Chapter 327 Not Simple

   Luo Ning doesn't care about this person's attitude and hatred.

  Luo Ying said to Luo Ning apologetically again: "Brother Ning, sorry, that person came for me, not against you."

   "I'm sorry for causing you trouble." She felt very embarrassed.

  Luo Ning looked at Luo Ying's sweet little face with a bit of cute baby fat, smiled and touched her head, "It's okay."

   "I think someone is looking for you over there, go ahead." She looked in the direction Luo Chun'er ran past, and two people were walking quickly.

  Luo Ying turned her head and glanced, and sure enough, someone came looking for her again.

   Afraid of causing trouble to the idol, she nodded with a smile, "Okay, then I'll go first, see you Ning Ge!"

  Luo Ning nodded, "Goodbye!"

   Watching Luo Ying walk over, Luo Ning and Lu Xun also got on the elevator from one side.

   Zu Xiao had already had someone book a room to check in, and the room card had been given to Luo Ning, so they didn't need to go to the front desk.

   There are surveillance cameras all the way to the hotel and on the elevator, and the two did not speak.

   When he reached the door of the room, Lu Xun said with a smile, "Shall I go in and sit?"

  His room is next door, obviously he has something to talk to Luo Ning.

   Luo Ning opened the door and said with a smile, "Come in."

   Putting down the bag, Luo Ning picked up two bottles of water from the table and handed one to Lu Xun.

   She smiled and asked, "Are you trying to talk about my little fan just now?"

  Lu Xun reached out to help her get the bottle of water first, unscrewed the bottle cap, and then handed it to her, "Well, have you guessed her identity?"

   Luo Ning took the water and smiled: "You will spoil me like this."

   She is a woman, so there is no such thing as unscrewing the bottle cap.

  Lu Xun's eyes are full of spoiled, "I am happy to spoil you."

   The atmosphere between the two was a bit ambiguous, Luo Ning's face became hot, and she changed the subject, "Listening to the conversation just now, Luo Ying should be my aunt's daughter."

  Luo Ying gave her a very kind feeling, not because she was the idol of the other party, but from her relatives.

   "She should be. According to the information I found before, Luo Yihan changed her surname directly for her daughter after returning to Luo's house."

   "This matter is the default of the Luo family, so her husband and Luo family didn't say anything."

   Luo Ning nodded: "That's it, no wonder we look at each other very kindly and like each other."

   Then he opened the rouge box that Luo Ying had given, and it contained the finest cinnabar.

   She chuckled: "Little girl quite understands my hobbies."

   Those who are good at drawing talismans, of course, like the best cinnabar, but there is no sale outside.

   She said again: "This time I came out and gained a lot. As soon as I came, I met my aunt's daughter."

  Lu Xun nodded in agreement, "This is a good start."

   "It's just that I see the little girl and the people who came with the Luo family, the relationship is not very good."

   He added, "The adopted daughter she mentioned is not in the information I found. It should be a complicated identity."

   Those who can find detailed information on their side, but their identities are not so mysterious.

   On the contrary, it is someone who cannot be found, which is not easy.

  For example, Luo Ning's father Luo Yicheng, who disappeared and returned, couldn't find any information about his recent situation in their special department and the information above.

  Luo Ning asked with a smile: "Why do you think she is not simple, and she is not an insignificant figure in the Luo family?"

  Lu Xun replied: "How can it be easy to make the Luo family's adopted daughter kneel and lick and hold, and rely on the opponent's power to openly challenge Luo Ying, the granddaughter of the owner of the family."

   Luo Ning nodded and smiled: "I think so too."

   She also heard from the conversation between the two that the identity and status of the so-called adopted daughter were not easy in the Luo family.

   And obviously, the relationship between the other party and Luo Ying is not good.

   The two sat for a while before Lu Xun got up and went back to his room.

   After about two hours, Zu Xiao's people came to the hotel to pick up Luo Ning and the two to go to the old house of their ancestors.

After    Luo Ning and the two got off the bus, Zu Xiao greeted them with a smile.

   "Master Luo, Young Master Lu, please!"

  The two followed Zu Xiao into the old house. At this time, a middle-aged woman dressed in extravagance was talking with the five people in the living room.

  Especially to the young woman with a cold temperament and a good-looking appearance, she was very polite.

  Luo Ning guessed at once that this should be the adopted daughter of the Luo family that Luo Ying and Luo Chuner talked about before.

   Looking at the appearance and temperament of this adopted daughter, it is indeed extraordinary, and she has the demeanor of a lady from an aristocratic family in her demeanor, and her identity is indeed not simple.

  Although she is also an adopted daughter, the status of this person and Luo Xiner in the Luo family is absolutely different.

   Seeing Zu Xiao brought the two back, the middle-aged woman swept Luo Ning with contempt in her eyes, but she didn't show it on her face.

   She didn't stand up, but greeted Luo Ning and the two of them enthusiastically, "The two guests, please sit down!"

   Then he ordered the servants to serve tea to the two of them.

   Zu Xiao couldn't help frowning at her performance.

   His lady was really not on the stage, which made him a little unhappy.

   This was a marriage that his mother had decided while she was still alive, so after returning to take over the Zu clan to take revenge, his wife's family took the marriage contract between the two families to the door.

  Because of his mother, he didn't like other women either, so he married people in according to the marriage contract.

  Although she found out after she got married and entered the door, she was more vain, ostentatious, and somewhat petty, but since she married into the door, he would also be responsible.

   She didn't get involved in treating her brother's illness very much before, but this time she suddenly invited the famous Luo family Feng Shui master.

   He was a little relieved, after all, she also showed that she still valued her brother.

   It's just that he has such a cold attitude towards the master he invited, which makes him feel that she is really confused.

  Luo Ning and Lu Xun didn't care, they walked to the empty seats and sat down.

   Zu Xiao sat beside Lu Xun and introduced each other with a smile.

   He first introduced Luo Ning to the cold woman on the opposite side, "This is Master Luo Yuefeng Luo from the Luo family."

   introduced Luo Ning to the cold woman again, "This is Master Luo Ningluo whom I invited from Huaxia."

  Luo Yuefeng glanced at Luo Ning and nodded lightly as a greeting.

   It seems that Luo Ning is not in his eyes.

   Luo Ning nodded coldly when she saw the other party's attitude, which was also a greeting.

  Luo Chuner didn't expect to meet this little star again here, and this person turned into some kind of master, which is really funny.

   She looked at Luo Ning, then asked Zu Xiao, "Mr. Zu, is this a Feng Shui master?"

   "Yes, she is Master Luo who I invited."

   Zu Xiao felt that this person was very unfriendly to Luo Ning, and he was not very happy, but Luo Ning was invited by him.

  Luo Chuner kindly reminded, "I heard that this is a star, Mr. Zu, don't be deceived."

   She herself does not believe that Luo Ning is a Feng Shui master, so she wants to expose each other in public.

Today's update is over, thank you for your tips and votes~~ I have a busy day today, and then I will drive home. It is estimated that it will be very late, so tomorrow's update time will be changed to around 13:00 noon, and it will be gone after 0:00 ~ What?



   (end of this chapter)

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