Chapter 235 Give them some interest first

   Dad Ji sighed, love is a beautiful thing, but it is also the most hurtful in many cases.

   He asked: "When are you going to retire to the company?"

   His own son can only indulge.

   Ji Xingheng replied: "Recently, I will cancel all activities and schedules and work in advanced companies."

   "When I finish my last movie, I'll just announce my retirement."

   He has never filmed with Ning Ning. Since he came to the entertainment industry, why would he want to leave a screen debut with her.

   So he was going to finish filming the national drama, so he immediately retired, and now he can start semi-retirement.

   Dad Ji supported this, "Okay, after you adjust your state for two days, go to work at Ji's."

  The first time the father and son had a heart-to-heart talk, and it also enhanced a lot of father-son relationship.

   When Qi Yuelan got up early and went downstairs, the two were still talking.

   Qi Yuelan looked at the two inexplicably, "What are you doing?"

   Dad Ji replied with a smile: "This kid had a nightmare. He called me up in the middle of the night to have a drink and talk."

   He came back from overtime last night a little late. Seeing that his wife was asleep, he went to the study for fear of waking her up.

   Fortunately, he went to the study room, otherwise his wife would have to be woken up by the phone in the middle of the night, and he could not bear her insomnia.

   Qi Yuelan walked over and saw Ji Xingheng's eyes were red and swollen, and at first glance she had cried.

   She was stunned. She brought up her son, and it was the first time she saw him cry and her eyes were swollen.

   "What dream did you have? I never saw you cry when you were a child, and you cry like this when you are so old, you are ugly."

   Ji Xingheng, who was in a bad mood at first, felt relieved when he heard the complaints from his mother.

   He didn't hide it, "Dream that Ning Ning committed suicide by jumping off a building."

   Qi Yuelan's face was a little ugly for a moment, "I think you are really idle, and you have some messy dreams all day."

   She then combined her hands and said, "But dreams are all reversed, and Ning Ning will definitely be fine."

   Ji Xingheng pulled out a smile, "Yes, Ning Ning will definitely be fine."

   Then he suggested, "Mom, don't you want to recognize Ning Ning as your daughter, I don't think you have to wait for next year, just get things done soon."

  Qi Yuelan looked at him like he had seen a ghost, "Didn't you strongly object to it before?"

   She sat next to him, raised her hand and touched his forehead, "I don't have a fever!"

  Although she was very angry that her son was not good enough, but after all, she was her own son, and she still felt distressed when she looked at him like this.

   Ji Xingheng shook his head, "No fever."

   "Last night's dream hit me hard. I was afraid that Ningling would end up badly with me again, so I was ready to let it go."

   When he said these words, he didn't feel relieved at all, and he didn't feel relieved. In fact, his heart was still hurting.

   But no matter how painful it was, he only hoped that the lemon in this life would be happy.

   Qi Yuelan saw him like this and guessed that he might have dreamed a lot of bad things last night.

   But she could also see that Luo Ning really gave up on her son.

   It was like she gave up on Ji Xiao back then, but now there is still a thorn in her heart, which cannot be smoothed out with time.

   As for the things her stupid son did, there must be a thorn in Ning Ning's heart, and she will not be happy if she is barely together.

   She chose to come back, not only for her son, but also to get her things back.

   As for Ji Xiao, she can't talk about love or not, she just lives with him.

   Ningning and Ji Xingheng don't have as many bonds as she does, so there is no need to settle.

  Although he loves his son, he also loves Ning Ning, who has been brought up since childhood, and hopes to see her happy.

   "You just figure it out. Lime's attitude is so firm, it's impossible for you both."

   She said again: "I'm going to see your Aunt Xin later, just to tell them about it."

  Ji Xingheng's heart was dripping blood, but he still nodded with pursed lips, "Okay!"

  Qi Yuelan reached out and hugged Ji Xingheng, "It's good to know what's wrong, don't be so willful in the future."

   "Okay, thank you mom!" He also reached out and hugged his mom.

  In the dream, Luo Ning committed suicide. After his mother was so angry that she cut off relations with him, the whole person looked a lot older. Originally, she had black hair and a lot of silver threads.

  Aunt Xin's head turned white overnight, and her whole body seemed to have collapsed.

   Now he will protect Ning Ning, and he will no longer make the two mothers so tragic as in a dream.

   Qi Yuelan felt that her son seemed to be mature and sensible overnight, and she couldn't help but say with relief: "Even if you can't be with Ning Ning in the future, you can still be a good brother."

   "Well, I will."

   Ji Xingheng's heart hurts like being cut by a knife, as if emphasizing to himself: "I will be a good brother."

the other side.

   Last night, Luo Ning hacked into the group systems of the Gou family and the Feng family, and found a lot of evidence that the two companies exploited legal loopholes.

  Gou's family even has economic crimes.

   She collected evidence, and when she was about to withdraw, she suddenly found that Gou's stock had been attacked and plummeted all the way.

   She immediately chased after her, wanting to see who was behind it.

   is also the level of her hacking technology leading the world, so she can track the IP address of the other party.

   If you replace it with someone else, in all likelihood, you will lose it.

   This also shows that the people behind it are very professional and smart.

   Who knew that when she checked the IP address, she would be stunned, because it was at her house.

   The next morning, Luo Ning got up to wash up and smelled the fragrance from the kitchen.

   She walked in and saw that her mother was making breakfast.

  Mother's cooking skills are relatively average, and her and Aunt Lan's are better.

   But the steamed buns and dumplings made by my mother are delicious. She and her younger brother like it better.

   This morning, my mother steamed xiao long bao and shrimp dumplings and cooked porridge.

   "Mom, hard work!" she said with a smile.

   Jiang Xinxin looked at her tenderly and smiled: "It will be hard to make breakfast for you."

   With children and daughters to accompany her, she will only feel happy and warm.

  The two chatted for a while, and Luo Ning asked, "Mom, Gou's stock was attacked last night, did you know?"

   Jiang Xinxin knew what her daughter meant, she turned her head and said, "Yes, I did it."

   Luo Ning's eyes lit up, "Mom, are you still a trader?"

  Jiang Xinxin nodded, "I used to be a trader before, but after there was no financial pressure, I concentrated on raising flowers."

   After she ran away from home, the bank card she was carrying was frozen, and she lived on the hundreds of dollars on her body.

  She started working as a trader using what she had learned at university while working part-time. Since then, she has gradually no shortage of money.

   Later, I met Luo Ning's father. He was very tolerant and doting on her, and there was not much to worry about in life.

   For her, the money is enough, as long as her husband and children are healthy and happy, so she retired.

   This time, the mother and daughter of the Gou family were too deceiving. When she thought about the appearance of her son yesterday, she was worried, so she gave them some interest first.

   (end of this chapter)

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