Chapter 223 Who else is there

  Luoning drew him a Yuan Yang Talisman on the spot according to Yi Lingfeng's situation.

   didn't sit too much, and said goodbye after explaining what to say.

   Yi Lingfeng couldn't go downstairs yet, so he sent them to the elevator.

   Yi Jun had already arranged for the driver to come and wait, and then personally sent Luo Ning home.

   This time the car was much more low-key, and the people inside could not be seen from the outside.

   After returning home, Luo Ning happened to meet her mother who came back from outside.

   After sitting down, Luo Ning asked, "Mom, how is that mountain set up?"

   That piece of Shan Luo Ning was originally contracted to my mother, so after the contract came into effect, I let my mother handle the resettlement by herself.

  Jiang Xinxin smiled and replied: "I have already hired someone to re-treat the field below, and I am going to grow vegetables and fruits."

   "The land at the foot of the mountain is fairly fertile, and I also had people reclaimed it, ready to plant corn, sesame, and peanuts."

   "You and Xixi still like to eat glutinous food, and I plan to grow more glutinous rice."

   "Now it's time to choose good seeds, and then ask someone to help plant them."

   "I also drew up a list of medicinal herbs on the mountain, and I will ask Xuehong to help me buy seeds, etc."

  Luo Ning introduced Liu Xuehong to her, and now they get along pretty well.

   Luo Ning said with concern: "Mom, don't be too tired."

   Jiang Xinxin smiled softly: "I'm not tired, I really like these."

  All kinds of flowers are planted in the fields, and she likes this leisurely day now.

   She added: "The air over the mountain is good. I think there is still a flat wasteland that cannot be cultivated. I want to invite someone to build a house. We can move in there when the time comes."

   Luo Ning said with a smile: "We are indeed mother and daughter, I actually have such thoughts and plans."

  Mom will focus on taking care of the mountains later, it will be more convenient to live close by naturally.

   She also wants to arrange some things. It is obviously more convenient to move in than in the city.

   Especially since several people in the Gou family knew about this place, she didn't want the other party to harass her mother from time to time, so moving was a perfect fit.

   "Since it is going to be repaired, let's build a big yard."

   "When the time comes, plant some flowers and plants and a few fruit trees in the yard. You can also dig a pond to raise fish, and raise two big dogs to watch the house."

   She sets up another Qi Gathering Formation, which is even more perfect.

   Jiang Xinxin smiled, "Okay!"

  The mother and daughter thought of being together again, that kind of yard was always what she wanted.

   "I told your dad before that when I get old, I'll find a mountain base and build a yard like this for the elderly."

   Thinking of her lover, the smile on her face dimmed.

   Don't know where he is?

   As for whether it was an accident or not, she absolutely did not believe it.

   She had a feeling that he must be alive, but he just didn't know when he would be able to go home.

   Seeing her mother's eyes suddenly dimmed, Luo Ning knew that she must miss her father.

   In fact, she also misses her father very much, and she doesn't know where he went.

   When my father went to look for something to suppress his physique, it was said that he went to a remote place, but he would be back within three months.

   But who knows that he will never come back, and there is still no news.

   Later, they tried their best to inquire, but only got one clue. The surveillance showed that the last place he appeared was the seaside, but he never came out after he went out to sea.

  The result of the police investigation is that they should be prepared to mourn, her father is likely to die in an accident.

After    Luo Ning came back, he used the compass left by his father to capture his breath and try to find it.

   Although he failed in the end, he also got a message that Dad was still alive.

   Just don't know where he went and why he didn't come back.

   Luo Ning took the initiative to hold her mother's hand, "Mom, I believe that one day Dad will come back, or we will find him."

   Jiang Xinxin's eyes turned red, she nodded with a smile, "Well, he will definitely come back."

  Luo Ning was afraid that her mother would be sad again or miss too much, so she changed the subject, "Where's Xixi?"

  Jiang Xinxin replied: "I went to the mountain with me in the morning, and in the afternoon, I went out to the suburbs to gather with a few friends he knew."

  Since the daughter drew a talisman for her son to wear on her body, his physique has been controlled, and it is no longer the same as before.

   She and her daughter also hope that he will go out more and make some friends.

   Luo Ning nodded with a smile, "He finally looks like a boy at his age now, very good."

   The younger brother from before was really good and sensible, and now he looks energetic.

  After dinner in the evening, Luo Ning received a call from Fang Yan.

   "Brother Fang, did something happen?"

   Luo Ning knows this time, and if there is nothing, Fang Yan, the agent, will not call.

  Fang Yan replied: "You are on the hot search."

   "Some of your stills have been exposed."

  Luo Ning is not surprised. Bo Xiangxiang looked like you were waiting to see. If he didn't do something, then he wouldn't be the Queen of the Sea.

   She asked: "Is there any news that is not good for me?"

  Fang Yan said: "Well, many people say in a rhythm that you play the second female and Bo Xiangxiang plays the first female because her acting skills are better than yours."

   "Although the two scenes you auditioned for were released by Director Zhu before, there are still people who are led by the rhythm and think your acting skills are not good."

   "Then he said that he would be very disappointed in this drama, because the second female character has two very distinct images, you must not be able to control it, the drama will be delayed by you or something."

   "And not only did they step on you to support Bo Xiangxiang, but also the so-called crew members came out and broke the news, saying that you often play big names in the crew and like to leave early."

   "Some people say that you have an unusual relationship with the two largest investors. Xiao Yu got divorced because of you, and now he has hooked up with a new investor to invest."

   "Then you questioned and played big names with your acting skills, and became a hot search."

   There are many people who are popular. After Luo Ning broadcasted variety shows, she also entered the ranks of traffic florets.

   Therefore, as long as there is a little bit of trouble, it will be exaggerated and hyped.

   "I went to check, someone hired the navy to blackmail you."

   "Those sailors and sunspots with rhythm everywhere are very experienced and have convinced many people."

   "But I haven't found out who is behind it. I think it's done by a very experienced naval company. Nine times out of ten, it's someone in the circle."

   Luo Ning sneered, "Besides Bo Xiangxiang and Yuan Hanyi, who else is there?"

   No wonder Bo Xiangxiang is so proud. It turned out that he asked Yuan Hanyi to buy a navy army to blackmail her, and he also stepped on to support himself.

  Fang Yan was not too surprised to hear this answer. There must be a mature team operating in the circle behind it.

  Bo Xiangxiang doesn't have that ability, but Yuan Hanyi, as the president of Morningstar Entertainment, can easily do it.

  Fang Yan thought about it and asked, "Then are we going to whitewash it? Do you have any ideas?"

   He prefers to hear Luo Ning's opinion, she is very sophisticated and mature in dealing with these problems.

   (end of this chapter)

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