Chapter 319 Acting Live

  The popularity of the Internet is getting higher and higher.

   Although Yuan Hanyi wanted to suppress Xia Mian and this online drama, he still did not forget Bo Xiangxiang, his confidante.

   So Shui Jun brought a wave of rhythm, but this time it was not so high-profile, but vaguely mentioned Bo Xiangxiang's good acting skills.

   Everyone has watched more, and they have an impression that Bo Xiangxiang, who is not very famous, seems to have good acting skills.

   Soon, it was the day when Luo Ning's Xianxia drama premiered.

   Director Zhu had hope for this drama at first, but he was relatively calm.

   He thinks that the plot is okay and the acting skills of the actors have passed the test, so there is no accident.

   It’s hard to predict whether it will explode or not.

After   ke was suppressed by Yuan Hanyi, his competitive spirit came out again.

   has an unprecedented expectation and enthusiasm for this Xianxia drama.

   So on the day of the premiere, I also called a group of actors over to let everyone watch it together.

   Director Zhu rented a luxurious screening hall so that everyone could watch the premiere more comfortably.

  The main actors of the crew except Bo Xiangxiang are here.

   Seeing that Bo Xiangxiang hasn't arrived at the premiere time, the assistant director sneered: "Our heroine really has a higher heart than the sky."

   It's not that he climbed up Yuan Hanyi, and he actually played such a big name.

   Director Zhu smiled indifferently: "It's good if you don't come, so you don't have to look at it."

   This is the first time he has commented on an actor who has acted under him, which shows how much he dislikes Bo Xiangxiang.

  If Bo Xiangxiang was just playing big names, he would endure it.

   But the other party actually hooked up with Yuan Hanyi to deliberately suppress the show. Recently, he has often made a high-level attitude, as if they were asking her, which made Director Zhu disgusting.

  The entire crew also knew that Yuan Hanyi was Bo Xiangxiang's financial master, so everyone was very disgusted with her and regarded her as a traitor.

   "That's right, if she comes, we can't let go of discussing the plot." The screenwriter said with a smile.

   About two minutes before the premiere, a little assistant of Bo Xiangxiang ran in.

   told Director Zhu that they were playing the heroine of a big investment movie, and they really couldn’t find time to watch the premiere, so everyone didn’t have to wait for her.

   The assistant director rolled his eyes, "Who waited for her, she took herself too seriously."

   Then, like chasing flies, he waved to the assistant who looked like a little villain, "Okay, let's go."

  The assistant stomped his feet in anger, "It's no wonder we can't come from Xiangxiang, we are nothing."

   After she finished speaking, she twisted her waist and stepped on high heels, and walked arrogantly.

   Everyone in the crew was speechless, and they all sighed that he was Bo Xiangxiang's assistant.

  Luo Ning found that Bo Xiangxiang did not set up an angel and a warm-hearted and simple person in this life, and the whole person began to let go of himself.

   He completely revealed his true self to the outside world, and vividly deduced what it means for a villain to gain power.

   The premiere started soon, and everyone stopped discussing Bo Xiangxiang in disappointment, but watched the drama quietly.

   Many people present have only seen the cut and pre-post version, and haven't seen the premiere version, so they are looking forward to it.

   At the beginning, the scenery is as beautiful as a fairyland, and it is very immortal.

   I have to say that Zhu Dao spent a lot of money to hire the best late-stage company in the imperial capital to do it, and it was worth it.

   Everyone was amazed by the scenery in the play, and soon a smart girl left the country, and everyone was amazed again.

   This is a pure and agile little junior sister before blackening, her appearance is unparalleled, and her voice is as beautiful as a lark.

   This is also the first time that Luo Ning has appeared in such an image. After all, she is usually intellectual, elegant or very sassy.

  【Ah, this is my brother Ning? 】

   [My God, my brother Ning's dress is too smart and lovely, pure and pure like the feeling of first love. 】

  【Brother Ning appeared in the first scene, and she played the little junior sister in the play. 】

  [I have always been in my mind before, Ning Ge is handsome, sassy and witty in the live broadcast of the competition, but the appearance of this meeting completely subverted that image. 】

  【How can my brother Ning be so beautiful? Wearing a pink and tender yellow dress is not only smart, but also a little fairy. 】

  【The acting is alive, this is the image of the little junior sister in my heart. 】

   This Xianxia drama is not like the Xianxia drama from Morningstar Entertainment, it bought an IP adapted from a popular novel.

   is an adaptation of a fairy tale novel that is not too popular, and there are also many loyal fans.

   Everyone who has read the novel has an imaginary image of a little junior sister in their hearts.

   As a result, when Luo Ning appeared on the scene, everyone was amazed and felt that he was completely integrated with the image of the little junior sister in his heart.

   So the barrage is either praised Luo Ningmei, or praised her as a little junior sister.

  The plot continued, and soon the senior brother came out.

   When the younger sister saw the surprise of the senior brother, the bright smile on her face, and the admiration in her eyes, everyone felt that they were like a pair of beautiful people.

   Soon, the heroine played by Bo Xiangxiang appeared.

   Then began an emotional entanglement between the three.

   Bo Xiangxiang, who plays the heroine, has a weak and pitiful appearance, and succeeded in winning over the senior brother from the side of the junior sister.

  The plot of this Xianxia drama directed by Zhu moves very fast, and there is no point of delay. After five episodes, the father of the younger sister was killed by the heroine's father.

  I don't know what the heroine looks like. My father didn't do it on purpose, and then he succeeded in making the male protagonist relent and helped them hide it.

  【This heroine is too white lotus too. 】

  【Oh my god, this heroine is obviously a junior. She stole the younger sister's childhood sweetheart's brother and fiancé. Her father killed the younger sister's father. She even pretended to be innocent. It made me sick. 】

  【This senior is also blind, right? How can such a **** woman be compared to a little junior sister? 】

   [Don't say that Bo Xiangxiang's acting skills are really good, so good that he can fully play the female lead's white lotus flavor. 】

   [I'm afraid this is the true character, in the novel this heroine is not so white lotus. 】

  【Pity my little junior sister, she is still kept in the dark. 】

  【This dog male protagonist and bad white lotus are really enough, scumbag and scumbag. 】

   [Junior Sister's eyes are getting darker and darker when she looks at Senior Brother, she should have guessed something, I feel so sorry for Junior Sister! 】

  【Our little junior sister was so sunny and innocent at the beginning, but now she has less smiles. Of course, Brother Ning did a good job. 】

   [Senior brother is too scumbag, Bai Lianhua will cry a lot, but I'm sorry for the little junior sister. 】

   [Senior brother also helped Bai Lianhua hide the revenge of killing his father from his younger sister, **** it! 】

   On the barrage, the audience were all scolding the scumbag, the heroine Taibai Lianhua, and then they all felt distressed for the younger sister.

   Seeing these barrages, the smile on Zhu Dao's face deepened. Sure enough, the blood of the dog has exploded.

  Although there was a lot of scolding against the heroine, he wanted to say that the scolding was good.

  Bo Xiangxiang really played the white lotus image in the play.

  It is precisely because of this that it attracted a lot of viewers to click in, wanting to see how the female protagonist is like a white lotus, and how smart the second female lead is.

   (end of this chapter)

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