After The Breakup, I Became Popular In the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 221: Maybe he can look forward to it?

   Chapter 221 Maybe, he can look forward to it?

   After joining the special department, Luo Ning has the authority to investigate some not-so-secret information.

   Before she came, she checked the identity of the other party.

   Yi Lingfeng did not enter the army due to physical reasons, but created a business empire by himself.

  In terms of data, Yi Lingfeng is known as a business wizard, and even a genius in the field of science and technology.

   Last night, Luo Ning found out that the competitive live show that Yue Xiao was going to participate in was also sponsored by Yilingfeng's technology company.

   The point is to use the latest 6d virtual technology officially announced by this show, which includes the shares of Yilingfeng's technology company.

  The data shows that while Yilingfeng was recuperating abroad, he also personally participated in the research and development of the 6d technology.

   It’s a pity that when I returned to China for a meeting, I had an old illness and I could no longer travel by plane, so I stayed in the country for recuperation.

   And Yilingfeng participated in the research and development of that 6d technology and became a shareholder, but few people knew about it.

  Luoning looked at Yi Lingfeng's biographical information and found that this person is very low-key, but he is not a simple character.

  Otherwise, he is often sick and hospitalized, and it is impossible to still fully control the company and invest in a number of scientific research projects that have produced results.

   She suspected that it was the competitive live broadcast and 6d technology that became popular all over the world like in the previous life. Not many people in China may know that Yi Lingfeng is the developer and major shareholder behind it.

Before    also came here, Luo Ning was a little curious and interested in Yi Lingfeng.

   Yi Lingfeng didn't know what Luo Ning was thinking at this time, she raised her hand and made a gesture of invitation, "Miss Luo, please sit down."

  This ward has more than 300 square meters, which is actually equivalent to a large-sized house.

  The living room, dining room, study and bedroom are all complete.

  Luo Ning and Yi Jun were sitting on the sofa in the living room, Yi Lingfeng asked, "Does Miss Luo drink tea?"

   Luo Ning nodded, "Drink."

   Yi Lingfeng came over and sat down, brewing Kung Fu tea with a tea set.

   Soon the whole living room was full of tea fragrance, and Yi Lingfeng's elegant and smooth movements were also very eye-catching.

   Yi Lingfeng gave each of the three a cup.

   Yi Jun took the tea cup and said with a smile, "Uncle, if Xiao Ning Ning doesn't drink tea, are you going to make coffee?"

  His uncle is a person who pursues the quality of life very much. He never likes tea, coffee and meals casually.

   Yi Lingfeng smiled and said, "I know and ask."

  Luo Ning took a sip of tea and tasted the top Longjing at the entrance, and the water for making tea should also be an excellent mountain spring collected.

   This guy can enjoy it.

   But she didn't show it off on purpose.

   Yi Lingfeng is very sensitive to emotions, and naturally found Luo Ning drinking tea with a kind of enjoyment, and guessed that she drank it.

   After Yi Jun introduced Luo Ning to him yesterday, he went to watch the replay of the variety show.

  Because of time, most of the previous ones are skipped.

   But at the end, I basically read the part of National Essence Mountain, so he knew that Luo Ning also understood tea and liked tea.

   In this respect, he is somewhat like-minded, and he has a good impression of her.

   Seeing Luo Ning and her uncle drinking tea silently as if enjoying it, Yi Jun was a little speechless.

   He couldn't help asking Luo Ning: "Xiao Ningning, do you see my uncle's problem?"

   Yi Lingfeng smiled helplessly, "What's the hurry?"

   This nephew is good at everything, but his temper is too impatient, and he can't change it no matter what.

  Yi Jun: "..." Suddenly there is a feeling that the emperor is not in a hurry for the eunuch.

  Bah, he is not a eunuch.

  Luoning said, "I see."

   "You have a yin and cold constitution. It should have been not long after you were born that you spent a period of time in a place with heavy yin and cold air, so you left the root of the disease."

   "You have cold hands and feet all year round, and the quality of sleep is not very good. Especially in winter, it is difficult to go out."

   "Although it will be better in summer, my appetite is extremely poor. I can't eat greasy food, and I will vomit even if I smell it."

   "The quality of the air is also very high, so you can only stay in a room with air purification equipment, otherwise it will cause shortness of breath and even difficulty breathing after going out."

After   Luoning finished speaking, not only Yi Jun was sluggish, but Yi Lingfeng was surprised.

   Because what Luo Ning said is all right.

   The last two are not even known to Yi Jun, let alone Ji Jiayi.

   Yi Lingfeng quickly restrained his surprise, "Miss Luo is really amazing."

   "Not long after I was born, my nanny colluded with the kidnappers and took me out and lived in the tomb for nearly a week."

   "If the family found me a day later, I would have died."

   "I was sent to the hospital to save my life, but it also left the root of the cold constitution."

   In fact, being able to survive by luck is already considered lucky.

   But if he could no longer suffer from such pain and live a few more years, he also wanted to.

   When I heard Yi Jun introduce Luo Ning yesterday, he actually didn't have any hope.

   I just agreed because I didn’t want to reject my nephew’s kindness.

   I didn't expect Luo Ning to be so powerful, you can know his condition just by looking.

   Maybe, he can look forward to it?

   Yi Jun recovered from his shock, "Xiao Ningning, since you can see my uncle's problem, does that mean you can help him cure it?"

   He was thinking of a dead horse as a living horse doctor, but he didn't expect Luo Ning to have two brushes.

   Could the blind cat meet the dead mouse this time?

   Ji Jiayi saw the attitude of the Yi family and knew that Luo Ning was right.

   looked at her eyes, could not help but bring a bit of amazement and appreciation.

   As expected of the woman he wants to chase, she is so beautiful.

  Luo Ning knew that Yi Jun was in a hurry, but he didn't give a shit, "It's not difficult to solve his problem. If it was born, it would be very troublesome. There is still a way to cure the acquired constitution."

   I have to say that Yi Lingfeng's problem is much easier to solve than her brother.

   Yi Jun couldn't wait to ask: "Then what should we do?"

  Luoning replied: "Take Yangyuan Pills for about seven courses of treatment, and then wear an amulet to assist, you can basically recover."

   Yi Jun had never heard of it, so he asked, "What kind of medicine is Yangyuan Pill? Is there any medicine sold outside?"

   Yi Lingfeng is much smarter, "Do you need you to refine the Yangyuan Pills that Miss Luo said?"

  Luo Ning nodded and smiled, "Yes, only I can refine it."

   Yi Lingfeng showed such an expression as he expected, "Can I ask again, how long does a course of treatment take?"

  Luoning said truthfully: "Seven days is a course of treatment."

   Yi Jun stood up in shock, "According to what you said, doesn't that mean that after forty-nine days, my uncle will be able to return to normal?"

   This time is too short.

   Of course, he didn't dislike being short, but he thought it was too incredible.

   After all, his uncle has been treating diseases since he was a baby, and now he is thirty-two years old and has not been cured, but it is more serious.

  The top experts at home and abroad have said that if his uncle's disease cannot be cured, he will not live to be forty years old.

   After more than 30 years of treatment, there is no cure, can it be done in these forty-nine days?

   Yi Lingfeng is also surprised, this time seems to be a bit short!

  Luoning could see their surprise and doubts, shrugged and smiled: "If I say yes, then it must be yes, it just depends on whether you believe it or not."

   Today's update is over, thank you for your tips and votes~



   (end of this chapter)

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