Chapter 329

  Luo Ning saw that the Zu Xiao brothers' attitude was not bad, and was not going to embarrass them.

   She nodded: "Okay, I'll also help Zu Shao take a look."

   Zu Yu smiled and asked Luo Ning, "Master Luo, do you need me to sit down?"

   Luo Ning shook his head, "No, I can watch it here."

  Luo Chun'er rolled her eyes when she heard this, and muttered in a low voice, "Just pretend."

   But the people present ignored her.

  Although Luo Yuefeng also felt that Luo Ning was a bit pretentious, she still disliked Luo Chun'er and felt ashamed.

  You just have to know what you have in mind, why complain about it, no brains.

  Luo Ning is even less attracted to people like Luo Chuner.

   When Luo Yuefeng watched Zu Yu, she also watched him.

   She said directly to Zu Yu, "Young Master Zu, you were kidnapped when you were fifteen years old. When you escaped, you ate that ganoderma lucidum tonic tonic, which caused your body's yang fire to be too high, causing your physique to explode."

   then pointedly reminded: "The method you are purging Yang, although it can indeed consume excess Yang fire, but it will cause physical weakness, costing the body's capital, but the gains outweigh the losses."

  Luo Ning just said these two sentences, but the Zu Xiao brothers stared wide-eyed, looking astonished, obviously Luo Ning was right.

   These two sentences made her and Luo Yuefeng's strengths stand out.

  Luo Yuefeng needs to ask Zu Xiao to sit close to him, check his pulse, and carefully check his palmistry and face before he can draw a general conclusion.

   Ke Luo Ning can tell the problem in detail just by sitting not far away and watching, which is amazing.

  Zu Yu was kidnapped on a mountain back then. He secretly took the opportunity to run away, but got lost in the mountain.

   Later, I was very hungry, I accidentally found a Ganoderma lucidum, and ate it raw.

  Although he did not starve to death, he persisted until the rescued person, but because of the excess of Ganoderma lucidum nourishing Yang, his physique broke out completely.

   The matter of eating Lingzhi is known only to the Zu Xiao brothers and the doctor who saw the doctor at that time.

  The doctor is still far abroad, and it is impossible to disclose this news to Luo Ning alone.

   And the reminder behind her is also a secret.

   Before Zu Xiao invited a Feng Shui master to see his brother's illness. At that time, the other party came up with an idea to let Zu Yu have a relationship with a woman to vent the fire.

   Zu Yu didn't want to do this before, but after the age of eighteen, his physical condition became more and more serious, to the point where life was worse than death.

   Zu Xiao really had no choice, so he spent money to find a regular female companion for him.

After the    relationship, he did gain some control over his physique, and Zu Yu's feeling that the blood vessels in his whole body would want to burst from time to time also eased a lot.

   But the whole person's complexion is getting worse and worse.

   This made Zu Xiao even more worried.

   is also the reason why he hurried to invite someone after he found out that Yi Lingfeng’s constitution was resolved.

   And the two brothers knew about this, which means Luo Ning saw it by himself.

   Zu Yu blushed and was a little embarrassed, "Master Luo, you are really amazing, you can see it all."

   "I, I can't help it either. I used to feel as uncomfortable as I was about to explode every day, so I did that." He hurriedly explained again.

   His brother had also made it clear to the woman before that the other party was willing to help him for money.

   Of course, if he wanted to survive, he had to rely on such a method, and he was actually quite uncomfortable.

  Luoning nodded, "Your method is only useful in the short term. It can cure the symptoms but not the root cause, and it also hurts the body. The sequelae are very serious, so I suggest you stop using it."

  Zu Yu nodded, "I also feel that my body is very weak recently, I will not use this method in the future."

   He has a feeling of being hollowed out now, but at night, he is alive and well, and he has a lot of energy to vent, which is very disadvantageous.

   Zu Xiao was anxious, "The sequelae of this method are very serious? Can you remedy it?"

   His current relatives are his younger brother, and he is twenty years older than Zu Yu. It is not an exaggeration to say that he raised his younger brother as a son.

   So no matter what the cost, he is happy.

  Luoning reassured: "Fortunately, your brother didn't start using this method until he was eighteen years old. It's only half a year later. The sequelae will cause weakness the next day, and it's not too serious."

   "You can make up for it by eating a few nourishing qi pills."

   Hearing this, Zu Xiao was relieved, "That's good."

   Compared to Luo Yuefeng, who came out of the Luo family, he now believes in Luo Ning more.

   It is true that hearing is false and seeing is true, Luo Ning is indeed better than Luo Yuefeng.

   Luo Yuefeng, who was sitting, still had the indifferent expression from before, and she could not tell whether she was happy or not.

   But he was also surprised in his heart.

   She had heard Luo Chuner saying that Luo Ying liked a little star, and she was pestering others to get autographs.

   In the hotel during the day, she glanced at Luo Ning from a distance.

   also met at her ancestral home. She really didn't take each other seriously, even if she felt like an old enemy.

   But now he finds that he underestimates the enemy. It seems that this Luo Ning is indeed better than her in facial features.

   After all, she had to combine the pulse and the look to judge Zu Xiao's situation, and the other party not only looked at it like this, but could also tell more detailed and secret things.

   Luo Ning pointed out the reminder at the back, and she also guessed the method.

   When she took the pulse of Zu Xiao, she found that the situation on the other party was somewhat contradictory. The Yang Huo deficiency seemed to be under some control recently, but the body was even weaker.

   She was puzzled before, but now she understands, it turned out to be a balance between men and women.

   It's a pity that Zu Yu's body is already weak, and he can't bear such consumption at all, so the gains outweigh the losses.

  Although Luo Ning solved the doubts in her heart, she was not half happy, but could not help but feel a sense of crisis.

   She looked at Luo Ning and asked, "Master Luo, do you have a way to completely cure the ancestors?"

   She is currently ranked first in strength among the younger generation of the Luo family, and even many of the older generation are not as good as her.

   Because of this, she can judge that Zu Yu's situation is very special. Except for the uncle who has the hope of helping to cure it, it is impossible for other people to do it.

   Luo Ning couldn't see the meaning of Luo Yuefeng's words.

   implies that even if she could see this, it would be useless if she couldn't cure Zu Yu's physique.

   After all, Luo Yuefeng said before that her uncle might be able to cure it.

   Luo Ning replied; "It's really not easy to cure, but it's not impossible."

  Luo Yuefeng has not spoken yet, Zu Xiao asked excitedly: "Master Luo, do you have a way to cure my brother's constitution?"

   Luo Ning didn't take Joe, "Yes, but it will take time."

   "How long will it take?" Zu Xiao asked again.

   In the hospital before, the doctors said that if his brother continued in this situation, he would not live to be twenty-five years old.

   If it takes more than seven or eight years, it will be a little troublesome.

  Luo Ning replied truthfully: "It will take about half a year to use some special treatments, combined with pills specially designed to disperse yang and replenish qi and blood."

   The rest of the chapter has not been written yet, about 10 o'clock~

   Thank you for your concern, I feel much better when I come back from the slingshot except my body is weak. I will go for another day tomorrow and it should be almost the same~



   (end of this chapter)

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