Chapter 204 Who doesn't know who

   When we arrived at the private restaurant, Yu Zihang was already in the private room.

   Huo Ye was sitting next to him, and it seemed that his body had fully recovered.

   "Old Lu, Luo Ning, you are here!"

   Huo Ye smiled and said, "I don't invite you to come here, don't you mind?"

  Recently, he was taking care of his body at home, and he was almost free to grow hair.

   Hearing that Yu Zihang had an appointment with Lu Xun for dinner, he came over.

  Lu Xun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "You've already come here. Could it be that we still kick you?"

   Luo Ning smiled at him, "Welcome."

   Next, everyone chatted while eating.

At the end of   , Huo Ye asked Luo Ning, "When will you and Lao Lu come to my company to pick something, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

  The time he had agreed to before was delayed until now when he was hospitalized due to an accident.

   Luo Ning thought for a while, "How about tomorrow?"

   The day after tomorrow, she will be busy. After participating in the final performance, she will join the group to shoot the fairy tale drama.

  Huo Ye smiled and nodded, "Okay, then I'll wait for you tomorrow."

   He always remembered Luo Ning's kindness, so he wished she would hurry up and pick more things to go back, he felt better.

   After eating, the group went to Yu Zihang's company again.

   The rough stone picked by Luo Ning has not been solved yet, so Yu Zihang called the company's calciologist to work overtime.

   Soon, the rough stones were unraveled one by one, and each piece of jade was opened.

   Not only are all top-grade jadeites, but there are also several top-grade jadeites.

   Yu Zihang was stunned. It was the first time he saw that whoever bought the rough stone could produce all the jadeite.

   He whispered to Lu Xun: "Luo Ning's ability to gamble with stones is too powerful."

  Lu Xun raised the corner of his lips, "Of course."

   "Don't talk about this, she doesn't want to be too high-profile." He reminded again.

  If people outside knew that Luo Ning was so good at gambling stones, maybe someone would follow her.

  Lu Xun can basically guess what Luo Ning is going to do with the jade, so she doesn't want others to think about the jade in her hand and her abilities.

   Yu Zihang nodded, "Understood!"

   "Next time there is a gambling game, you can ask Luo Ning to go with you."

   He felt that Luo Ning's talent for gambling stones was useless, it was a waste.

  Lu Xun nodded and smiled: "Okay, I will call her when the time comes."

  Luo Ning only brought a few pieces of top-quality jade, and asked Yu Zihang to send the rest to the mountain she contracted in a few days.

   There were also some middle and top-grade jadeites, and Luo Ning asked Lu Xun to bring them back and asked him to help carve them.

   After the jade ornaments are out, she will go to a lucky place to cultivate, or arrange a formation to cultivate magic tools.

   The next day, Luo Ning and her younger brother accompanied their mother to go out to buy vegetables.

When    came back, he saw three people standing at the door.

   An old man who looked to be in his 60s with a cane, a woman who seemed to be well-kept, and Gou Zhenmei, whom he had seen before.

   Seeing Gou Zhenmei, the identities of the other two people can be known without guessing.

   Jiang Xinxin frowned when she saw the three of them.

   Gou Wenchuan looked at Jiang Xinxin in a trance, as if he saw his deceased wife.

   He knew early on that his daughter was very similar to his ex-wife, but her daughter was more rebellious when she was a girl, so she was only a facial feature.

   But now, looking at his gentle and intellectual daughter, he realized that the two of them even have similar temperaments.

   couldn't help but feel a little nostalgic.

   He naturally liked his ex-wife, otherwise he would not have been able to marry.

   It's just that his ex-wife died early, and he was busy with the company and couldn't take care of his daughter, so he married Bao Baoyu, who also lost her husband.

   The step-wife is very good to her daughter, and she is the best for food and clothing, but she puts it behind her own daughter.

   It's a pity that my daughter is ignorant, she doesn't appreciate it at all, and she makes a lot of trouble at home.

   Compared with the stepdaughter's caring and well-behaved, it shows her daughter's rebelliousness. He is often angry and more and more disappointed.

   It's just that he never thought that his daughter would suddenly run away from home twenty years ago and never come back.

   He was very angry at first, Bao Baoyu always persuaded him to find someone, but he was so angry that he just didn't go.

   But after more than half a year, his daughter did not come back, so he was a little worried, and then asked someone to find him.

   but can't find it anymore.

  As he got older, he also thought of his own daughter.

   In any case, although the stepdaughter is considerate and he treats her as his own, the Gou family's property still has to be inherited by his own blood.

  Otherwise, if he went underground in the future, he would not be able to explain to his ancestors and his ex-wife.

   That's why I heard from my stepdaughter last night that her daughter was back, so he came over this morning.

   Jiang Xinxin didn't speak, Gou Wenchuan said with a sullen face, "Why, you won't say hello when you see your biological father?"

   Jiang Xinxin showed a sarcastic smile, "I don't dare to climb relatives with you, otherwise I wouldn't know how I would die."

   Gou Wenchuan didn't expect that he hadn't seen each other for more than 20 years, and his daughter would slap her face as soon as she met her, just as ignorant as she used to be.

   "What are you talking about, don't you forget your surname?" he said unhappily.

   Jiang Xinxin said indifferently: "I have changed my mother's surname. My surname is Jiang now, of course I won't forget it."

   Hearing this, Gou Wenchuan's face changed, "What? Who allowed you to change your mother's surname, you must be mad at me to be happy, right?"

  Although he hadn't seen him for more than 20 years, he still treated Jiang Xinxin with his old attitude.

   Bao Baoyu immediately patted him on the back.

   Then he smiled and said to Jiang Xinxin, "Xinxin, your father has been thinking about you all these years. Don't be angry with him when you first meet. Father and daughter have no overnight feud."

   These words seemed to be in harmony, but it was uncomfortable in Gou Wenchuan's ears.

   After not seeing her for so long, this daughter is not only inconsiderate, but also deliberately irritated.

   Jiang Xinxin glanced at Bao Baoyu, "You don't have to stir up trouble here, who doesn't know who."

   "Don't worry, I won't go back to that house, and I won't rob you of the house, so don't pretend to be here anymore."

  The Gou family will be gone by then, no one will want it.

   Bao Baoyu was overjoyed when she heard Jiang Xinxin say this. Sure enough, after so many years, this dead girl's temper is still so aggressive and unwilling to accept it.

now it's right.

   She looked sad, "Xinxin, after so many years, you are still misunderstanding me, I..."

   Before she could finish, Jiang Xinxin interrupted impatiently, "Okay, stop acting here, looking at your old face makes me sick."

   This is how this woman acted in the past, in person and behind her back, which made her father dislike her more and more.

   Of course, it was the old man who was blind and couldn't see. She didn't believe him when she said it, and he always felt that she was rebellious and a white-eyed wolf.

  From anticipation to disappointment, and finally to cold heart, she has long needed no father's love, let alone a father.

   These words are rather poisonous, and it also makes Bao Baoyu, who is still acting, face stiff, and his eyes are full of displeasure. The dead girl actually mocked her for being old.

   (end of this chapter)

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