Chapter 288 Unlocks new skills

   Luo Ning looked at their appearance and did not stop it.

   After a few people came down, they went to study the helicopter carefully.

   Then found a question, "How is this different from the helicopters we used to fly?"

   Several people were born into wealthy families. Not only can they fly helicopters, but everyone also has their own helicopters.

   Luo Ning asked: "Why is it different?"

  Fan Ye replied: "The operating system is completely different, and the controls for take-off and landing are also different."

   "So this is another pit that the organizer buried for us?" Yue Xiao said speechlessly.

   Luo Ning said: "It doesn't count."

   "The operating system and take-off and landing control of this helicopter are the latest technology, so the helicopters parked here should be the latest and most advanced in the world."

   She added, "It's not for sale to the public yet."

  Luoning had checked Yilingfeng before and knew that the other company's company had also cooperated with another foreign company to create a civil airline.

   Mainly engaged in the research and development, production, sales, maintenance and service of helicopters and other aircraft and aviation parts.

   She added: "This is considered an implanted advertisement."

   Even if they didn't give the base a reward for flying helicopters, she suspected that the organizer would come up with other things, and then let such helicopters appear in the live broadcast, focusing on introduction and promotion.

   Several other people also reacted, "The organizer really knows how to play, and the embedded advertisements are so strange."

   In the real world, there are car enthusiasts, and naturally there are also airplane enthusiasts. When this latest technology helicopter comes out, you will definitely want to buy one back.

   They have this idea now, and they are going to buy one when they go back.

  Fan Ye spread his hands, "But we won't drive either!"

   "Who said we wouldn't open." Bu Xuan smiled and looked at Luo Ning and said, "Brother Ning, come on."

  Since Luo Ning can see the system and control of this helicopter, it is likely to be able to fly.

  Luo Ning nodded, "Okay, then I'll drive back."

   "Brother Ning, how can you do everything?" Fan Ye and the others felt that they were going numb.

  Luo Ning smiled: "In addition to work, I usually spend more time learning to recharge, and you can learn a lot of things."

   In her past and present life, as well as going to other small worlds, she has been constantly learning new things, otherwise she would not have understood so much.

   "It makes sense, but I am speechless." Fan Ye raised his forehead.

  Although this is true, how many people can do it and use their spare time to constantly recharge themselves?

   They were not such people before.

   "In the future, we will definitely learn from you, Ning Ge, and recharge ourselves."

   Several people came out with Luo Ning to participate in the competition this time, and the feeling was still very big.

   I used to think that I was very capable, and my family was not short of power and money, so I just messed around like this.

   But now I feel that I don't understand too much. A girl like Luo Ning who can obviously rely on her face to eat is so motivated, and these men can't be left behind.

   Luo Ning said with a smile: "That's right, only what you learn by yourself can never be taken away by others."

   "Don't use it when you are studying, but you can use it at a critical time."

   "It's like I learned these small languages, just to enrich myself at the time, and then I learned it, who knows that I can use it now."

   Several people nodded, "It makes sense, we have to learn more to enrich ourselves in the future."

   They are not the only ones who feel this way. In fact, the audience watching the live broadcast also has a deep feeling.

   Many people were also motivated, and they were ready to learn more in their spare time.

  【My brother Ning is awesome, always so positive. 】

  【Ningbao is the best idol we have ever fanned! 】

   On the other side, Fan Ye and the others asked Luo Ning to choose the helicopter.

  Luo Ning chose the best performing one here and sat in the driver's seat.

   Several other people also went up and sat down, and also brought their chosen guns.

   Soon, Luo Ning took off in a helicopter.

   Liao You and others were already waiting in the air, and they were relieved to see them taking off smoothly.

   On the way, Fan Ye and the others all put their heads together to see how Luo Ning drove.

  Luo Ning introduced them to the new system and how to control it while driving.

   Several people and the audience have found that this new type of helicopter is very intelligent, and many things that originally required people to control have become intelligent control.

The    safety factor is also higher than the previous ordinary helicopter.

   Luo Ning beckoned to Void, "The organizer remember to give us advertising fees."

   Several other people also smiled and said, "Yes, we are responsible for the entire explanation and experience of the placement of advertisements, and we must pay the advertising fee."

  【The action of Ningbao is so cute to me. 】

   [Haha, I am the only one who needs advertising fees so bluntly. 】

  【This advertising fee must be paid by the organizer. After hearing such a detailed introduction and experience, I was moved and ready to buy one. 】

   [Upstairs is the local tyrant’s father. 】

   [Brother Ning has unlocked new skills, and he will not be a star in the future, but he can also be a translator, a teacher of small languages, and fly a plane. 】

  【Brother Ning, how many new skills do you have yet to unlock? This live broadcast is all unlocked, I'm looking forward to it. 】

  【Haha, let my brother Ning blind the eyes of the international audience. 】

   Now the mutation of animals and plants is only in the early stage, so we have not encountered the attack of the mutant birds in the air along the way.

   I drove a day's road before, and it took less than half an hour to fly by helicopter.

   On the other hand, on the global live broadcast platform, the organizer took advantage of the heat and immediately launched several new types of helicopters, of which Luo Ningkai's one was the main one.

   However, it can only be reserved now. These helicopters will be limited in the early stage, so you have to queue up.

   also made many helicopter enthusiasts and local tyrants with good economic conditions rush to place orders and queue up without hesitation.

  Although the price is half higher than that of ordinary helicopters, it can't stop everyone's enthusiasm.

   This is the helicopter that Brother Ning has driven (although it is not the same one, but being rounded up by everyone means she has driven it, after all, the model is the same), why do they have to buy one to fly.

   Seeing the orders from all over the world flying like snowflakes, the organizer smiled.

   The organizer really wanted to place an advertisement for this helicopter. It was like Luo Ning guessed that he arranged the plot to be used to show it.

  But they didn't expect it to be said by Luo Ning in public. They wanted to place advertisements.

   The key is that because of Luo Ning's introduction and personal driving, he even brought the order, and they were also surprised by this result.

   At the same time, they decided to invite Luo Ning to represent their helicopter, and to ask outsiders to contact Luo Ning's agent as soon as possible.

   When the live broadcast of the competition is over, please invite Luo Ning to shoot the advertisement.

   Their company has never invited celebrity endorsements before. This is the first time, and it can be regarded as a new attempt and breakthrough.

   Of course, because the object is Luo Ning, this will be an exception.

   Today's update is over, thank you for your tips and votes~ Tomorrow's update will return to normal at 0:50~



   (end of this chapter)

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