After The Breakup, I Became Popular In the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 335: Naturally deserve to suffer the consequences of being discovered

   Chapter 335 Naturally, you should suffer the consequences of being discovered

   Luo Ning had already discussed with Zu Xiao about the payment for the treatment.

   Because Zu Yu is a physical problem, it is more troublesome to treat and it takes a long time.

   After that, Zu Yu will go to the farm on the mountain to live temporarily. There is a formation arranged by Luo Ning, and every day he stays will benefit his body a lot.

   So she proposed that a treatment fee of 100 million is needed, including a complete cure for Zu Yu's constitution.

The price of    sounds a bit scary, but it’s actually not expensive. After all, it takes a lot of spiritual power to make pills, and the things that are consumed by arranging the formation method cannot actually be measured by money.

  These things, many times, no amount of money can buy them.

   For Zu Xiao, 100 million yuan to treat his brother's illness is not a big problem.

   All these years, the cost of hiring Feng Shui mystic masters and hospitalization has already cost hundreds of millions.

   Luo Ning's fee is very reasonable. If it is replaced by some feng shui master, it will cost one billion yuan, and he will have to take it out to treat his brother.

   After all, in his heart, the only thing he can earn after the money is gone is that his brother's life is the most important thing.

   Luo Ning proposed to pay half of it first, which is also kind.

   Zu Xiao smiled and said, "I trust Master Luo's ability very much, so I don't need to pay half and half. I'll call you all first."

   "Master Luo will need money later, and it will be more convenient."

   He has always been a person who does not need to be suspicious of people. Luo Ning's treatment is really effective, and he is really good at feng shui, so he doesn't need to deduct half of the money.

   In addition to participating in the auction, the price of the batch of medicinal materials Luo Ning asked him to help to buy was not cheap.

   He might as well be a personal relationship, and let Luo Ning know that he trusts her and has a good relationship.

   Of course, if Luo Ning dared to lie to him, he would naturally have the means to retaliate.

   But he trusts Luo Ning more, believing that she is not those charlatans.

   For Zu Xiao's trust, Luo Ning still uses it.

   Therefore, she did not reject Zu Xiao's good intentions, "Okay, I have accepted Mr. Zu's intentions."

After chatting for a while, Zu Xiao remembered what he had checked before, and still said to Luo Ning: "Master Luo, I have already checked it here, that century-old fake yellow essence is a woman named Luo Chuner from my wife's Luo family. I bought it in my hand."

   He also sighed, "I really didn't expect that such a famous Feng Shui family would have such a harmful Feng Shui master."

   is even more fortunate that he did not hand over his younger brother to the feng shui master of the Luo family for treatment.

  Luo Ning smiled unexpectedly, "There are all kinds of birds when the forest gets bigger, but what she does is too sinister and harms the world."

   She asked: "Is Luo Chun'er the only one involved in this matter?"

   Zu Xiao replied: "What I found here is that Luo Chun'er did it behind other people's back."

   "Before my wife contacted the feng shui master of Luo's family, and it was also her line."

"I guess she also saw that my wife didn't want my brother to be cured. After hearing from my wife that I had gathered the medicinal materials you asked for, she came up with the idea and asked my wife to replace the Huang Jing in it. She just happened to have it. There is one that can be confused with the real one.”

"After I found out that my wife got this fake Huang Jing, she didn't rush to change it, but took it to several herbal appraisers and Chinese medicine practitioners. Those people said that it was a hundred-year-old Huang Jing, so she came to steal it. replaced."

   This is also Luo Ning's greatness, otherwise if, like those people, he didn't identify the real and fake Huang Jing, the consequences would be as the people who calculated behind him wished.

  Her wife has always been very cautious in her actions, and she did not ignore it when she was instigated.

   But it is precisely because of this that he is even more chilled. The calculation from the person next to him is terrible.

   Luo Ning said: "They can calculate."

   Luo Chuner was the only one who participated, and Luo Ning was not surprised.

   With that Luo Yuefeng's scheming means, it is impossible to do such a thing of taking the initiative to give the handle to others.

   Zu Xiao sneered, "They really think I'm a soft persimmon."

  Divorce is imperative, and he will take care of those white-eyed wolves who can't get enough to feed his wife's parents.

   As for Luo Chun'er, he wouldn't be foolish enough to deal directly with the Luo family. After all, the feng shui family that has passed on for thousands of years, the means are not understood by ordinary people like them.

  If he is looking for trouble with the Luo family, they will send a powerful old Fengshui master out to do something with his family's Yin or Yang residence, and he has no way of knowing and guarding against it.

   But choosing not to provoke the Luo family doesn't mean that he can't do something to make that Luo Chun'er deflated.

   Even he brought a bit of anger towards Luo Yuefeng. If he can't manage such a family junior, don't bring it out to harm others.

   Therefore, he has been in the circle of the upper-class billionaires recently, and has released news of what happened in the past few days.

   Anyway, he wants to tear up his face with his wife's mother's family, so there is no family shame in him.

   When the time comes, he will see if these rich people dare to use these new young Feng Shui masters from the Luo family.

  Luo Ning knew at a glance that Zu Xiao wouldn't let it go, so she was relieved and did not waste her previous reminder.

  Luo Chuner wanted to count on her, so naturally she should suffer the consequences of being discovered.

   After sitting for a while, Luo Ning and Lu Xun left.

   These two times, Lu Xun drove his own car.

   Sitting in the car, Luo Ning received a message from Luo Ying and asked her if she had time to go out and sit.

  Luo Ning had been waiting for Luo Ying to contact her, and she agreed with a smile on her lips when she saw the news.

   Then the two agreed to meet in a high-end cafe an hour later.

  Luo Ning looked sideways at Lu Xun and asked, "Luo Ying asked me out, do you think I should take the initiative to reveal my identity?"

  Lu Xun said with a smile, "Actually, you already have a plan in your heart. I support you to tell her."

   "After all, in this way, you can better inquire about your father's whereabouts and news."

   "It can be seen that Luo Ying really likes you, and her temperament is not bad. Even if you reveal your identity, she should only be happy."

   Luo Ning chuckled, "Sure enough, Lu Yingdi understands me!"

  Lu Xun raised his lips, "That's it."

   Now Luo Ning is starting to trust him more and more and open her heart, which is a good thing, it shows that their relationship has gone further.

   He said again: "I'll take you there."

   Luo Ning nodded: "Okay!"

   When the two arrived at the parking lot near the cafe, there were still more than 20 minutes before the agreed time.

  Luo Ning was going to wait first, but Lu Xun didn't follow this time. After all, it was inconvenient for him to talk about what the two of them wanted to talk about.

   So he took the computer and went to another cafe to work, waiting for Luo Ning.

   For Lu Xun's consideration and care, Luo Ning's heart is warm and happy.

   And decided to think about the relationship between them, although she suffered a lot of damage in the previous life, but she can't be afraid of the arrival of other love because of this.

   After getting along for so long, she had a good impression of Lu Xun, and she had gradually fallen in love with him.

   It's just that she always felt like she forgot something important before, so she never broke it and made their relationship further.

  Before coming to Fragrant Island, she had a strong premonition that she might be able to solve this problem this time.

   (end of this chapter)

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