Chapter 200 Why are you coming back?

   Jiang Xinxin sat with a light expression on her face, holding a glass of juice.

   In front of her stood her ex-fiancé and stepsister.

   Now that she has come to the imperial capital, she has already made preparations to meet these people.

  The two were surprised when they saw Jiang Xinxin here.

   Feng Yanbai looked at the elegant and beautiful Jiang Xinxin, and the feelings that had been suppressed in his heart gushed out.

  I didn't expect that after more than 20 years, the years still treat her so favorably.

   She is even more beautiful than before. She used to be a green fruit, but now she is fully ripe and has an attractive fragrance.

  If Jiang Xinxin knew this kind of thought in his heart, he probably couldn't help splashing the juice on his face.

   A big scum, pretending to be literary and affectionate.

   Jiang Xinxin was very displeased by Feng Yanbai's fiery eyes, she raised her head and asked the two of them, "What are you doing?"

  Gou Zhenmei saw the more beautiful Jiang Xinxin, except for accidents, she was jealous.

   But she didn't show it on her face, but asked with concern: "Xinxin, where have you been all these years? We've been looking for you all the time."

  Jiang Xinxin didn't want to act with her, so she said coldly, "I broke up with you a long time ago. Where did I go and why should I tell you?"

   "You are looking for me, in fact, to see if I am dead."

   She looked at Gou Zhenmei with a bit of sarcasm, "You should be disappointed to see me alive today."

  There is no such thing as Xu and Weishe. She has to make her attitude clear from the beginning, so as not to be pestered by this shameless person in the future.

  Gou Zhenmei looked at her in disbelief, "Why do you say that? We are sisters."

   "You disappeared suddenly. We have been worried about you all these years."

  Jiang Xinxin has long been tired of seeing her white lotus trick, "Why did I disappear in the first place, shouldn't I ask you guys? You won't tell the outside world again, it's my willfulness?"

   "Stealing other people's fiancés and doves occupying magpie nests, but you did it all. How many years ago you got Alzheimer's, don't you remember?"

   Don't look at Jiang Xinxin's gentleness and elegance now, but when she was young, her temper was very hot.

  Luo Ning has never lost. As her mother, how can she lose.

   At this time, many people are looking this way.

  The people present basically knew Gou Zhenmei and Feng Yanbai.

  The middle-aged and the elderly also know more or less about the Gou family.

   But I didn't expect that the Gou family's biological daughter, who had been missing for more than 20 years, would appear at the reception.

   In fact, even Wu Jianfeng and the three were stunned. They never thought that Luo Ning's mother was actually the daughter of the Gou family.

   Before, the Gou family announced to the public that their biological daughter quarreled with the family and then ran away with the man.

  Gou Zhenmei took her place and married into the Feng family.

   But now listening to Jiang Xinxin's sarcastic words, the inside story is obviously not like this.

   It turned out that the step-sister robbed her fiancé and occupied her home, which forced her to leave.

   Everyone believes it, after all, if there is a stepmother, there will be a stepfather.

   Over the years, no one has heard that Chairman Gou's went to find his biological daughter.

  Those who don't know still think that Gou Zhenmei is his biological son.

  If Gou Zhenmei and her biological father look alike, everyone might think that she is actually Dong Gou's illegitimate daughter.

   Seeing everyone's scrutiny and inquiring eyes, Gou Zhenmei's face sank.

   She didn't expect Jiang Xinxin to shake things out in public.

   Feng Yanbai's face is not very good-looking, it has been so long, why does Jiang Xinxin make everyone shameless in public.

   But he didn't blame her very much, after all, she was the white moonlight in his heart.

   Back then, he liked Jiang Xinxin, his fiancee, but she had never been enthusiastic about him, and because his father-in-law valued Gou Zhen's love for his mother and daughter more, this would be shaken.

   Later, Gou Zhenmei seduced him. He was enthusiastic and unrestrained.

  The affair is very exciting, but unfortunately Jiang Xinxin discovered it.

   She proposed to terminate the engagement at the first time, and also wanted to make trouble out of it.

   In that case, both the Gou family and the Feng family would be embarrassed, so they naturally wouldn't allow it.

   Then Jiang Xinxin disappeared suddenly. In order to save the face of the family, Gou Zhenmei and her daughter could only tell the public that she quarreled with her family and ran away with other men, and then they got the so-called substitute marriage.

   Anyway, they were indeed the ones who were sorry for her back then.

   Since Jiang Xinxin disappeared, he couldn't help but think of her goodness.

  Especially after discovering Gou Zhenmei's true face, he misses Jiang Xinxin's simplicity and straightforwardness even more.

   As soon as he entered here today, he was attracted by the people in the corner and walked over unconsciously.

   After a closer look, he realized that she was the woman he had thought about for twenty years.

   Even if she is now taunting with sharp teeth, it will not make people feel disgusted.

   At this time, Jiang Xinxin and Gou Zhenmei were standing together, both in terms of beauty and temperament, which made him unable to help but get hot inside.

   He looked at Jiang Xinxin softly and said, "Xinxin, there was a misunderstanding in the past. Let's find a time in the past two days to sit down and have a good talk."

   Jiang Xinxin glanced at him coldly, "I have nothing to talk about with you, and you are not a good thing."

   was originally scolded like this, but Feng Yanbai was already angry in the past.

   can be glanced at by her, which makes him feel very charming.

   She is really getting older and more charming.

   Jiang Xinxin was disgusted by the look in Feng Yanbai's eyes, this scumbag was still so self-righteous.

  Gou Zhenmei was relieved to see Jiang Xinxin's eyes full of disgust.

   It's good that this woman didn't think about Feng Yanbai, what she was most afraid of was that this kind of thing happened.

   But soon her heart became unbalanced and jealous, but she knew that Feng Yanbai had always been thinking about Jiang Xinxin all these years.

  She hooked up with Feng Yanbai, besides deliberately trying to steal Jiang Xinxin's fiancé, she also really liked him.

   So she couldn't bear it, and he was still thinking about the woman she hated the most.

   Then he thought about the family affairs, which filled his eyes with haze.

   Since this woman has been missing for so many years, why did she come back?

   "Xinxin, you don't have to like us, but Dad has been thinking about you all these years, so you come home with us."

   She pretended not to blame Jiang Xinxin's sarcastic remarks before, and even persuaded the other party to go home, showing a very good sister.

   She felt that it was better to act under her nose, just like when their mother and daughter were able to force each other away.

   Jiang Xinxin had long expected that she would have this move, "If she really misses me, she won't be looking for it for more than 20 years, let alone ignore it."

   "I'm too lazy to go back to Gou's house. You don't have to worry about me going back to grab the property. My relationship with the Gou's family has long since broken."

  Gou Zhenmei looked in disbelief, "You, how can you do this, he is your dad anyway."

   "That's your dad, I've long since lost my dad."

  Jiang Xinxin was very annoyed, "Can I trouble you not to stand here and get in the way, okay?"

  The two of them insisted on letting Jiang Xinxin go back to see Old Man Gou.

   At this time, Luo Ning walked over quickly, "My mother's words are very clear, can you stop being shameless and stalking?"

   "Are you sure you want to be ashamed in front of so many people?"

   She raised her eyebrows and looked at the two of them, "If you want, we won't mind."

   Today's update is over, thank you for your tips and votes~



   (end of this chapter)

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