Chapter 226 is too good at playing

   I have to say that Luo Ning's performance just now completely broke the first impression of the three of Fan Ye.

  Bu Xuan thought for a while and said, "That's not enough, after all, it seems that your friends are quite good."

   "I suggest the next one, let Luo Ning follow them, and then play against the four of us."

  Bu Xuan's brain is relatively flexible, and he has also learned to command, so he is not only the captain, but also the military division in the squad.

   His words made the other three agree, "It's a good idea, just try it."

   Fan Ye said confidently: "Not to mention that she can win us, as long as Luo Ning can live in our hands for more than half an hour, then she is our teammate."

   None of the four thought they would lose, so they didn't ask Luo Ning to bring someone to kill them.

   On the other side, Ji Jiayi and the others were a little confused.

   They just lost like this?

  Did you make a mistake, they didn't even react, why did they get shot?

   Ji Jiayi originally wanted to let Luo Ning go, but now he is suddenly glad that he didn't say it, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

   But this woman is too good at playing.

   Several of them were thrown into the military camp for training when they were young, and they even trained with the special forces.

  Although I haven’t trained for the past two years, I haven’t lost that much, so why did I lose so fast?

   Several people find it difficult to accept this reality.

   "Did we relax too much for the past two years? But I exercise almost every day!"

   Yi Jun couldn't figure it out: "I feel like it's no problem for me to knock down two or three people, and my marksmanship is not too far behind. How could she have done it with one shot?"

   Meng Bo said, "Could it be that she is too good, and we are too good?"

   Yi Jun Tan Tan Shou said: "I don't think I'm good, mainly because she is awesome."

   Ji Jiayi was more speechless than him, "We were too underestimated before, so we let her get it so easily."

   "In the next round, everyone should pay attention and don't relax."

   Now this is the only way to comfort them.

   Yi Jun nodded: "Yes, we must be more vigilant in the next round."

   Soon everyone converged, and then Yue Xiao talked about the redistribution plan for the next round.

  Although Ji Jiayi and others wanted to regain their place, they did not raise any objections.

   Luo Ning doesn't matter.

   So the second game started quickly.

   This time Luo Ning was in Ji Jiayi's team, and then took the initiative to arrange how they would guard and attack.

   In view of Luo Ning's awesome performance just now, plus her curiosity about her, so I listened.

  Luo Ning has a good memory, so he has memorized all the two bases and the routes he has traveled.

   took out a piece of white paper and pen and drew it.

In addition to Ji Jiayi and a few other girls in the    team, she also arranged for her.

  It doesn't matter if you don't know how to play, but don't hold back.

   With her arrangement, several girls would basically not give away their heads.

   Watching Luo Ning draw the two bases and the surrounding terrain, Ji Jiayi and the others were stunned again.

   Ji Jiayi asked in surprise: "How do you know the topographic map?"

   Did Luo Ning get the topographic map in advance?

   After all, Fan Ye is the boss here, they all know.

   I was still thinking in my heart, no wonder Luo Ning was able to find them so accurately before and get it done with one shot. The relationship was cheating in advance.

  Luoning glanced at him inexplicably, "Of course I wrote it down. These are the places and routes I passed by in the last round."

   Ji Jiayi: "..." Well, he retracted his guess.

  It's not cheating, it's just a good memory.

  It is no wonder that Luo Ning is called "living navigation" and "encyclopedia" on the Internet.

   Yi Jun and others were also stunned, "What? Did you write this down?"

   "You don't have the ability to remember?"

   Luo Ning replied: "Almost, I'm more sensitive to terrain and routes, so I can remember it after walking through it."

   Yi Jun asked curiously: "Then what do you read?"

  Luo Ning smiled and said, "You can remember it after reading it once or twice."

The ability to remember    was not acquired by going to various small worlds, but just like that in her previous life.

   Otherwise, he would not have been skipping grades, and then he was admitted to Imperial College as the champion of liberal arts.

   Yi Jun and the others had to look at her with envy and admiration, "You're a real bull."

  Why don't they have such an unforgettable ability? So envious!

   Ji Jiayi found that he had unlocked a new understanding of Luo Ning. Why does this woman have so many different sides?

   No wonder he was able to attract Lu Xun, let alone he couldn't help being attracted.

   I came to chase after Luo Ning, mainly for his sister.

   As long as she catches Luo Ning and stops Lu Xun from playing, her sister will have a chance.

   But now he can't help but take a little more seriousness, he seems to be really moved by this woman.

   The girls were also surprised by Luo Ning's ability, and at the same time sighed that she was indeed the woman Ji Shao fancy, she was really powerful.

   Everyone listened to her arrangement and went to their respective positions.

   Soon the four people over there separated and touched each other.

  Fan Ye didn't watch the mobile phone surveillance this time, they wanted to win above board.

  Everyone has a walkie-talkie, Luo Ning commanded Ji Jiayi and the others while touching the base on Yue Xiao's side.

   After a while, when Yue Xiao and the others eliminated the girls, and when he was thinking that he would win soon, he suddenly heard an explosion from his base.

   That means their base was blown up and they lost.

  Yue Xiao and others have black lines, what are they doing? Who touched their base?

   soon learned that it was Lorraine dried.

   They also had the same idea as Ji Jiayi and others, they were too underestimated just now.

   Then came another round.

   Then one person was left to guard the house, and the other three took the initiative to attack.

   This time, Luo Ning didn't sneak to the opponent's base, but instructed Ji Jiayi and a few people to solve the opponent one by one.

  The three of Yue Xiao were separated, so Luo Ning showed up with someone. Even if they reacted quickly, they couldn't avoid the gunshots from so many people.

  The three were killed in a flash, then there was no suspense, and the base was pushed directly.

   Several people refused to accept, and let another round.

   This time, one of them stayed behind, and the other three did not separate and attacked together.

   However, he fell into the trap arranged by Luo Ning, and was finally surrounded by Luo Ning's team with the same people, annihilating them.

   The ending is still the same, the base is pushed again.

   If you lose once, you can say that you underestimate the enemy and carelessly. If you lose twice, you can say that the opponent is lucky and their strategy is wrong.

  But they lost three times, that is, they really can't do it.

  Yue Xiao and the others looked at Ji Jiayi and the others who were smiling brilliantly, and their hearts were very complicated.

  Fan Ye dropped the monitoring of the previous three rounds, and after a few people gathered together to watch it.

   I have to sigh, Luo Ning not only can play, but people can also play.

  Bu Xuan's eyes were full of light, "She is not only good at skills, but also very flexible in her mind, stronger than our previous teammate."

   (end of this chapter)

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