Chapter 293 Questions

  The base was in a hurry, so Liao You asked Luo Ning and the others to gather at the place where the helicopter was parked after half an hour.

   Now there are more and more zombies on the streets of the city, and driving is slow and dangerous.

  Luo Ning and the others packed up, brought some food and weapons and set off.

   Half an hour later, Dr. Luo and his assistants were seen at the parking lot.

   To the surprise of Luo Ning and the others, there was another person they knew.

  Su Wei was stunned when he saw Luo Ning and the others.

   "Luo Ning, why are you?"

   Luo Ning showed a surprised expression, "We didn't expect to meet you here."

   she asked: "Are you Dr. Luo's assistant?"

  Su Wei smiled and nodded: "Yes."

   He asked curiously, "You guys are going to the lab too?"

   Luo Ning replied: "Yes, we have taken over the task and are going to the laboratory together."

  Liao You was also a little surprised, Luo Ning and the others would know Su Wei, "Do you know each other?"

  Luoning didn't hide it, "We had a relationship before, and the off-road vehicle we drove was sent by Su Wei."

  Su Wei smiled and said, "Luo Ning is my savior."

   Then he roughly explained how he was rescued that day.

   Dr. Luo, who was originally standing by the side as a background board, heard Su Wei's words and his eyes fell on Luo Ning.

   He showed a grateful smile, "It turns out that you saved my brother, I'm really grateful."

   Luo Ning showed surprise again, "Are you brothers?"

   She was really surprised this time. The two did not share the same surname. The key point was that they did not seem to be related by blood.

  Su Wei explained, "We are a reorganized family."

   He added: "Although we are not brothers with the same mother and father, our relationship has always been very good."

  Luoning then restrained her surprise, "So it is."

  The time was tight, so Su Wei didn't have time to catch up with Luo Ning, so he followed Dr. Luo to the helicopter first.

  Dr. Luo took Su Wei and two other assistants, and with them, there were more than a dozen base special forces who were accompanying them to protect them.

  The helicopters here are all large, so each one can seat 30 people, and there is a lot of space.

   Liao You took people and boarded Luo Ning's helicopter.

   This time, Luo Ning did not fly the plane, but gave it to Bu Xuankai, who had already learned it.

  Although Fan Ye and others were eager to move, Luo Ning obviously believed in Bu Xuan more.

   She sat next to Liao You and chatted with him.

   After some irrelevant words, Luo Ning asked Liao You: "Su Wei is also a scientific research expert in the laboratory?"

   Liao You replied with a smile: "Before the end of the world, he opened a biopharmaceutical company and was also a major shareholder of Dr. Luo's laboratory. His assistant is just his current name."

   Luo Ning was stunned, "Meaning that he is not good at biological drugs?"

   Liao Youdao: "As far as I know, his major in college is biopharmaceuticals, but after graduation, he took over the family's biological company and did not follow the scientific research route."

   "No wonder I see him more like a businessman." Luo Ning smiled.

   Then exchanged glances with Bu Xuan and the others.

   From this point of view, some Su Wei's suspicions can be ruled out, but we have to continue to observe.

  Yes, when Su Wei appeared as Dr. Luo's assistant and younger brother, Luo Ning and the others immediately thought of the person they were looking for in the second clue mission.

   did not lock on Su Wei, but had some doubts about him.

After    Luo Ning's question, Liao You also looked at her and asked, "Can you change the smart lock permissions on Dr. Luo's laboratory?"

   "It can be changed." Luo Ning nodded.

   Liao Youdao: "Then please help me to change it after you go there, and reset the permissions of Dr. Luo and several people, so that they can freely enter the laboratory."

   Luo Ning asked with a puzzled expression: "Don't you want to move the laboratory to the base? Will this laboratory be used in the future?"

   Liao You replied: "Dr. Luo said that the laboratory was created by him, so he is reluctant to abandon it. If the end of the world in the future, he will still go back."

  Luo Ning nodded, "That's it, I'll reset the permissions for them when I go."

   She added: "But I have a question."

  Liao You looked at her, "What question?"

  Luoning said truthfully: "Since Su Wei is the major shareholder of the laboratory, and Dr. Luo is also the owner of the laboratory, why didn't he have the authority to open the smart lock before?"

   Liao You smiled, "We also asked Dr. Luo this question."

   "He said it was the person who turned into a zombie who changed and reset the permissions of the smart lock without authorization, so they couldn't get out or in."

   "Although we have doubts about this, but now is not the time to investigate these. After all, the laboratory belongs to Dr. Luo, and whatever arrangements he wants are normal."

   The base values ​​the abilities of Dr. Luo and his team, and is not prepared to go into the other issues.

  Luoning and Bu Xuan kept this suspicion.

   While chatting, Luo Ning suddenly looked at the distant sky.

   Then, when no one could react, he quickly picked up the sniper rifle that was on the plane.

   Then everyone saw an incomparably fierce big bird, attacking the plane with a fierce look in its eyes.

   And before it caught the helicopter, Luo Ning, who opened the corner of the window, shot him in the head.

   Big Bird was killed by one shot and fell directly downward.

  Everyone broke out in a cold sweat.

  Liao You's face was a little ugly, "Now there are already mutated birds in the air attacking."

  If it wasn't for Luo Ning's quick response, the big bird would have caught the helicopter they were sitting on.

   Once caught by such a ferocious and huge bird, the result of the helicopter crash is that they are likely to die.

   Fan Ye and several others were also startled, "It's so dangerous!"

   "Brother Ning is still reliable." Several people sighed.

   Liao You also found that Luo Ning's perception was too keen, she had already picked up the gun before the big bird appeared.

   "Thanks to you this time."

  Luo Ning smiled, "Nothing."

   Her perception was much stronger than those present.

   She reminded, "You ask the snipers of other planes to pay more attention to the movements outside, and shoot when a mutant bird approaches."

  Liao You nodded with lingering fear, "Okay."

   Then he used the walkie-talkie to contact the people on the other helicopters.

   Fortunately, there is this reminder. Along the way, everyone encountered several bird attacks. Because of the precautions in advance, they arrived at the laboratory without any risk.

There are some zombies roaming below   , but it looks like they have been cleaned up.

   Luo Ning and several people guessed that it should be done by other national teams.

  The helicopter was parked on the top floor of the laboratory building, and the group went downstairs without encountering any zombies.

   When we arrived at the door of the laboratory on the first floor, I saw dozens of people squatting at the door.

   Teams from other countries cleaned up the zombies outside, and after rushing in, they closed the outermost door of the building.

  Let the remaining zombies not be able to enter temporarily.

   Then they tried their best, but they couldn't open the smart lock on the door of the laboratory, which caused a headache and distress.

   Now they were stunned when they saw the Huaxia team appearing with the people from the military base.

   (end of this chapter)

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