart is not feeling well recently."

  Bo Xiangxiang heard what he said and asked worriedly, "There won't be any problem, right?"

   "Luo Ning's medical skills are very good, and it should be able to help me cure it." Shi Ji mentioned Luo Ning with a warm look in his eyes.

  Bo Xiangxiang didn't pay attention to his eyes, "That's good."

   His identity is not simple. He ran away on the deserted island last time, and this time he came back as the president of a listed company. She couldn't let go.

  The reason why she knew Shi Ji's current identity was because she used her mobile phone to read the comments on the official Weibo of the variety show.

  Some people popularized the identity of Shi Ji, the youngest foreign investment genius, the president of a listed company, who just returned from abroad.

  The industry has also been gradually transferred to China, and the focus of future development will be here.

  Some people dug up that Shi Ji's father was a nobleman from a certain European country, and the family strength was particularly large.

   She really liked Shi Ji a little bit, and after he came back, she would be able to support her in the future, and she naturally hoped that his illness could be cured.

   But she was not satisfied with the person who treated him.

   Then she asked tentatively, "Aji, are you and Luo Ning really high school classmates?"

   "Hmm." Shi Ji nodded.

   "Why don't I know? Are you familiar with her?" Bo Xiangxiang was not very happy about this.

   Shi Ji replied: "It's just acquaintance, what's wrong?"

  Bo Xiangxiang pouted and said, "I don't like Luo Ning, she is too good at pretending, so don't be fooled by her."

   Why can't Shi Ji and Luo Ning have too much contact, otherwise what if someone is hooked up by that woman?

  Although she didn't think Shi Ji could resist her charm, men like to steal fishy, ​​so she had to be on guard.

   "Didn't I tell you on the island, she often bullied me and deliberately stole my limelight."

   "I was always worried about you when you were taken away from where you were. Now that you have returned safely, I am finally relieved."

   A trace of coldness flashed across Shi Ji's eyes, and he asked without change, "Then what do you think?"

  Bo Xiangxiang said: "I've never heard of Luo Ning's medical skills before, why don't you ask President Xu to help you heal."

   Shi Ji sighed, "I asked President Xu just now, and he said that only Luo Ning can cure my disease, so I can't change it."

  Bo Xiangxiang was very unhappy when he saw that he did not intend to replace Luo Ning, but he had a smile on his face.

   "Then you can treat Luo Ning, I just want you to be healthy." She said thoughtfully.

   She also really wanted him to get back to health.

   Shi Ji smiled, "You are so nice!"

  Bo Xiangxiang glanced at him again, "Why don't you call me Xiangxiang?"

   Then she approached, her voice somewhat provocative, "I like you calling me that."

   Shi Ji stood up immediately and avoided her leaning body.

   realized that he was moving too much, so he coughed.

   He explained, "Sorry, I'm allergic to perfume recently and I get a cough when I smell it."

  Bo Xiangxiang had sprayed perfume on purpose just before he came over, and now he can't help but regret it, he knew he wouldn't spray it.

   "It's okay, then I won't be near you."

   Shi Ji asked: "Is there anything else?"

  Bo Xiangxiang asked unhappily: "Can't I come to you if I have nothing to do? Why do you feel a little wrong today?"

   The more she looked, the more she felt that something was wrong with Shi Ji. He used to be so enthusiastic about her, he wanted to eat her when he saw her.

   And he always carried evil spirits before, so she liked him like that, but today is too deserted and not warm to her.

   Shi Ji replied: "I'm afraid of being seen, it's not good for you to gossip."

   "And you know my identity for fear of affecting you."

  Bo Xiangxiang thinks it's right, after all, his identity is not just a president, it's right to be careful.

   "Aji, that Luo Ning is still bullying me and taking the other two women to isolate me. You have to help me."

   Shi Ji asked: "What do you want me to do?"

  Bo Xiangxiang's mind changed, "Aji, why don't you pretend to chase after Luo Ning, and dump her publicly after your illness is cured."

  Since Shi Ji and Luo Ning inevitably have to come into contact, it is better to let him play with Luo Ning.

   As long as she catches Luo Ning, she will expose the relationship between the two.

   Let him dump Luo Ning again, so that netizens will not only look down on Luo Ning, but also let Lu Nanshen and Ji Xingheng see, that woman is not as good as they thought.

   Shi Ji squinted his eyes, the coldness in his eyes deepened, but he smiled and said, "Okay, I will listen to you."

   When Bo Xiangxiang stood up and looked over, the expression in Shi Ji's eyes had subsided, only a smile.

   She blushed again, "Aji, you are so kind to me."

   At this moment, someone walked towards this side.

   Bo Xiangxiang and Shi Ji greeted and left quickly.

  If Shi Ji didn't have the identity of the leader of the International Underworld, she wouldn't mind having a relationship with him publicly.

   But he still has that black identity, so she is not going to communicate with him openly.

  Otherwise, if his identity is found out in China one day, she will also be implicated.

   It is enough that he only loves her and protects her behind his back.

   Shi Ji looked at the back of Bo Xiangxiang leaving thoughtfully, and left here after a while.

   On the other side, Luo Ning and Lu Xun found Dean Xu.

  The two first expressed their willingness to join the National Essence Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which made President Xu very happy.

   "Okay, our hospital of traditional Chinese medicine is short of young geniuses with the spirit of exploration like you."

   Then asked the two to fill out a form, and after the filing was completed, the two were members of the National Essence Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

   After chatting for a while, Luo Ning asked directly: "President Xu, there are a lot of old medicinal materials planted here in the National Essence Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, are they sold to the outside world?"

   Dean Xu replied: "This kind of old medicinal material is difficult to find, so we do not sell it to the outside world."

   "What's the matter?" he asked in turn.

   After posting, I will modify it and catch the mistake~



   (end of this chapter)

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