Chapter 323

   This female second grew up being held in the palm of her hand by her family, and this is the first time she has been slapped like this.

   The key point is that she never offended this woman. From the moment she joined the group, this woman has a high attitude.

  Especially for a newcomer like her, she didn't have a good face.

   As long as it doesn't really happen to her, she doesn't bother to care, but like this situation, she can't bear it anymore.

   Bo Xiangxiang did not expect the second female to dare to beat her back.

   But judging from the situation just now, she is not the opponent's opponent at all.

   So he stood up, covered his face and looked at the director with aggrieved tears.

   "Director, she's making trouble out of nowhere, you have to decide for me!"

   was influenced by the protagonist's halo in the past, and the director may still feel that she looks a little pitiful.

   But now looking at Bo Xiangxiang with disheveled hair and red and swollen face, he only felt hot eyes.

   I don't know how Yuan Hanyi likes this kind of woman, he can't stand it anyway.

   "Hehe, I'm going to the bathroom." He wouldn't care about such a thing, he got up and ran away.

  Bo Xiangxiang: "..." Why is the director like this, do you understand Lianxiangxiyu!

  The third girl couldn't get used to Bo Xiangxiang's face for a long time, so she couldn't help saying: "The one who flirts first is cheap!"

  Others also think that Bo Xiangxiang is a cheap hand. Even though the director made him misplace or beat her lightly, she actually bullied and beat the second girl by acting.

   Being slapped in the ear is also well deserved.

   If they were replaced, they would also want to fan them back. In fact, now that Bo Xiangxiang looks like a white lotus flower, their hands are itchy.

  Bo Xiangxiang saw that the people present were not on his side, and glared at the second girl, "A young rookie dares to be so arrogant, you wait for me."

  The second girl is not afraid of her, "I'm waiting, you can hurry up and file a complaint, and let your financial master know that I beat you."

   Bo Xiangxiang snorted coldly, went straight to the rest room, and asked the assistant to apply ice to her face.

   Then he took out his mobile phone and called Yuan Hanyi to complain.

  Yuan Hanyi was angry when he was running a company, because Ni Xinxuan, with a few traffic Xiaosheng and Xiaohua, jumped to the opposite company, Xinghuang Entertainment.

  The contract has expired, and he can't sue the other party or take care of it, he can only be suffocated and angry.

   I went downstairs to find Ni Xinxuan just now and wanted to keep her, but she was reprimanded. She even pointed at his nose and scolded the scumbag and got out, but he had nothing to do with her.

   was on fire at this time, and he was even more angry when he heard Bo Xiangxiang's complaint.

   is not angry with the second female, but angry with Bo Xiangxiang.

   He finally put her into this big production crew to be the first female lead, and it didn't take long for her to do something for him.

   He knew that the second girl, Bai Fumei, who came out to play tickets from a wealthy family, was not much worse than their Yuan family.

   Just entered the circle, not many people know the identity of the other party.

   If it wasn't for playing the female lead directly, it would be too high-profile for a pure newcomer. The other party was afraid that he would not be able to control and be scolded by the audience. How could Bo Xiangxiang be the female lead.

   So he refused directly, and Bo Xiangxiang politely asked him to help clean up the other party's crying.

   Bo Xiangxiang was also angry with Yuan Hanyi, but he didn't dare to offend him, after all, he is still her financial master.

   can only pretend to be tolerant on the face, and hang up the phone with secret hatred.

   Feeling the gazes from several assistants and the burning pain on his face, Bo Xiangxiang couldn't swallow this breath again, and he didn't want to lose face when taking out.

   If she doesn't come back with revenge, what will the crew think of her?

   So he called Feng Yuhao and complained very tactfully, saying that the second girl bullied her.

   Feng Yuhao doesn't really love Bo Xiangxiang, after all, his true love has already been worn out.

   But recently, he is very interested in hooking up with Bo Xiangxiang, and he is more macho.

   I feel that my woman was beaten, which is not bad, I have to support it!

   So he used the connection of the Feng family to ban the second female who beat Bo Xiangxiang.

  The second daughter was born in a wealthy family, and the family power is stronger than the Feng family, which is now beginning to decline.

   After knowing that the Feng family was looking for someone to block her, they also asked the family for help.

   So Bo Xiangxiang suffered from the consequences, but instead became the target of being banned.

   The female lead role in this play was directly replaced, and the director and others applauded.

   They also looked at Yuan Hanyi's face before, and they had no choice but to give Bo Xiangxiang the role of the female lead.

   Although Bo Xiangxiang's acting skills are not too bad, his attitude is not serious, and his relationship with the crew is not good, and he has a direct hatred with the second female.

   It would be like setting off firecrackers for such a person to be sent away.

  The director said goodbye, and when the crew heard that Bo Xiangxiang was gone, they also celebrated in private.

   After the second female's family knew about the beating, they blocked Bo Xiangxiang and deprived her of all her current resources.

   In addition to the female lead role in this drama, Yuan Hanyi helped her to get the second female lead in the other big production drama, which was also removed, as well as two commercials and a love variety show.

   The father of the second daughter called Yuan Hanyi personally, and he assured the other party that he would never take care of this matter.

   also informed the company to keep Bo Xiangxiang in ice.

  Bo Xiangxiang was not convinced and ran to find Yuan Hanyi, but was coaxed back by him.

   just means, she offended someone he could not offend, so she could only be blocked and hidden.

   Waiting for the other party's anger to subside, after a while he held her again.

  Bo Xiangxiang could see Yuan Hanyi's attitude to deal with it, but she had no choice but to agree with grievances.

   At the same time, I also regret very much, why did I have an impulse to smoke that woman before.

   It's all Luo Ning's evil spirit, otherwise she wouldn't be angry and slapped the woman hard.

   And these two slaps also cut off her career in the entertainment industry.

   Bo Xiangxiang was anxious. She was used to luxury goods and spending money lavishly. She had to live in poverty, and she couldn't stand it.

   So he can only aim at marrying into a wealthy family.

   After trying to find out that Yuan Hanyi had no plans to marry her, and the family background of a few spares could not reach the level of a wealthy family, she set her sights on Feng Yuhao.

   Take the initiative to contact each other.

   In the evening, Bo Xiangxiang served Feng Yuhao again, which made him feel good.

   Under her cry, she agreed to marry her.

   Of course, in addition to being satisfied with Bo Xiangxiang's service, there is also the blessing effect of the marriage talisman.

   The next day, Bo Xiangxiang urged Feng Yuhao to pull up the marriage certificate.

   After all, she was also afraid that Feng Yuhao would change his mind, and that the rest of the Feng family would object.

   So he coaxed Feng Yuhao to perform a slash first and then play.

  Luo Ning was a little surprised when she received the news that the two were getting married. After all, the speed of the two was too fast.

   But soon he thought of the key, Bo Xiangxiang couldn't get along in the entertainment industry by himself, and if he couldn't realize his dream of being a top actress, then he would realize the dream of a wealthy family.

  Lu Xun was sitting opposite him drinking coffee when he saw her dazedly smiling and asked, "What's wrong?"

  Luo Ning replied with a smile, "Bo Xiangxiang and Feng Yuhao have already made up their minds."

   "It's pretty fast, but these two are really a good match." Lu Xun chuckled.

  Luo Ning particularly agreed, "Yes, scum and scum, a pair made in heaven."

   Then she added with a schadenfreude, "The Feng family has a good show to watch."

   (end of this chapter)

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