Chapter 197 Feeling Not Right

  Luoning naturally believed in Lu Xun.

   She shrugged, "You can deal with it, it's your rotten peach blossom anyway."

  Lu Xun explained again: "I really don't know her well."

  Luo Ning nodded, "I can tell."

   She thought about it and said, "If she comes to trouble me again, I'll take action."

   She is not a soft peach, everyone wants to pinch it.

   When the woman was taken away by the bodyguard, she looked at her with hatred, and she felt that the other party might not just give up.

   is also very helpless, why do some women always like to find trouble with women, is it better to bully the same sex?

  Although that Ji Jiarong has a good background, but she has to deal with each other, and some methods.

  Lu Xun chuckled: "Of course."

   "Do whatever you want."

   If something happens, he will give her the bottom line.

  Luoning suddenly remembered something, "The woman's name was Ji Jiarong just now, so what's her brother's name?"

  Lu Xun replied, "He also has two older brothers, the eldest brother Ji Jiachen and the second brother Ji Jiayi."

  Luo Ning wanted to help her forehead, so she guessed at random, but she didn't expect Ji Jiayi.

   This person is in the book and is the object of Bo Xiangxiang's fancy.

  Before she jumped off the building, Bo Xiangxiang was trying to hook up with Ji Jiayi.

   It's just that the book is unfinished, and she doesn't know if the two hook up in the end.

   But according to the author's urination, with Ji Jiayi's background, there is a high probability that he will become a member of the sea king's harem, and it is still a male protagonist.

   She has read books before, and her impression of Ji Jiayi is that she is fascinated.

   This man started a company, because he was a princeling of the imperial capital, and he was handsome and skilled, and he basically got a woman by hooking him.

   Then change women like clothes, no one resents the woman who was dumped.

   Such a careless man, if he changed his mind and entered Bo Xiangxiang's harem, he would still be single-minded, it would be interesting.

  Lu Xun looked at her as if thinking about something, and couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong?"

  Luo Ning returned to her senses, "I'm thinking about Ji Jiarong, will she let her brother take action."

  Lu Xun thought for a while and said, "Ji Jiachen has a relatively upright temperament. This time it's Ji Jiarong's fault, so he will never condone or take action against you."

   "However, Ji Jiayi is a ruthless person who does things very casually, so be careful with him."

   He naturally wouldn't let the other party hurt Luo Ning.

   Luo Ning nodded, "Well, I see."

  The two chatted for a while and then went back to their rooms to rest.

   About an hour later, Ji Jiayi, who was far abroad, opened the email and opened the investigation information about Luo Ning.

   The first thing that appears are a few photos.

   He touched his chin after reading the photo, "He looks so beautiful, no wonder even a cold-hearted man like Lu Xun is moved."

   He then looked at the following information.

   After reading it, he lit a cigarette, his eyes were full of interest, and he said to himself, "Very good, there are challenges, I like it!"

   On the second day, the program team took the guests to the National Essence Mountain again.

   Today we will visit the last national quintessence "Tea Ceremony".

   This time, apart from Lu Xun and Luo Ning, the two groups did not understand the tea ceremony.

   So the glorious task fell on the two of them again.

   After passing the four assessments of making tea, enjoying tea, smelling tea and drinking tea, Lu Xun and Luo Ning successfully opened the door to the "Tea Courtyard".

After the    visit and live broadcast, the mission of visiting the various levels of the National Essence in this issue is over.

   After returning to the national quintessence town, the director said with a smile: "Everyone has worked hard these days, and today's live broadcast of the national quintessence mountain has come to an end."

   "I originally thought that it would be very good for you to knock on the door of the National Essence Court on one or two floors, but I didn't expect you to knock on all of them."

   Needless to say, the ratings of this episode have exploded again. Not only has it been searched all the time, but it also holds the No. 1 ratings for variety shows in the country.

   This made him very happy, and was praised by the director.

   For this result, everyone present did not expect it.

  Wei Yao said with a smile: "It's mainly because Xiao Ningning and Teacher Lu are too good, otherwise it's probably just knocking on one or two floors."

   These two are so powerful that they have lost the heart of comparison.

  Others also agreed, "Yes, yes, it's really thanks to Teacher Lu and Teacher Luo this time."

   If it wasn't for the two of them, they would probably have been disappointed.

   This time, the veils of various national quintessence houses were lifted, the ratings stabilized, and their popularity soared a lot.

   Therefore, except for a few people, everyone is grateful to both of them.

  Luo Ning and Lu Xun smiled at everyone in tacit understanding.

   Next, the live broadcast ended. In the afternoon, everyone strolled around the national quintessence town and nearby, bought a lot of handicrafts, and returned by plane the next day.

   This is also the last phase of the live variety show, and the performance is also at the last moment, so the director asked everyone to rest for three days before going to rehearsal.

  Luo Ning went home directly. After eating the noodles cooked by her mother, she went to sleep first.

After    got up, he received a call from Wu Jianfeng.

   "Master Luo, I found three barren hills for you here. You can come and have a look when you have time."

  Luo Ning didn't expect him to be so quick, and said with a smile, "I have time tomorrow and the day after, so it depends on President Wu's time."

  Wu Jianfeng has already thought about it, "How about tomorrow morning?"

   "Okay, I'm really bothering you."

   "Master Luo is too polite, I'll pick you up tomorrow morning."


   After the two agreed, Luo Ning and Jiang Xinxin got into Wu Jianfeng's car early the next morning.

  Luo Xi made friends and went out to take pictures together, so they didn't call him.

  Wu Jianfeng patiently led the two of them to see the three mountains respectively.

   Luo Ning and Jiang Xinxin both took a fancy to it. There is a large mountain, and there is a lot of land below. The one they contracted together.

  Wu Jianfeng also felt that the two of them were most likely to take a fancy to this mountain.

   He smiled and said, "This is a mountain that a friend of mine once contracted. Now I want to sublet it. If you want, you can talk to him about it."

   Luo Ning nodded, "No problem."

   So Wu Jianfeng went to call a friend.

Soon he hung up the phone and said to Luo Ning, "This friend of mine is going to a cocktail party this afternoon, and I also received an invitation letter here. How about I take you there and take time to talk? He also meant it. "

  Luo Ning asked: "Would it be convenient for you to take us there?"

  Wu Jianfeng said with a smile: "It's convenient, and I have several friends. After hearing about you, they all want to ask you for help."

   "Master Luo, if you don't have time to read it, I'll introduce them to you first."

   He knew that Luo Ning was picking up Feng Shui, so he wanted to help her with business.

   Of course, several of his friends really wanted to see Luo Ning.

  Luoning spent most of her savings to buy rough jadeite, and she will go to that auction soon. She needs money.

   Hearing what Wu Jianfeng said, naturally he would not refuse, "Okay."

   Having dinner together at noon, Wu Jianfeng took the two to the reception.

   After Luo Ning and Jiang Xinxin entered the door, they greeted Wu Jianfeng and found a corner seat to sit down.

   A lot of people attended the reception this time. To Luo Ning's surprise, Shi Ji also came to participate.

   Looking at Shi Ji, who was wearing a white suit and had a completely different temperament from before, Luo Ning felt something was wrong.

   Today’s update is over, thank you for your tips and votes~~ If nothing else happens, there should be an update on the 14th of next month~~ This month will be over soon, please ask for a monthly pass, okay~~



   (end of this chapter)

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