Chapter 278 may want to kill you

  Luoning is so optimistic about and praises Bu Xuan, everyone thinks that he is very powerful.

   A smile appeared on Bu Xuanqing's face, "Being able to be praised by Brother Ning, my heart is sweeter than drinking honey."

   He knew that Luo Ning was going to throw himself out of the way in these technologies.

   In fact, when he deciphered the code just now, he looked relatively calm, but he was actually very nervous.

   Then he listened to Luo Ning's popularization of Yue Xiao and others, and occasionally there were some vague reminders to him, but he slowly relaxed.

   Otherwise, he estimates that it will take more than three hours to crack the password.

  Luoning chuckled and said, "It turns out that my compliment still has such a role, so I can compliment you more in the future."

   Fan Ye said with a smile: "Brother Ning, don't just praise the captain in the future, praise us too!"

   "Yes, we actually have many advantages and highlights." Yue Xiao and Jin Feiyang also said.

  Luo Ning nodded, "No problem, I will excavate your strengths and highlights in the future."

  Anyway, they don’t need money for compliments, they’re just happy.

   She pointed to the opened box and said, "Look what's in the metal box."

   Others also reacted and said curiously: "Yes, let's see what the clue is."

   Bu Xuan opened the box and saw a beam of light appeared inside, and then a virtual panel appeared in mid-air.

   begins the appearance of a line of characters.

   Luo Ning immediately took out his mobile phone and turned on the video recording function before the first line of words appeared.

  Others saw this: "..." You can still play like this.

   In fact, when the panel popped out, the first thing they wanted was to turn on the recording function of the phone watch.

  But this time the mission clues are not pronounced, they are typed out.

   The phone and watch that the organizer sent to everyone can record, but cannot take pictures and videos, so they can only watch.

   Who knew that Ren Luo Ning directly took out a mobile phone to record, can they not be shocked?

   And she's not that fast anymore.

   Fan Ye asked in a low voice, "Where did you get your phone from?"

  Luo Ning replied: "I picked it up outside before. Although the internet couldn't be used, I thought maybe I could use other functions, so I picked up two of them and put them in my bag."

   "It really works now." She was really used to it.

  Things that I thought might be useful, I would collect them, and then I made a mistake this time.

   Fan Ye and the others didn't know what to say at this time. Sure enough, Brother Ning was a brother, and they could only be the little brothers who sold labor.

   "Brother Ning, it's still your cow." Several people gave a thumbs up in admiration.

   Then he smiled excitedly, "It seems that we can sell this clue again."

  Luo Ning threw them an expression that you understand, "Just know it in your heart."

   Several people immediately raised their hands and showed a zipper gesture, "ok!"

  【Haha, my brother Ning is too cute. 】

   [Several Tie Hanhans were shocked by Ning Ge's sassy operation. They probably didn't expect that Ning Ge could take out his mobile phone to record. 】

  【Actually, I didn’t even think about it. After all, if it were me, I would think that the network in this city would be useless, and the mobile phone would be useless. 】

  [Before I was curious, why did Brother Ning pick up the mobile phone in the square, and found that he didn't throw it away like other people without the Internet, but put it in his backpack. It turns out that people have already figured out how to use it. 】

   [Brother Ning's brain circuits are indeed different from those of us mortals. 】

   [The organizer is too funny. It was recorded by Ning Ge before, but this time I changed the typing, but we Ning Ge can still record it! 】

   [Haha, the organizer probably didn't expect that Brother Ning would put away the phone when he picked it up. 】

  【How do I feel that the organizer will be badly played by Ningge. 】

  【Haha, you are not alone. 】

The    comment barrage is still cheerful, in stark contrast to the scolding under the live broadcast officials of other countries.

  The people above in China saw it and were very satisfied with Luo Ning who caused this reaction.

   Soon, when the last one appears, the control panel disappears.

  Bu Xuan looked at the place where the panel disappeared, hugged his hand and said, "The clues say that the end of the world was deliberately done by someone, and the zombie virus was also deliberately dropped by this person."

   "Not only did this man attack humans, but he also used this virus to promote the mutation of animals and plants."

   "Let's find this man and get the research formula for the virus from him, or find an antidote."

   "The key point is that this one is an additional prerequisite for the previous task."

   "That is to say, if the task given by this clue cannot be completed, after the accumulation of the previous three values, the total points exchanged will be invalid."

  Yue Xiao frowned, "I knew that the main quest was not so easy to complete, it was very difficult."

   They don’t know anything about the city, and there are not too many survivors. Among so many people, it is as difficult as finding the needle in a haystack to find the person who put the virus on.

  Fan Ye also said: "Yes, being able to do such a thing shows that he is definitely a high-IQ medical genius. It should be easy to conceal his identity. How can we find it!"

   Jin Feiyang also said: "The organizer is too pitiful and dark."

   "It's no wonder that this competition has been advertised as hell. I didn't think it before, but as soon as this clue came out, I felt it was really solid."

  Bu Xuan frowned slightly, "The key is not to give other clues, so where should we start?"

  Fan Ye said: "I think it is too difficult to complete it within a month."

   "What is the organizer doing to give us such a problem, what a fool!" Yue Xiao also smiled wryly.

   How can you play this? This is so difficult!

  Luo Ning smiled and said, "Isn't this more fun? It's too simple and boring."

   "If every team can complete the main quest, what is a **** mode competitive game called?"

   She didn't feel distressed at all, but instead had a look full of interest.

   It’s been a long time since I used my brain like this, and it looks interesting.

   She likes a little difficult work, otherwise it's boring to play.

   Fan Ye and several people who were looking bitter: "..." I feel that I have been connoted again.

  Fan Ye couldn't hold back and said, "Brother Ning, if you look like this, if people from other teams know about you, they may want to kill you."

   Jin Feiyang also said: "Brother Ning, after you go out and meet people from other teams, don't say that, otherwise it will be too much hatred."

   If Brother Ning wasn't a big beauty, and if he was a rough guy, they would all want to roll up their sleeves and get started, and they would be bullying those people who owe their IQ.

   Of course, the IQ arrears mentioned here are only aimed at people like Luo Ning and Bu Xuan.

   They think that their IQ is relatively high compared to many people outside.

   They have also been tested before, and their IQ is indeed much higher than the average level.

  Luo Ning gave the two of them a white look, "You guys want to talk about yourself."

  Fan Ye immediately shook his head and denied, "How come, you are our treasure now, how could we be like this."

  Others echoed, "That's right, that's someone else, we're on a united front with you."

   They were afraid that they would be pitted by Brother Ning before anyone could beat him, so they hurried to remedy it.

   The last chapter is almost half finished, it is expected to be around 1:10~



   (end of this chapter)

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