After The Breakup, I Became Popular In the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 209: Let's see what tricks Luo Ning is going to play

   Chapter 209 See what tricks Luo Ning is going to play

   Ji Jiayi came out of the bathroom and turned on the faucet to wash his hands.

  Suddenly saw a woman running to her side and crying so much that she was very sad.

   He turned his head and saw a crying face, he couldn't help but took a step back.

  I thought that this woman was so ugly crying, all the makeup was spent, the mascara and eyeliner were all smudged on her face, it was really unsightly.

  Bo Xiangxiang only wanted to contact Ji Jiayi, and didn't pay attention to his makeup at all.

   When she saw him look over, she immediately put on a gesture that she thought pear blossoms were tearful and charming.

   Then showed a wronged and strong expression, and said in the best voice: "Mr. Ji, I'm sorry, I made you laugh."

   Ji Jiayi: "..." He really wanted to laugh, how could he break it?

   "It's alright." He pulled a piece of paper and wiped his hands, "Wash your face well."

   After he finished speaking, he left without waiting for Bo Xiangxiang to say anything.

   As an old lover, how could he not see what this woman was planning.

   Isn't it just trying to seduce yourself.

   But he didn’t even say dress up well, and he rushed over to try to arouse his pity. Who was he looking down on?

  This time he came for Luo Ning, how could he be entangled with this man named Hexiang, which aroused Luo Ning's disgust.

   Besides, although he is more romantic, not all women can look at him, and he is also very picky, right?

  Bo Xiangxiang froze looking at the background where Ji Jiayi was leaving quickly.

  Why is this gone?

Shouldn't    ask her why she was wronged and then comfort her?

   Doesn't it mean that Mr. Ji is very romantic? Why so ignorant of style.

  Yes, Bo Xiangxiang just sent a message to Yuan Hanyi and asked about Ji Jiayi's identity.

   Only then did I know that Ji Jiayi is a princeling of the imperial capital. Not only does he have a deep background, but he is also the president of a large listed company, much stronger than Liu Shaoxian.

   If she can take this person down, will she worry about resources in the entertainment industry in the future? That will definitely not worry.

   She was full of confidence and felt that it would be completely easy to take down such a playboy, but she did not expect this result.

   Then she remembered what the other party said just now, and then turned to look in the mirror.

   "Ah!" Looking at himself in the mirror with all his makeup, Bo Xiangxiang couldn't help crying out.

   This is too ugly, no wonder Ji Jiayi is gone.

   She couldn't help being annoyed secretly. She should have finished her makeup before coming here, so she must pay attention next time.

   On the other side, Luo Ning changed into a new set of costumes for the first scene, and was reading the script with the script in hand.

   Ji Jiayi walked to her side and sat down, took the initiative to strike up a conversation, "How about reading the script?"

  Luoning put down the script and glanced at him, "Is there something wrong with Mr. Ji?"

   Why did this person suddenly come to talk to him?

   Then she thought about it, it should be for Ji Jiarong, otherwise she can't think of this person's purpose, after all, he hasn't hooked up with Bo Xiangxiang yet.

   So he was more defensive about this guy.

   Ji Jiayi saw the cold Luo Ning, and his smile deepened, "It's nothing, I just passed by to say hello."

  Is that right? It's still this kind of woman who is challenging. He has never felt the kind of initiative that came to the door just now.

   Luo Ning looked straight at Ji Jiayi's face.

   This made Ji Jiayi touch his face, "What's wrong? Is there something on my face?"

   He didn't think Luo Ning was fascinated by seeing her handsome face, her eyes were clear and not crazy.

  Luoning said, "Mr. Ji, for the sake of your being a big investor in our drama, let me remind you."

   Ji Jiayi was a little confused, "What?"

  Luo Ning didn't bother to go around in circles with him, "You have committed a peach blossom calamity. Not only will there be a **** disaster tonight, it's quite serious, so be careful yourself."

   Ji Jiayi checked Luo Ning and naturally knew that she would look at Feng Shui or something.

   He didn't actually believe it, but he said, "Look, Miss Luo, how to resolve this kind of thing?"

   "Am I not going out tonight?" This is impossible.

  Tonight, a buddy just came back from abroad, and we made an appointment to go meet the other party together.

  Luo Ning can't tell that his words are wrong, but I have to say that this guy's acting skills are still good, and it really looks like that's the case.

   She said: "If you don't go out tonight, you will meet you tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

   "There is a way to resolve it. I will give you a talisman, which can help you resist this calamity. It just depends on whether you believe it or not."

   If it wasn't for fear that this person would give Bo Xiangxiang good luck, she would not have given him the talisman.

   Ji Jiayi: "..." What the **** is a talisman?

   One talisman can avoid the so-called danger and the disaster of blood, is this teasing him again?

   But looking at Luo Ning's serious appearance, let alone a bit like a magic stick.

   Did he see it wrong, she actually wanted to seduce herself?

  Otherwise, he would say that he had a **** disaster as soon as they met, and he had to give him a talisman to resolve it. Isn’t this a prelude to further contact.

   It's just that her routine is stronger than that of Xiang's.

   Not to mention that it was the first time he encountered such a novel way of seduction, and he suddenly became a little interested.

   And he wants to chase people, of course he doesn't mind playing such a game with her.

   He cheered and said, "That's great, Miss Luo's talisman must be very useful."

  Luoning: "..." If he took away the fake smile on his face, she might still believe it.

   She took out an amulet she had drawn before and handed it to him.

   "Mr. Ji, I just took the initiative to remind you that it is free, but I spent a lot of effort to draw this charm, so I have to pay, do you still want it?"

   She doesn't like people who approach her with a purpose, so it would be good to help him avoid disaster, of course, it can't be free.

   Ji Jiayi, who had already stretched out his hand to pick up the talisman, was stunned.

   He said he wanted to get close to seduce him, why did he suddenly ask for money?

   He asked, "How much does this talisman cost?"

   "Five million!" Luo Ning said.

  Selling it to someone else is a million, of course it will be several times more to sell to this guy.

   His face froze slightly, this is a scam, a piece of broken paper costs five million.

   But quickly adjusted to a perfect smile, "Five million, isn't it a bit expensive?"

   He doesn't look like he's being taken advantage of.

   Luo Ning raised her eyebrows, "This can be used to save your life. Isn't your life worth five million?"

   "Forget it if you don't want it!" After speaking, you will take back the talisman, as if you like it or not.

   Ji Jiayi is the first time he sees a seller like this.

   If it was changed to the previous one, he would definitely leave.

   Thinking of his own purpose, he still endured it, and quickly took the talisman, "Five million is five million, I believe Miss Luo." That's weird.

   Anyway, he didn't spend less than one million when he picked a girl, so it was regarded as an early investment.

   He wanted to see what tricks Luo Ning was going to play.

  Luo Ning saw him take the talisman over, reminded him that he must wear it on his body tonight, and then gave him an account number to transfer money.

   Ji Jiayi really put the talisman in his close-fitting shirt pocket, with a bit of ambiguity in his words, "Don't worry, I'll listen to Miss Luo."

  Luo Ning didn't bother to pay attention to him when he saw that he was pretending to be ready. She said hello and said she was going to film, and left.

   Today's update is over, thank you for your tips and votes~



   (end of this chapter)

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