Chapter 290 Really shameless

   Several captains took the initiative to send short messages to the system number according to what Bu Xuan said.

  Luo Ning compresses the recording and sends them an audio short message.

   A few captains opened the recording and listened carefully to the clues.

   So I understand why the Huaxia team asked them to trade with their total points.

   A captain asked, "I heard that you also got the second clue?"

  Bu Xuan nodded and smiled: "Yes, I got it too."

   "The difficulty of obtaining the second clue is much higher than that of the first clue. If you want to buy it, you should get two points."

   Several captains exchanged glances.

   "I heard that you can also sell the location of the laboratory separately, and how to find clues?" the captain asked again.

   As soon as he heard what he said, Bu Xuan and Luo Ning guessed that these two had contact with the two teams that had bought the news before.

   But apparently these people were pitted by those two teams.

  Although there were no people on the base to guard the laboratory openly, they were secretly arranged to watch from a distance.

   So far, no one has cracked the smart lock except Luo Ning.

   Those two teams probably spent a point on their own, but they couldn't open the door of the laboratory, and they felt unhappy.

   So I deliberately released the news, and by the way, pitted other teams, so that I felt more balanced.

   Bu Xuan and several people were happy with such a result.

   "Yes, we also sell such news, one cent is enough."

   Several captains immediately said: "Then let's buy this kind of information."

   The second clue is now only obtained by the Huaxia team. If they buy the news directly, who knows if it is true.

   bought the first clue. Although they believe that the content inside should not be fake, they still need to go to other teams who have also obtained the clue to check the authenticity.

  Otherwise, once it is false clues, or mixed with false information that is deliberately guided, they will be in trouble.

  Bu Xuan listened to Luo Ning's suggestion for a long time, wrote the news into dozens of notes, and then took it out of the bag and handed it to the captains.

  People from other teams: "..."

   Feelings These guys are so well prepared, I am afraid they have made plans to sell the second clue information very early.

  Although they didn’t particularly want to give points to the Huaxia team, they could only buy it with their teeth.

  Otherwise, you have to spend more time looking for the location, which is not worth the loss.

  The transaction is complete, and these people are just ready to go.

   There was a sudden knock on the door.

  Fan Ye got up to open the door, and saw several base soldiers standing at the door.

   One of the tall and thin men said to Fan Ye, "Team Liao asked us to send supplies, please sign Luo Ning to accept it."

   Luo Ning has heard it, got up and walked over, "I am Luo Ning."

   "Please sign for it." The tall and thin man smiled and handed Luo Ning the receipt in his hand.

   Luo Ning signed his name, and the tall and thin man asked people to move things in.

   Then I saw the people in the living room, and all kinds of daily necessities, food, and water were brought in by these people.

   The quantity of these materials is quite large, which is completely enough for the Huaxia team to eat for a month.

   They all turned into lemon essence at this time, and their hearts were sour.

   The materials collected at the beginning were not many, and their food and water could only last for a maximum of two days.

   Therefore, they have been looking for food and water recently, but unfortunately the big supermarket in the city has long been occupied by zombies, so they can't break in.

   The supplies of shops and households on the streets were not taken away by the base, but were already taken away by the survivors.

   They are still thinking about what to do. Who knows that the Huaxia team not only lives in a villa in the base security area, but also doesn't have to worry about supplies.

  I don’t mention daily necessities and quilts and clothes. Seeing that there are rice, meat, chicken, fish and ducks, the Huaxia team is too happy.

   Where is this for the apocalypse dungeon competition? It’s obviously a tourist…

   Fan Ye and the others couldn't see the sourness, jealousy, envy, and hatred of these people. The smiles on their faces were particularly bright, and even a little bit shy.

  Envy it, let you envy you to death.

   After the few people left, someone couldn't help but ask, "Why did the base send you so many supplies?"

   Fan Ye straightened his chest, "Our Brother Ning helped the base complete two difficult tasks, so we got these rewards."

   "Brother Ning?" Everyone is a little confused, who is Brother Ning.

  Seeing their appearance, Fan Ye realized that, so he pointed to Luo Ning, "She is our brother Ning."

  People from other teams: "..."

   Calling a beautiful female player brother, I don't understand what the Huaxia team is playing, is there something wrong with Fan Ye's brain?

   They could only laugh embarrassingly, and praised without conscience: "Your brother Ning is also powerful enough."

   In fact, they are very inexplicable.

   "What important mission did you help the base accomplish?" Everyone was really curious about this.

  Being able to give the villa and so many supplies, the task of helping to complete is definitely not ordinary.

   Fan Ye was about to refuse to answer their question, but Luo Ning spoke first.

   "It's nothing to tell you, Dr. Luo's laboratory door has a smart lock, and the person who could open the door before became a zombie, so no one can enter."

   "It happened that I had research on smart locks, so I went to help the base open the door and rescued the researchers inside. Only then did I get a reward for my meritorious service."

  The arsenal, she did not disclose it.

   Everyone present was stunned, obviously not expecting such a thing.

   They were still dubious, "Then you're pretty good."

  Luo Ning smiled, "It's okay."

   She suddenly asked: "By the way, you know the coordinates of Dr. Luo's laboratory, so do you know how to get there?"

   These people shook their heads, "I don't know."

   I hadn't thought about the problem of rushing before, but now I feel a headache when I think about it.

   The mobile phone and car navigation here can't connect to the Internet, so they can't use it.

  I couldn't find the map of this city, and I don't know how to get there.

   One person asked: "Is it far from here to the laboratory?"

   Luo Ning replied: "If you don't count the zombies and obstacles on the road, it's about half an hour's drive."

   Everyone has a headache when they hear it.

   It's a half-hour drive, and it must be a lot of detours. They don't know how to get there!

   Everyone thought, "Can you provide us with the route?"

  Luo Ning smiled and said, "Even if we tell you which roads to go through and how to get there, you don't know the way at all, and you can't find it!"

   Everyone sighed, "It's really troublesome."

   I scolded the organizers in my heart, just to make trouble for them.

  Luoning looked at them with a headache and said with a smile: "But I have collected more than a dozen maps here. If you want, I can sell them to you."

   If you don't sell it at this time, you won't be able to sell it after the teams entering here are almost familiar with the city route.

   The people from the other teams widened their eyes and looked at Luo Ning in disbelief.

  Damn, you can still do this, the Huaxia team is really shameless...

   The last chapter has not been written yet, about half an hour~



   (end of this chapter)

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