Chapter 274 Can it?

   After about ten minutes, a middle-aged man in military uniform walked down with the two of them.

  Liao You saluted the man, "Hello Colonel Pan!"

   Colonel Pan also raised his hand and saluted him, praising him, "Your support mission this time has been accomplished very well."

   Liao You said righteously: "This is what we should do."

   Colonel Pan nodded to him, and then his eyes fell on Luo Ning, "This is Miss Luo who can help restore the monitoring system, right?"

   Luo Ning nodded at him and smiled: "Hello Colonel Pan, I am Luo Ning."

   Colonel Pan reached out and shook her hand, "Hello Miss Luo, I'll trouble you later."

  Luoning asked: "You're welcome, shall we go upstairs now?"

   Colonel Pan raised his hand and made a gesture of invitation, "It's all right now, Miss Luo please!"

   Bu Xuan and the others followed consciously. Luo Ning was their teammate, so naturally she was worried that she would leave with these people alone.

  Liao You also followed after seeing this.

   Colonel Pan glanced at them and didn't stop them, it was a default.

   He already knew the performance of these people in the fight against zombies, and he was quite satisfied.

   Especially Luo Ning, his marksmanship is very good, and he saved a lot of people in the battle just now.

   is very likely to be a technical talent. If he is sure that she can really restore the monitoring system, then he wants to recruit them to join the army.

  The monitoring room is on the seventh floor. Although the network in the whole city is paralyzed, the power is still maintained. The group took the elevator up.

   Several people were sitting in the monitoring room. When they saw Colonel Pan and the others coming in, they all stood up to say hello.

  Then gave up the position of the main console to Luo Ning.

   Luo Ning was not polite, and turned on the main computer after sitting down.

   Everyone saw her hands beating constantly, typing a code they couldn't understand.

   After a while, Luo Ning stopped what he was doing.

   She turned her head to Colonel Pan and the others and said, "The monitoring of the laboratory below has caught a virus. I have already started to investigate and kill it. After about half an hour, the monitoring system will be ready to use after restarting once."

   Colonel Pan didn't quite believe that Luo Ning could really restore monitoring at first. After all, they had also asked experts to try it before, but they all failed.

  I just listened to Liao You's recommendation, so I took the attitude of giving it a try.

   You can see her actions just now and those codes on the main computer, he thinks it is very professional, maybe it really works.

   He smiled and said: "Okay, if the monitoring can be restored, you have done a good job, and the base will reward you at that time."

   Everyone sat in the monitoring room and waited. After half an hour, the system really restarted automatically.

   Luo Ning entered some more codes on the keyboard, and she restarted the main computer.

   After the main computer restarted successfully, Luo Ning clicked on the monitoring system.

   What shocked everyone present was that after turning on the system, they actually saw the surveillance screen.

   In the other display screens in the monitoring room, the monitoring system is also operating normally, and the previous snowflakes are replaced by the screen.

   Not to mention Liao You and others, even Bu Xuan and others were stunned.

   They knew that Luo Ning was so good.

   Then they couldn't help feeling blush. Before, they boasted in front of Luo Ning that they were weapons and high-tech enthusiasts, and they knew more.

   But it is absolutely powerless to let them get this monitoring.

  Bu Xuan can still understand some of Luo Ningda's code and operation process, while Fan Ye and the others are stunned throughout the whole process, as if they are reading a book from heaven.

   Luo Ning got up and said, "Monitoring has been restored. Let's take a look at the situation in the laboratory below."

   Colonel Pan and the others couldn't think of anything else for the time being, and immediately got closer to watch the surveillance screen.

   What they are most worried about now is the situation of the medical and scientific research experts in the laboratory.

  Monitoring is multi-directional. More than 20 display screens monitor different places and present different pictures.

   However, the situation that is roughly conveyed is similar.

   After watching the surveillance, Colonel Pan sighed.

   "Some of the people below have turned into zombies and are chasing after the experts. Moreover, the water inside is now cut off and food is limited. I'm afraid the experts won't last long."

   Hungry and thirsty, these people should be able to last for two or three days or more.

   But there are still zombies wandering, they have been hiding everywhere, without water and food, the experts are weak and weak, and they are caught and bitten by zombies, sooner or later.

   In the monitoring screen, there are also experts who have been trying to crack the smart lock, but it seems that they have failed.

   Colonel Pan suddenly remembered the news from Liao You before.

   He looked at Luo Ning with burning eyes, "Miss Luo, can you crack the smart lock?"

  Luo Ning smiled, "Well, I have some research on this."

   Colonel Pan invited: "Then please go to the door of the laboratory to see if you can help crack the smart lock and rescue these very important scientific research experts."

   Liao You also hurriedly said: "Yes, I also ask Miss Luo for your help, I am very grateful."

  Luoning didn't deliberately take Joe or anything at such a critical juncture, nodded and said, "Okay, you can lead the way."

   "Thank you, thank you!" Liao You's favorability towards Luo Ning continued to increase.

  【I just said, Captain Handsome will take the initiative to ask Brother Ning for help, this will come true. 】

  【So it is said that Brother Ning is still mighty, he can get along with him wherever he goes! 】

  【Do you think Brother Ning can crack the smart lock? 】

  【That must be possible. 】

  【Brother Xin Ning will live forever! 】

  【You are too blind to believe it, how can the smart lock be broken so easily, and now the highest command lock is triggered. 】

   [That is, experts in this area can't do anything, what can Luo Ning do as a star, anyway, I don't believe it. 】

  【If you don’t believe it, forget it, we believe it anyway. 】

   Now, there are two groups in the live comment on whether Luo Ning can crack the smart lock.

   But this time, I believe that Luo Ning can do it, and many of them are actually not lemon powder.

   Then the group went to the negative floor.

   The advanced and encrypted experiments here are all placed in the underground laboratory.

   The door outside the first floor, the expert who came before has already opened it.

   A group of people entered, Luo Ning stopped at the position of the smart lock system on the negative floor, studied it, and quickly deciphered the principle of this system.

   Having experienced several interstellar small worlds, Luo Ning has a much higher level of technology than here.

   This kind of smart lock system is considered the top level here, and it is only entry-level from her side.

   After mastering the principle of the system, Luo Ning said, "Go directly to the smart lock with the highest command."

   The group couldn't help but look forward to seeing her full of confidence.

   So everyone took the elevator directly to the negative third floor, which is the real core laboratory.

   Then everyone saw a tightly closed silver door with a strong texture.

   (end of this chapter)

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