Chapter 283 You two are too dark

   People from these two teams heard the broadcast and were curious about why the Huaxia team was able to release news on the broadcast.

   After all, the current broadcast is controlled by the military of the base, and it is impossible to send a message.

   Now seeing that they and the military are going out together, they have a general guess.

   It seems that Huaxia's team has already hooked up with the military base.

   "Captain Bu, please stop!"

   "Captain Bu, can you talk a few words?"

   The captains of the two teams waved at Bu Xuan on the off-road vehicle one after another.

  Bu Xuan also saw them.

   Then he said hello to Liao You and got off with the others.

   Because the key person who went to the arsenal this time was Luo Ning, Liao You and others didn't say anything, but drove the car to the gate of the base to wait for them.

  The three teams greeted with a friendly appearance.

   One of the captains smiled and asked, "Where are you going? Are those from the military base?"

  Bu Xuan said with a smile: "Follow the people from the base to go out on a mission."

   "How about you? Are you going to enter the base?"

   Seeing that he didn't want to make it clear what he was going to do, the people from the two teams didn't bother to ask questions. After all, they weren't very familiar with each other.

   The captain who spoke earlier thought of the news on the radio.

   He approached Bu Xuan and asked in a low voice, "Have you found both clues?"

  Bu Xuan nodded and smiled: "Well, I found them all."

   He asked again: "What about you? Seeing that you have already come to the base, you should have found them too, right?"

Captain    shook his head, "No, we just found the first clue."

   He asked again: "Have you found Professor Luo's laboratory?"

  Bu Xuan replied with certainty: "I found it, otherwise how could we get the second clue."

   The captain rolled his eyes and asked with a smile: "Dude, can you tell me where Professor Luo's laboratory is and how can I get clues?"

   They had a clue, but they couldn't determine the exact location.

   That's why I thought of coming to the base to find someone to ask about it.

  Bu Xuan gave him a look you know and smiled, "We are in a competitive relationship, so it's not convenient to tell this."

   Seeing that the other party changed his face, he changed his words and continued: "But we can, sell you information on the location of the laboratory and how to find clues."

   "Or you can buy leads directly."

   Both teams were stunned, obviously not expecting Bu Xuan to say that.

   "What do you want? Supplies?" The two captains couldn't help asking.

   Naturally, they didn't want to waste any more time.

   In fact, what they said to Bu Xuan was dubious. The global team strength rankings, they are fourth and fifth, higher than the Huaxia team.

   They haven't found the specific location yet, and the Huaxia team got the clue, which is a bit hard to believe.

  Bu Xuan said truthfully: "You have already obtained the first clue, so you know that our final total score needs to be composed of three values, right?"

   Captain nodded: "I know, is there any connection?"

   "Of course there is a connection. You can use the total score to buy intelligence from us."

   Bu Xuan paused and said, "One point can buy the intelligence of the clues in the laboratory, and two points can directly sell the clues to you."

   The two teams: "..." Can you still do this? Eye-opening.

   They asked: "How do we use the total score to buy from you?"

   Hearing that the asking price was not high, only one cent and two cents, they were also moved.

  Bu Xuan knew at a glance that they wanted to buy it.

   Then he smiled and said, "As long as you agree, then send a short message on the captain's watch phone to the number that gave us the clue location earlier."

   "Is it feasible?" The two captains were skeptical.

  Bu Xuan smiled: "Whether it is feasible or not is also our problem, it just depends on whether you want to buy it or not."

  The two thought for a while, and after saying a word, they pulled their respective teams to the side to discuss.

   Soon, one team discussed it first, and came over and said, "We will spend a cent to buy the intelligence of the laboratory clues."

   is only one point, when the time comes, kill more zombies to save people.

   They don't fully believe what Bu Xuan said. For clues, they still want to find them by themselves and buy ready-made ones. What if they get scammed?

  Bu Xuan also did not persuade the other party to buy the second option, which was what he expected.

   took out the long-written note, "You send a message to the system, saying that you voluntarily transfer one point of the total score to the Huaxia team. Okay, I will give you the information."

   This captain is not afraid of Bu Xuan's tricks. If he dares to rub them, they will send the Huaxia team out first.

   So he did as Bu Xuan said, "Look, it's done."

   He felt that this approach was very unreliable.

   Send a text message to the system, can the system receive it? Will the organizers admit this?

   He thought it was nonsense.

   But if the final total score can't be transferred, it doesn't matter to them, after all, it was Bu Xuan's request, and they were so happy.

   Bu Xuan couldn't see what he was thinking, but he certainly wouldn't tell him that Luo Ning had already sent a message to the system to confirm it.

   Such a secret, just let their own team know.

   He handed the note in his hand to the other party, "This is the specific location and coordinates, as well as the method of how to find clues in the laboratory."

   "By the way, I would like to provide you with a piece of news. Dr. Luo's laboratory has a smart lock. If you want to enter, you must unlock it first."

   The other party took the note, opened it and looked at it. The information given on it is very sufficient. If it is true, the point is still worth it.

   "Okay, thank you." He put the note away.

   After chatting a few more words at random, he turned around and left the base with the team.

   Now that you know the exact location, you don’t need to waste time entering the base to inquire.

   After they left, someone from another squad made the same choice.

   When they were all gone, Fan Ye said with a smile, "Captain, you are too black, and they are going to lose their money."

   The box that holds the clues is deep in the laboratory, and the outermost door can't be opened, so what else can I find.

  Unless some of these people are very good at cracking smart locks, when they arrive in the laboratory, they can only watch.

  Bu Xuan chuckled and said, "This is what I negotiated with Brother Ning. If we want to sell leads directly to them, people will definitely not believe it."

   "Why don't we make an extra one."

   After those people have tossed enough, they have to spend two more points to buy clues.

  The three of Fan Ye lit candles for the other teams, "You two are too dark, but we like it."

   Everyone smiled knowingly at each other, then walked out of the gate of the base and got back into the car.

  After the end of the world, road traffic was interrupted, and zombies roamed all corners of the city.

  I encountered a lot of troubles when going from the base to the arsenal, such as killing zombies, moving cars, and being attacked by mutant plants and animals.

   Before the end of the world, it only took more than an hour by car, and it took a day to arrive.

   When we got to the arsenal, it was already dark.

   Or post it and then come back to correct the mistake~~



   (end of this chapter)

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